Received: from (CHAOS 15044) by MC.LCS.MIT.EDU 1 Jun 89 12:37:38 EDT Received: from [] by id aa04194; 1 Jun 89 12:12 EDT Return-Path: Date: 1-Jun-89 18:13:16 +0200 From: Johnny Billquist To: Subject: RX8 vs. RX28. Message-ID: <12498700656.17.1113.22620@KICKI.STACKEN.KTH.SE> There exists both the RX8 and RX28 drive for the omnibus, RX8 using RX01, and RX28 using RX02, however, a paper of mine states that the RX28 consists of the RX8-E and an RX02. Is it possible to hang an RX02 drive to my RX8-E, use the RX28 device driver, and just be happy? /Johnny --------  Received: from AI.AI.MIT.EDU (CHAOS 3130) by MC.LCS.MIT.EDU 1 Jun 89 14:41:27 EDT Date: Thu, 1 Jun 89 14:41:06 EDT From: "Michael A. Patton" Subject: computer engineeing, a DEC view... To: convex!datri@UXC.CSO.UIUC.EDU cc: pdp8-lovers@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU In-reply-to: Msg of Fri 26 May 89 22:41:36 CDT from Anthony Datri Message-ID: <602752.890601.MAP@AI.AI.MIT.EDU> Date: Fri, 26 May 89 22:41:36 CDT From: Anthony Datri To: pdp8-lovers at Re: computer engineeing, a DEC view... [...] it was composed on a "DEC Word Processing system", [...], that probably means an 8/A or a WS78. A PDP-8 in a VT52: what could be more perfect? Exactly right! I know one of the authors, John McNamara. Digital press even lent him a WPS-8 system so that all the authors and the editors could exchange copy (on single density floppies).  Received: from AI.AI.MIT.EDU (CHAOS 3130) by MC.LCS.MIT.EDU 2 Jun 89 07:59:50 EDT Date: Fri, 2 Jun 89 07:59:07 EDT From: "Christopher R. Zach" Subject: Expansion and memory... To: BQT@KICKI.STACKEN.KTH.SE cc: pdp8-lovers@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU In-reply-to: Msg of 31-May-89 22:48:46 +0200 from Johnny Billquist Message-ID: <603517.890602.CZ@AI.AI.MIT.EDU> Johnny: Dec did a lot of that stuff with certian devices HAVING to be in certian places. I think the reason was so that field service would have an easier time of finding the different parts of the system. However, for best system results, it is a good idea to place the memory as close to the cpu as possible (this allows the cpu to work with the memory first, instead of going through a bunch of device controllers. CZ  Received: from AI.AI.MIT.EDU (CHAOS 3130) by MC.LCS.MIT.EDU 2 Jun 89 08:01:38 EDT Date: Fri, 2 Jun 89 08:00:51 EDT From: "Christopher R. Zach" Subject: RX8 vs. RX28. To: BQT@KICKI.STACKEN.KTH.SE cc: pdp8-lovers@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU In-reply-to: Msg of 1-Jun-89 18:13:16 +0200 from Johnny Billquist Message-ID: <603518.890602.CZ@AI.AI.MIT.EDU> Johnny: Forget it. The RX02 uses a different controller because it is a DMA device (RX01 used interrupts). Also, the RX01 control doesn't have the extra registers to handle DD disks. CZ  Received: from AI.AI.MIT.EDU (CHAOS 3130) by MC.LCS.MIT.EDU 3 Jun 89 01:09:06 EDT Date: Sat, 3 Jun 89 01:08:58 EDT From: "Robert E. Seastrom" Subject: New people on the PDP8-Lovers mailing list To: pdp8-lovers@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU Message-ID: <603670.890603.RS@AI.AI.MIT.EDU> I have added John MacDonald ( and Robert Malmgren ( to the PDP8-Lovers mailing list. John has a PDP-7 running; does anyone else out there have a PDP-7 or have experience with one? On a different note, I've finally found living accomodations where I have enough room that I can grab the 8/E from my parents' house and get it fired up (best not to grab ALL the 8s from Mom and Dad's place all at once, right Doug? ;-) Anyway, I suspect that the front panel is badly flaked out and maybe some other stuff wrong also, but I can't be sure unless I *know* that the front panel can be trusted. Does anyone out there have an 8/e and a little bit of spare time to spend on the phone with me twiddling switches and comparing results? ---Rob  Received: from (CHAOS 15044) by MC.LCS.MIT.EDU 4 Jun 89 18:48:51 EDT Received: from by id aa08613; 4 Jun 89 18:43 EDT Received: from localhost by with SMTP (5.61++/6.0.GT) id AA09810; Sun, 4 Jun 89 15:43:51 -0700 Posted-Date: Sun, 04 Jun 89 15:43:49 -0700 Message-Id: <> To: "Robert E. Seastrom" Cc:, Subject: Re: New people on the PDP8-Lovers mailing list In-Reply-To: Your message of "Sat, 03 Jun 89 01:08:58 EDT." <603670.890603.RS@AI.AI.MIT.EDU> Date: Sun, 04 Jun 89 15:43:49 -0700 From: Rob. I should have some time to get on the phone. I was trying to find out about a PDP7 the other day because of the UNIX which was believed to be available for it. Would it run on an 8? Give me a call 213 336-6940 7am-4pm more or less 515-1544 later at night  Received: from AI.AI.MIT.EDU (CHAOS 3130) by MC.LCS.MIT.EDU 8 Jun 89 00:09:15 EDT Date: Thu, 8 Jun 89 00:09:28 EDT From: "Robert E. Seastrom" Subject: What's a PDP-x ?? To: pdp8-lovers@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU Message-ID: <606351.890608.RS@AI.AI.MIT.EDU> If you folks have already seen this, please disregard it. If you haven't, keep it handy - it could come in handy some day. ---Rob PS: In case you didn't know (I didn't until 2 years ago), PDP stands for Programmed Data Processor... Date: Wednesday, 20 August 1986 03:42-EDT From: Mark Crispin To: TOPS-20@SU-SCORE.ARPA, Boken@RED.RUTGERS.EDU Re: DEC's PDP's Postal-Address: 1802 Hackett Ave.; Mountain View, CA 94043-4431 Phone: +1 (415) 968-1052 A number of people have requested my list of all the DEC PDP's, so I thought I'd bore you all with it. The PDP-1 was an 18 bit machine. It was DEC's first computer, and some of the first timesharing systems were designed for it. It's also unique in being one's complement; all later DEC computers were two's complement. Some machines, such as one of MIT's PDP-1s, were in operation until the late '70s. The PDP-2 was a designation reserved for a 24 bit machine, but as far as I can tell it was never even designed and definitely none were ever built. The PDP-3 was a 36 bit machine that was designed but never built by DEC. However, Scientific Engineering Institute built one in 1960. The PDP-4 was an 18 bit machine that was intended to be a cheaper, slower alternative to the PDP-1. It was so slow that it didn't sell well, although it was interesting for its auto-incrementing memory registers. It was not program-compatible with the PDP-1, but its instruction set was the basis of DEC's future 18 bit computers. The PDP-5 was a 12 bit machine designed to be a small laboratory system. It used many of the ideas in the LINC (Laboratory Instruction Computer, designed by Lincoln Labs at MIT, some of which were built by DEC). The PDP-6 was a 36 bit machine and the first machine to implement the most wonderful computer architecture known to man. It was rather expensive and difficult to maintain, and not many were sold. As a result, DEC cancelled 36 bit computers for what was to be the first of many times. The PDP-7 was an 18 bit machine and the sucessor to the PDP-4. It was a major price/performance win over the PDP-4 and the first DEC computer to use wire-wrapping. The PDP-8 was a 12 bit machine and the sucessor to the PDP-8. It basically defined the term "minicomputer", and went through several incarnations. The original PDP-8 was followed by the extremely slow PDP-8/S (as bad as the PDP-4 was to the PDP-1, but at least the /S was program-compatible). DEC recouped with the PDP-8/I (using MSI integrated circuits) and the smaller PDP-8/L, and somewhat later came out with the "Omnibus 8" machines -- the PDP-8/E, the PDP-8/F (a half-sized version of the PDP-8/E), the PDP-8/M (an OEM version of the PDP-8/F), and the final machine, the single board PDP-8/A. The PDP-8/A still exists after a fashion as a current DEC product. The PDP-9 was an 18 bit machine and the sucessor to the PDP-7. It had a faster memory than the PDP-7 and was the first microprogrammed DEC computer. Modulo a 300 wire(!) ECO required in the first machines, the PDP-9 was a reliable machine and some are still in operation today. There was a short-lived PDP-9/L. The PDP-10 was a 36 bit machine and the sucessor to the PDP-6. It is especially noted for its software, which represents the pinnacle of DEC software engineering and has never been equalled. The first KA10, largely installed in universities, created a whole generation of timesharing hackers. The follow-on KI10, with paging and using IC's instead of discrete components but otherwise unexciting, mostly was sold to commercial organizations. The KL10 went through several incarnations and is today the most representative of this marvelous machine. The KS10 was a small, low-speed (approximately KA10 performance) processor which was DEC's last successful implementation of this architecture. The PDP-11 was a 16-bit machine that went through more implementations and operating systems than can be counted. Presently it superceded the less powerful PDP-8 as the representative minicomputer. While the PDP-11 used octal, it was in its deep heart of hearts a hexidecimal machine, and the first indicator of the creeping IBMification of DEC that took full fruit in the VAX. [I can hear the flames now...] Rather than fight it the customers loved it; more PDP-11's have been sold than any other DEC computer (possibly more than all the others combined). The PDP-12 was a 12 bit machine and the sucessor to the PDP-8. It combined a LINC and a PDP-8 type processor in the same box and basically was a new model of the LINC-8 which was the same thing. No PDP-13 was ever designed or built. Even DEC gets superstitious. The PDP-14 was a 12 bit machine with a 1 bit register. It was used as a process control engine in applications that were felt to be too rugged for a PDP-8, and basically replaced a set of relays. Later DEC made PDP-8's suitable for this sort of thing, but it didn't stop them from the ultimate silliness of building a PDP-14 that used a PDP-8 as its console processor! The PDP-15 was an 18 bit machine and the final one of this design built by DEC. More PDP-15's were built and sold than any of the others, and it went through several incarnations including some which used a PDP-11 as a front end. Apparently the cancellation of the PDP-15 came as a great surprise to the "Tiger Team" who worked on it, although considering its general ungainliness compared to comparable performance PDP-11's it wasn't surprising. In many ways the PDP-15 died for the same reason the PDP-10 did. The PDP-16 was a "roll your own" 16 bit machine based on various "building blocks". Every PDP-16 was essentially custom-designed by the customer. It got a fair amount of attention when it was announced but evidentally didn't sell very well. There was no PDP-17 or any other designator. DEC apparently decided that "PDP" had a perjorative ring to it.  Received: from (CHAOS 15044) by MC.LCS.MIT.EDU 11 Jun 89 12:00:15 EDT Received: from [] by id aa04060; 11 Jun 89 11:59 EDT Return-Path: Address: "PoBox:36041, SE-100 71 Stockholm, SWEDEN" Organization: Stacken Computer Club Telephone: +46-8-669 9720 References: Message from PDP8-Lovers-Request of 10-Jun-89 21:08:38 In-reply-to: <589062.890610.PDP8@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU> Date: 11-Jun-89 17:59:36 +0200 From: Peter Lothberg To: PDP8-Lovers-Request , cc:,,, Subject: Re: New mailing list Message-ID: <12501319606.23.2.176960@KICKI.STACKEN.KTH.SE> As we also have the KS-Owners mailinglist, we might be able to do some coordination? (I do not have any 36-bit system @home, as the KI is 4 times my appartment, it has to live in the basement.) -peter --------  Date: Sat, 10 Jun 89 14:52:42 EDT From: PDP8-Lovers-Request Subject: New mailing list To: PDP8-LOVERS%MC.LCS.MIT.EDU@MINTAKA.LCS.MIT.EDU cc: KS-ITS%MC.LCS.MIT.EDU@MINTAKA.LCS.MIT.EDU, elbows@BLOOM-BEACON.MIT.EDU, mrc@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU, roll@KICKI.STACKEN.KTH.SE Message-ID: <589062.890610.PDP8@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU> This message is to announce a new mailing list, KS-AT-HOME@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU We anticipate that, due to the small number of people strange enough to want to have a 36-bit machine at home, this will be a low-volume mailing list. KS-AT-HOME is intended for people who own, or are interested in someday owning, a KS-10 (a/k/a DECsystem 2020). Subscription requests, etc. to KS-AT-HOME-REQUEST@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU  Received: from (CHAOS 15044) by MC.LCS.MIT.EDU 11 Jun 89 13:41:48 EDT Received: from by id aa04677; 11 Jun 89 13:40 EDT Date: Sun, 11 Jun 89 13:25:33 EDT From: "Robert E. Seastrom" Subject: New mailing list To: cc:,,,, In-reply-to: Msg of 11-Jun-89 17:59:36 +0200 from Peter Lothberg Message-ID: <607858.890611.RS@AI.AI.MIT.EDU> Ah, so YOU are the folks who run the KS-OWNERS mailing list? Maybe you would like us here to do the North American distribution of the KS-OWNERS mailing list. A few of us here got the idea to do this because we didn't know that a KS-related mailing list (with the exception of KS-ITS) existed. Perhaps you ought to officially register your list... it got me a lot more subscribers on PDP8-LOVERS when I did that... Let me know what you want to do... ---Rob  Received: from (CHAOS 15044) by MC.LCS.MIT.EDU 12 Jun 89 14:24:09 EDT Received: from by id aa09375; 12 Jun 89 14:21 EDT Return-Path: Date: 12-Jun-89 20:22:02 +0200 From: Johnny Billquist To: Subject: RL8A. Message-ID: <12501607681.19.1113.39640@KICKI.STACKEN.KTH.SE> More questions on harware. The RL8A is for the RL01 drives, according to my manuals. However, would it be possible to add RL02 to the controller also? I know that on pdp-11 you can add both RL01 and RL02 to the same controller, but I don't know about RL8A. Note. I do not have the RL8A manual, only a manual on omnibus options. Does anyone know if it is easy to lay my hands on a RL8A by the way. I think it would be great to have disks larger than the RK05. Especially if I get an OS that support larger disks than 4095 blocks. (OS/8). Anybody cares to guess on the price? Also, what OS:es has different people tried. Could you give me a summary of good and bad, and I'll put it together and post it here if more people are interested. I think that support for hardware, such as the FPP would be interesting to know about, for example, also... Should I add a disclaimer? Everybody else in any other list seems to use them? Nah, what the heck... --------  Received: from AI.AI.MIT.EDU (CHAOS 3130) by MC.LCS.MIT.EDU 12 Jun 89 21:16:20 EDT Date: Mon, 12 Jun 89 21:17:23 EDT From: "Christopher R. Zach" Subject: RL8A. To: BQT@KICKI.STACKEN.KTH.SE cc: pdp8-lovers@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU In-reply-to: Msg of 12-Jun-89 20:22:02 +0200 from Johnny Billquist Message-ID: <608465.890612.CZ@AI.AI.MIT.EDU> Johnny: My guess is that the Rl02 will work on the RL8A. When Dec made the RL01, they left room for possible expansion (then the masses got the 02). To tell you the truth, the Rl02 is just a RL01 with 2X the tracks. As far as software goes, that's another story. You would have to hack the OS/8 driver to be able to access those extra sectors. Check the sourcecode. You might have to only change a few things (like #tracks). Once the driver is patched, the rest should go smoothly. CZ  Received: from (CHAOS 15044) by MC.LCS.MIT.EDU 19 Jun 89 19:58:01 EDT Received: from by id aa04643; 19 Jun 89 19:39 EDT Return-Path: Date: 20-Jun-89 0:42:15 +0200 From: Robert Malmgren To: Subject: Unix on the pdp8 Message-ID: <12503490061.25.1185.45460@KICKI.STACKEN.KTH.SE> I've found an very interesting list in a Unixbook I have, and quot some bits from it: "Just how transportable Unix is can be seen by looking at the wide range of machines that Unix already runs on. These are currently: - Amdahl 470 ... - Digital Equipment Corp. PDP/11 - Digital Equipment Corp. PDP/7 - Digital Equipment Corp. PDP/8 ...". Some pages later in the book is another interesting list giving a overview of what is abailable on the Unix market now: "System Type Machines Supplier ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Unix Very real PDP 11/8/7 VAX AT & T International P.O. Box 7000-8 Baskin Ridge, New Jersey 07920 USA ... " This is the book that Johnny Billquist talked about before. Is there anyone that have heard anything about *nix on the PDP-8, r have been in contact with it in the real_world? / Robert Malmgren --------  Received: from (CHAOS 15044) by MC.LCS.MIT.EDU 22 Jun 89 13:20:36 EDT Received: from by id aa29423; 22 Jun 89 13:13 EDT Return-Path: Date: 22-Jun-89 19:14:39 +0200 From: Johnny Billquist To: Subject: PS/8 Message-ID: <12504216854.28.1113.24740@KICKI.STACKEN.KTH.SE> What is PS/8. Is it a predecessor of OS/8, or what? I've seen references to it, and some OS/8 software mumbles about it, but I've never seen any paper concerning it specifically. Anybody who knows? Johnny --------  Received: from AI.AI.MIT.EDU (CHAOS 3130) by MC.LCS.MIT.EDU 22 Jun 89 13:48:28 EDT Date: Thu, 22 Jun 89 13:51:12 EDT From: "Robert E. Seastrom" Subject: [Johnny Billquist: What is PS/8. Is it a predecessor of OS/8, or what? ] To: pdp8-lovers@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU In-reply-to: Msg of 22-Jun-89 19:14:39 +0200 from Johnny Billquist Message-ID: <612629.890622.RS@AI.AI.MIT.EDU> Yep. PS/8 was an OS/8 predecessor that would run with only 4Kwords of memory. As I recall reading, it was pretty stripped, and (maybe) would only run with a DF-32 (32Kword fixed head disk) or on TU-55 DECtape. My descriptions come from a book called "Introduction to Programming" (digital press, 1971). Anyone out there actually used PS/8? Moreover, does anyone out there have the tapes required to generate an RK-05 based TSS/8 system? I have a partial TSS/8 distribution on paper tape, and sources printed out (it is about a 3" high stack of paper), and I'd really like to get it up and running. ---Rob  Received: from (CHAOS 15044) by MC.LCS.MIT.EDU 22 Jun 89 14:16:50 EDT Received: from CS.IDA.ORG by id aa00425; 22 Jun 89 14:09 EDT Received: from csed-1 ( by (4.1/SMI-DDN) id AA19646; Thu, 22 Jun 89 14:05:33 EDT Received: from csed-31 by csed-1 (3.2/SMI-3.2) id AA23286; Thu, 22 Jun 89 14:09:11 EDT Received: by csed-31 (3.2/SMI-3.2) id AA00629; Thu, 22 Jun 89 14:09:02 EDT Date: Thu, 22 Jun 89 14:09:02 EDT From: Clyde Roby Message-Id: <8906221809.AA00629@csed-31> To: Subject: Re: PS/8 Cc:, Johnny, PS/8 was the precessor to OS/8. PS/8 stood for Programming System for the PDP-8. It was initially not a DEC product and when it was productized by DEC, the marketing people made the name change. There was a lot of work done by PS/8 predecessors at Georgia Tech (Doug Wrege now at CDC Atlanta) and others. I worked on some stuff at West Virginia University with Darryl Duffy and Tom McIntyre (I think they both work at DEC nowadays). I can get more information when I get home (I think I've saved some old PDP-8 stuff). By the way, anybody remember the LINC and DEC's LINC-8??? Clyde ================================================================= Clyde G. Roby, Jr. Institute for Defense Analyses 1801 N. Beauregard Street (703) 824-5536 Alexandria, VA 22311-1772 =================================================================  Received: from (CHAOS 15044) by MC.LCS.MIT.EDU 22 Jun 89 15:10:13 EDT Received: from Sun.COM by id aa01374; 22 Jun 89 15:05 EDT Received: from snail.Sun.COM (snail.Corp.Sun.COM) by Sun.COM (4.1/SMI-4.1) id AA17084; Thu, 22 Jun 89 11:25:49 PDT Received: from East.Sun.COM by snail.Sun.COM (4.1/SMI-4.1) id AA02486; Thu, 22 Jun 89 11:24:11 PDT Received: from suneast.East.Sun.COM by East.Sun.COM (4.1/SMI-4.1) id AA15979; Thu, 22 Jun 89 14:23:47 EST Received: from pdp8.East.Sun.COM by suneast.East.Sun.COM (4.1/SMI-4.1) id AA14513; Thu, 22 Jun 89 14:25:58 EDT Received: by pdp8.East.Sun.COM (4.0/SMI-4.0) id AA05528; Thu, 22 Jun 89 14:17:23 EDT Date: Thu, 22 Jun 89 14:17:23 EDT From: Jonathan Dreyer - Sun ECD PC Distributed Systems Message-Id: <8906221817.AA05528@pdp8.East.Sun.COM> To:, Subject: Re: PS/8 > What is PS/8. Is it a predecessor of OS/8, or what? > I've seen references to it, and some OS/8 software mumbles about > it, but I've never seen any paper concerning it specifically. > > Anybody who knows? > > Johnny It is a predecessor of OS/8. When I was in college ('72 - '76) it was considered highly cool to be able to bring down the 32K timesharing PDP-8/I running TSS/8 and bring up PS/8 and have all that raw power to yourself. OS/8 was just coming out then, if I remember, and it was considered PS/8's successor. Unfortunately I didn't use it enough to remember much about it now, but I remember we were impressed that it had "device-independent i/o"; TSS/8 programs had to read and write to specific devices; e.g. to compile a program on a dectape you had to first run COPY to get it onto the disk. (To get it from a paper tape, you had to run a different utility, PIP!) With PS/8, this historical curiosity went away. Jon  Received: from (CHAOS 15044) by MC.LCS.MIT.EDU 30 Jun 89 11:09:37 EDT Received: from by id aa02707; 30 Jun 89 11:05 EDT Received: from localhost by with SMTP (5.61++/6.0.GT) id AA01257; Fri, 30 Jun 89 07:05:37 -0700 Posted-Date: Fri, 30 Jun 89 07:05:29 -0700 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: Re: PAL12 Date: Fri, 30 Jun 89 07:05:29 -0700 From: Has anyone got source for PAL12? I am trying to collect everything I can get a hold off. I have a .LS for PAL12 but can't find my original .PA If anybody is looking for something, just let me know and I'll be happy to send whatever. I expect to get things on a VAX and save it on mag tape. Here at my work, we still use the '8'. Mostly it is used for small FORTRAN jobs - graphics. We have good interactive graphics. It is very fast from the editor thru a running program using a silicon (RAM) disk. Wally Kalinowski 213 336-6940 work 515-1544 home