OS/8 Version 3F 27-Jul-1995 This archive directory contains the source files for the OS/8 operating system version 3F that have been identified todate. This is not the complete release and may have been released as a maintenance update. The files listed below have been updated from the base V3D release and are useful in tracking the development of OS/8. The comments in OS8.PA denote this file as version 3F, but this file is NOT the same as the OS/78 V2 source. OS/8 V3F and OS/78 V2 seem to be parallel developments, since neither refers to the other. It is not known just when these files were released. The primary change to OS8 is adding access to memory above 32K. Contained here is the last known release of RESORC, which has been converted from the PAL to the MACREL assembler. Also here are new handlers (not in V3D) for the RL disks, RX02 floppies in several flavors, and VX virtual memory. The OS8V3F.EXE file is a self extracting ZIP file of the V3F sources included here. Simply run OS8V3F.EXE on a PC to extract the V3F source files. BLOAD.PA BOOT.PA BPAT.PA BUILD.PA CCL.BI CCL.MA CCLAT.MA CCLCD.MA CCLCDX.MA CCLCOR.MA CCLDAT.MA CCLDRV.MA CCLMSG.MA CCLPS.MA CCLREM.MA CCLRUN.MA CCLSB2.MA CCLSEM.MA CCLSIZ.MA CCLSUB.MA CCLTAB.MA CCLTBL.MA CD.PA FPAT.PA FUTIL.PA KL8E.PA OS78.BI OS8.PA PAL8.PA PIP.PA README.V3F RESORC.BI RESORC.MA RESOV0.MA RESOV1.MA RESOV2.MA RESOVD.MA RKA0.DI RKB0.DI RL0.PA RL1.PA RL2.PA RL3.PA RLC.PA RLFRMT.PA RLSY.PA RTL.PA RTS.PA RX78C.PA RXCOPY.PA RXNS.PA RXSY1.PA RXSY2.PA SAVECB.PA TECO.PA VXNS.PA VXSY.PA