OS/78 Version 4 System Generation 1.0 General Information System generation for OS/78 requires two system devices. In the ex- amples that follow, the "master" system was RK05-based, the object system was either RL01/RL02 or RX01/RX02. System generation also re- quires a PDP-8/e, OS/8 Version 3D, and MACREL/LINK Version 2 (or later) for the assembly and linking of the CCL program modules, the FORMAT.SV utility, and FORLIB.RL. The batch files provided are: CCLGEN.BI Assembles and links CCL FORMAT.BI Assembles the MACREL version of FORMAT FORLIB.BI Assembles and links FORLIB.RL BLDRxx.BI Uses BUILD.SV to create a "system head" RxxFIN.BI Finishes transfer of image files to the new system. NOTE: The above files must run under OS/8 on a PDP-8/e; the balance are supported by the VT278. BASGEN.BI Assembles BASIC FORGEN.BI Assembles FORTRAN run-time and monitor HANGEN.BI Assembles the handlers and creates the .HN image files UTLGEN.BI Assembles and creates the Utility program image files The files OS8V4.PA and CDV4.PA are assembled individually. The [binary] object files produced are then submitted to BUILD.SV to construct the "system head" and ABSLDR.SV. 2.0 System Generation For the generation of this particular version of OS/78, the master system resided on an RK05 with an OS/8 V3D monitor. This system also contained the necessary MACREL/LINK utilities for assembly of sources written in MACREL. The balance of the .PA (PAL8 assembly language sources) were stored on an RL02. Executable image files were stored on the master as .V4, .HN or as applicable for special cases, for example BASIC.OV. 2.1 Utility, Monitor and Language Image Files. Assemble the Utilities, Monitor and Langage image files with BASGEN.BI, FORGEN.BI, HANGEN.BI, and UTLGEN.BI. Move the image files to the master. Remember OS/78 does not preserve successive file generations so any .SV utility moved to the master will replace the OS/8 file of the same name and may not be compatible with the OS/8 monitor. Move BUILD.PA to the master. 2.2 CCL, FORLIB and FORMAT. If no changes to any of the FORLIB modules (.RA) were made, move the FORTRAN library FORLIB.RL to the master system. If changes were made, assemble and link the new FORLIB.RL. Assemble and link CCL; assemble FORMAT. Both image files are saved as "filename.V4". Page 2 2.3 Creating the "System Head". The term "system head" describes those OS/78 image files that are per- manently resident in blocks 0, and 7-67, plus ABSLDR.SV. Blocks 0 and 66 will contain the system device handler. The system head will also contain the device handlers that will be resident on the system. These may be replaced later with "SET HANDLER old device