From: (Charles Lasner) Subject: Re: Why a DECmate isn't a PDP-8 Date: Sun, 7 Mar 1993 15:45:36 GMT This is the third in a series of posts about why the DECmate series of small computers is not quite what we know as a PDP-8. Already covered are the minor CPU issues, and the significent differences in the console interfaces between all PDP-8s and all DECmates, and what can be done about these particular consequences, etc. 3) Disk issues. Systems such as OS/8 and P?S/8 have to be configured for whatever machine-specific disk environment they run on, so in theory, this aspect of compatibility shouldn't be an issue. However, there are some problematic compatibility details anyway. The DECmate I is essential compatible on this issue, as the boot device of the DECmate I is either an RX01/02 or an RL02. The only actual difference between the DECmate I RX interface and a PDP-8 version is that the VT-78-style interface is present, i.e., the software has to deal with the potential of two pairs of RX drives. This is controlled by the SEL IOT (6750) which is defined as: load pair select per AC[11] where 0=the drive pair found on the PDP-8 and 1=the optional pair found only on the VT-78 or DECmate I (VT-278). Some system handlers for RX do not include the SEL instruction to ensure this condition, but it is the default state of the machine. All software, such as the non-system handler to access the second pair, is responsible for resetting the select line to ensure the proper functioning of the system handler; it is likely that certain, but not all, existing system handlers for RX usage will be so tightly coded that this convention must be obeyed, since this is another tradeoff of features and performance versus handler space that could not have been anticipated by the authors of these handlers. There are user-written RX handlers to accomplish such things as byte-mode transfers to gain back 33% more disk space over the standard DEC 12-bit mode. There are also handlers to allow for accompishing this with/without the use of the otherwise wasted space on track 0, and also to mimic the disk layout of COS and/or WPS to allow conversion programs such as WPFLOP to function. Still others are designed to be able to boot a byte-mode system so that the system device also benefits from the additional space, etc. There also exists a set of handlers for use on RT-11-style disk layout to gain faster throughput as well. The overall point here is that there has been a lot of RX work provided by the user community seeking performance beyond what little DEC has provided. By switching the "rules" and requiring the software maintain yet another item of "housekeeping" compromises these handlers yet further. (Even in 12-bit mode, it is impossible to accomplish all of the requirements of an RX handler in only two pages, the OS/8 upper limit. There exists an analogous handler for P?S/8 usage, which requires three pages; P?S/8 allows handlers up to 32 pages long. Thus, any two-page handler is compromised in some way, usually in the area of error recovery or performance, possibly only affecting certain models, etc.) The DECmate II complicates this issue further. On this specific machine, the RX-78 option allows for one or two pairs of RX01/02 (and at the same time prevents the RD51D hard disk option; you can either have one pair of RX50 and a hard disk or up to eight floppies implemented as two pairs of RX01/02 and two pairs of RX50). However, the selection interface of the DECmate II is incompatible with that of the VT-78 and DECMate I, and requires several more instructions to provide compatible selection with the prior models. Thus, all existing user-written and older DEC-provided handlers cannot run on the DECmate II. Only those that can be modified slightly can be made to run on this hardware (which is somewhat more difficult presently than necessary; see below). This issue is complicated further by a specific design "philosophy" of OS/278: In OS/8, the RX done flag is used as a status indicator. Assuming no interrupt enabled (or the RX device interrupt is specifically disabled; this is in the province of any interrupt-driven program designed for the machine, etc.) the done flag being up is used as an idle status indicator. The reason for this is that a handler can never know the current status of the drives when it is called; there could be a system reset in progress, which takes up to five seconds to complete. The convention for the handlers is to assume that you should wait for the done flag to raise, since it's already up or will be up (eventually) at which time you should proceed with the main work of the call. Handler exit is accomplished by executing an innocuous function that cannot fail (such as READ ERROR REGISTER) and then exiting without waiting for the function to complete. (The problem is that to test the done flag is to clear it, since the relevant IOT (SDN) is Skip on DoNe set, clear done flag.) Thus, the hardware is now in a favorable state for the next caller. Should a power-clear condition occur at some point, the handler will have to wait for up to five seconds, but can otherwise proceed, etc. When OS/278 was introduced, the new designers revised this convention. Under OS/278, the RX done flag is always assumed to be clear. This sometimes causes handlers to fail, or at the least go through some error recovery cycles before accomplishing the requested handler calls, etc. There exists some user programs that make the system crash when run from an OS/278 floppy, while functioning correctly when run from an OS/278 hard disk volume! All of this is traceable to bad interaction with the new convention. To operate under this convention will add an undue burden to the handlers written by the user community, and it isn't necessary. I have already written P?S/8 handlers that work perfectly fine under the original flag convention on the DECmate II hardware. (I have created a "bootable" RX01/02 P?S/8 system. Since the hardware of the DECmate II can only boot to an RX50 or hard disk volume, it is necessary to first boot to the RX50, then run a "re-boot" program to bring up the RX01/02-based P?S/8, which is meant to be booted directly on a PDP-8 or VT-78 or DECmate I, etc.) OS/8 version 5 will restore the original convention, and thus will require rewriting the DEC-style handlers accordingly. However, all user-written handlers will function as intended, i.e., will function only on the PDP-8 system they were designed for. If possible, all handlers should be modified to be compatible with the restrictions of all of the machines. (Some of the specific requirements are: 1) Must be able to have decent throughput on the slow VT-78; this is often not the case, especially on writes. 2) Must be able to support the SEL hardware of the VT-78/DECmate I, and preferably the DECmate II. 3) Should have decent error recovery if possible. In general, it's impossible to have all of this, especially if the format involves the use of byte-mode transfers, and the format is single density, thus requiring checking for the possibility of performing byte-mode single density transfers on RX02 as opposed to RX01 which programs slightly differently in this mode, etc.) In any case, the user-community software investment in RX utility will not go to waste. In the case of the DECmate I, there is only one consideration: the RL8A controller allows for the ability to support existing software for RL01 or RL02, but not both. There exists a support jumper on the RL8A hardware that prevents some unforeseen consequence from occuring regarding the bit normally used in the RL02 for additional seek cylinders, etc. Apparently, the jumper has to be set so that the hardware isn't subject to a mis-set bit in the software. Several theories exist as to what the proper setting of this bit is, that the hardware provides to the drives, etc. Possible examples are: 1) always one. 2) always zero. 3) Sign extension of the bit immediately to the right of this bit. 4) some form of parity. In any case, RL01 software doesn't maintain any consistent usage of this bit, so the hardware jumper is used to maintain compatibility. When the RL02 is used, the software correctly uses this (extra) bit. Thus, mixed systems of RL01 and RL02 are not allowed. In theory, if/when we find out what this bit setting is, we can possibly modify all of the RL01 software to support an RL01 in a controller where the bit is set for full RL02 support, similar to the existing PDP-11 support currently. In any case, RL8A users cannot currently mix RL01 and RL02 drives. The DECmate I RL-278 controller apparently lacks this jumper altogether, thus only allowing RL02 drives, until the software clean-up described is implemented. In the case of RL02 software specifically, the DECmate I is fully compatible. (This does assume that the software is *otherwise* compatible, such as with the DECmate console interface or CPU differences!) On the DECmate II, III, III+, new software has to be written for the RX50, since the DEC-provided OS/278 handlers instigate the above-mentioned flag incompatibility. This should prove as difficult as modifying the user-written handlers, etc. DECmate II and III+ hard disk volume software is essentially acceptable, up to a point, since this is the province of these machines only. Next time, problems of the RX50 and hard disk volume software not covered yet. cjl