From: (Charles Lasner) Subject: Re: Why a DECmate isn't a PDP-8 Date: Sun, 7 Mar 1993 03:05:55 GMT This is the second in a series of posts about why the DECmate series of small computers is not quite what we know as a PDP-8. Part one dealt with the few minor CPU issues and detailed the significent differences in the console interfaces between all PDP-8 (and VT-78) models and the DECmates. 2a) Consequences of the console problems and what to do about them. Since the console interface is hopelessly "mangled" we have to learn to live with it. Existing PDP-8 programs designed for the various OSes will have to be either supported as is or be changed for DECmate and PDP-8 use. P?S/8 has already undergone a console "overhaul" such that all system programs can now be run on any model of PDP-8, VT-78, PDP-12, or DECmate. (The family of 8 rule applied to P?S/8 as well as OS/8, thus neither will run on a PDP-5 or PDP-8/s.) To accomplish a compatible console interface compromise, the following rules were laid down: If a program is meant to strictly run on a PDP-8 or VT-78 only, then it can assume the old-style console interface exists. Thus, *only* on a PDP-8 can the following code or equivalent be used: KSF /FLAG UP? JMP NOT /FORGET IT KRS /READ IT IN NOW; DON'T DISTURB THE FLAG AND (177) /GET RID OF PARITY BIT TAD (-3) /COMPARE TO ^C SZA CLA /SKIP IF IT MATCHES JMP CLRIT /JUMP IF OTHER / DO WHAT'S NEEDED HERE, SUCH AS SET THE DF TO 00, ETC. JMP I (7600) /KEYBOARD MONITOR WILL NOTICE THE ^C CLRIT, KCC /CLEAR THE FLAG WE NOTICED ON OTHER THAN ^C NOT, CLA /CONTINUE PROCESSING; NO ^C PRESSED This code is applicable to OS/8 and P?S/8, but only on PDP-8's, not DECmates. The changes to the keyboard monitor of either system has to still include the check for ^C by noticing the KSF skips, execute KRB and check if the character is ^C and take the appropriate action, etc. Note that the pre-DECmate P?S/8 and all pre-V4 OS/8 family systems essentially worked this way, etc. To function on the DECmate, P?S/8 was modified so that there is a new system concept: the "soft ^C" bit. In this specific case, it was defined as bit[11] of the memory size word in 007611 to facilitate being set with an ISZ instruction, etc. Here is a reworked piece of code that can function only on the newly reworked P?S/8 system: KSF /FLAG UP? JMP NOT /FORGET IT KRB /WE MUST READ THE CHARACTER IN AND (177) /GET RID OF PARITY BIT TAD (-3) /COMPARE TO ^C SZA CLA /SKIP IF IT MATCHES JMP NOT /JUMP IF OTHER / DO WHAT'S NEEDED HERE, SUCH AS SET THE DF TO 00, ETC. ISZ I (7611) /SET THE "^C WAS HIT" BIT JMP I (7600) /KEYBOARD MONITOR WILL NOTICE THE ^C The keyboard monitor in this case won't have a skipping KSF, but since it also examines bit[11] of 007611, it will notice the abort that way. Thus, we have an equivalent of the original code that works on either PDP-8 or DECmate hardware, but only under the new operating system. This code has an additional advantage: certain applications run from an alternate device where a user abort can occur, such as another terminal on other than devices 03/04, etc. This could be a serial printer with a keyboard, or a graphics terminal, etc., where it could be desirable to write an application that would have the option of user abort from this alternate device. The program can check for its local abort condition and exit as the replacement console routines would above, thus logically extending the operation to the alternate device. OS/8 requires modification to allow a similar abort exit that is as generic. The keyboard monitor will have to be made sensitive to a new bit, as well as responding to a skipping KSF/KRB combination that detects ^C, which will allow compatibility with older programs, but only if the hardware is actually a PDP-8 or VT-78, etc. The current candidate is 007601, which is the function word in OS/8's memory save routine that is initiated in 007600. The breakdown of that word is: 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ^______________________ Indicates this call is a write function ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ___________ Indicates that 8 pages should be written out ^ ^ ^ Indicates that field 00 is to be used ^ ^ ^ These bits are usually undefined The use of bits[9-11] of the function word of OS/8 are not defined for any file-structured device with a minor exception: bit[11] being set is optionally to be set for the benefit of the existing DECtape/LINCtape handlers to indicate that the caller believes that there is less overhead directing the handler to initiate searching for the requested block in the forward direction, whereas the default is to search backwards. Statistically, most searches ought to be initiated backwards on these devices because it is likely that the next tape transfer is contiguous to the previous one. However, once the latest transfer is completed, it is impossible to restart another transfer without backing up the tape because the latest block has already partially gone by. Thus, in practice, the only calls that can benefit are those where the caller needs widely spread out information stored on known blocks that are futher apart than the overshoot factor of the tape (typically 2-3 blocks must be skipped to make use of an additional forward transfer; the DECtape copy program makes use of this feature by only copying half the tape deliberately skipping over many blocks, and then copying only the previously skipped blocks while spinning the tape in the reverse direction skipping over the previously copied blocks.). In actual fact, there are only a small handful of static calls within OS/8 that are made with this bit set, due to the design of OS/8 lacking much need for the feature of search direction override; the usual OS/8 component isn't forward of the previously read in component, etc. Thus, while a useful feature in principle, not much of OS/8 sets the bit because in the static sense, there isn't too much that can be done to predict this situation. Actually, this is unfortunate, since in the dynamic sense, there are quite a few more situations where the actual call could have been made more efficiently had the handler been aware of the circumstances which were not told to the handler. In P?S/8, the OS tells the handler nothing at all in this regard, yet overall performance is noticeably better. Part of the reason for this is that in P?S/8 DECtape handlers, the handler is internally responsible for maintaining the current position of the tape. Any call will be used to determine whether to search forward or backwards based solely on the current tape position info obtained from the previous call to the handler. Years ago I wrote such a handler for OS/8 that ignores bit[11] in the function word and instead maintains this "dead reckoning" on its own. If interest is warranted, I can locate this code and make it available to the user community. (It is not an exact knee-jerk "clone" of the standard OS/8 TC01/08 DECtape handler as there are design philosophy differences on other issues as well, but IMHO any user would appreciate the differences and would prefer my handler to the standard one.) In any case, it is clear that the following handlers are up for consideration: TC01/08 system and non-system handlers. TD8E system and non-system handlers and the TD8E MR-8EC ROM system handler. PDP-12 LINCtape handler LINC-8 LINCtape hander for a modified LINC-8 and the non-system handler. Also the 12K system handler for an unmodified LINC-8 and a possible two-page handler for use as a non-system handler on original hardware. The TC01/08 system consideration was outlined above. The TD8E system handler is also written to obey this bit. Among other considerations already implemented in P?S/8 is the same optimization for search direction on this hardware. It is likely that both the system and non-system handlers can be made similarly "smarter". The ROM-based system ignores the bit. The PDP-12 hardware is too complicated to allow the OS/8 handlers to deal with the bit, so all transfers are made starting with a reverse search. It is conceivable that the LINC-8 handlers can be made similarly smarter; the modified LINC-8 hardware includes helpouts to the handler for P?S/8 to accomplish this already, but it isn't clear that the non-system handler for an unmodified machine can accomplish this in less than two pages. In any case, it would appear that an adequate job can be done to eradicate the need for this bit in OS/8 completely. The worst-case consequence of the bit is that the call to save memory during the exit via 007600 would involve a transfer initiated with a forward search. (And it's conceivable that this might even be the proper thing to do!) There are no other OS/8 handlers that pay attention to this bit. (Note, there are non-file-structured devices that use these bits; this is irrelevant!) So, a replacement console routine for OS/8 Version 5 would be the same as the P?S/8 example, except that the location being incremented would be 007601, not 007611. The OS/8 keyboard monitor would have to be made sensitive to bit[11] of 007601 as well as the case of the KSF/KRB skip of a ^C but only on PDP-8 hardware. Thus, a replacement OS/8 system can be built for use on PDP-8's or DECmates, but every system program that requires DECmate application must be upgraded to the new standard. Along the way, some other issues will be addressed, such as creeping model dependencies, which must be eliminated to allow one system version to run on all of the machines it ought to, which is not currently the case in OS/8. (P?S/8 already has accomplished this: you can carry a single RX01-type 8" floppy disk to any appropriately configured machine all the way from a classic 1965 PDP-8 through a DECmate II and boot that very same disk on any of the machines.) Next time, more DECmate-specific quirks that impede compatibility due to other problems, etc. cjl