& OS/78 V2 COMMAND SUMMARY ASSIGN Assign name to device LOAD Load file BASIC Enter BASIC system MAP Print bitmap CANCEL Shut down symbiont MEMORY Restrict memory usage COMPARE Compare source files ODT Run octal debugger COMPILE Compile file PAL Assemble file COPY Copy file Q Queue up file to be printed CREATE Open new file for editing R Run program from SYS: CREF Assemble and cref RENAME Rename file DATE Specify date REQUEST Start up symbiont DEASSI Deassign logical devices RUN Run program DELETE Delete file SAVE Save program image DIRECT Print directory SET Alter device characteristics DUPLIC Copy diskette SQUISH Compress device EDIT Edit file START Start program EXECUTE Compile and run SUBMIT Start BATCH GET Get program into memory TERMIN Enter terminal mode HELP List help information TYPE Type file LIST List file UA Store command ZERO Zero device &ABSLDR ABSLDR.SV @Calling commands: .LOAD dev:BINFILE.BN,... .LOAD BINFILE.BN,... /FROM DSK @Switches: /8 prog doesn't use below 02000 /9 prog doesn't use below 12000 /g go /I memory image file /R reset /S multiple binaries/file /n force loading to field n (n is an octal digit) =fnnnn set starting address &BASIC BASIC.SV @Calling commands: .BASIC @Internal commands: BYE exit from BASIC EDIT edit a line LIST list current program's statements NAME rename current program NEW prepare for a new program OLD retrieve an old program RUN run current program SAVE save current program SCRATCH delete current program SEQ begin auto sequence mode &COMPAR SRCCOM.SV @Calling commands: .COMPAR dev:OUTFILE.PA close previously opened loc nnB establish breakpoint close loc, open next loc B remove breakpoint ^ close,open loc addressed A open AC _ close,open loc pointed to L open link M open search mask C continue from breakpoint open lower search limit nnC continue nn times open upper search limit D open data field nnW search for nn in limits F open field for ^,_, W ^O supress printing &PAL PAL8.SV @Calling commands: .PAL dev:BINFILE.BN,dev:LISTFILE.LS,dev:TEMPFILE.TM executes it) .ZERO dev: /zero device's directory