Date: Fri, 4 Aug 89 14:12:46 EDT From: PDP8-Lovers-Request Subject: [jmbaldwi: I've got a pdp8 that I'd like to use.] To: PDP8-LOVERS%MC.LCS.MIT.EDU@MINTAKA.LCS.MIT.EDU Message-ID: <604221.890804.PDP8@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU> J.M. Baldwin writes: >I've got this PDP-8 just laying here that I'd like to use. Where >can I get some software for it like OS/8? > >This should be a valid path > >!sactoh0!jmbaldwi Can anyone out there help him? My OS/8 distribution isn't complete. ---Rob Received: from (CHAOS 15044) by MC.LCS.MIT.EDU 4 Aug 89 17:36:07 EDT Received: from by id aa16417; 4 Aug 89 17:32 EDT Received: from by (5.61/UW-NDC Revision: 2.1 ) id AA22108; Fri, 4 Aug 89 14:32:19 -0700 Date: Fri, 4 Aug 1989 13:58:32 PDT From: Mark Crispin Sender: Subject: 12 bit madness!! To: Message-Id: [Say, could someone add "PDP-8-Lovers" as an alias to this list??] I'm new to this group. Many of you may already know me, but here goes: I have two PDP-8's; a PDP-8/f and a PDP-8/e. These are my "fun" systems; I also have two 2020's, one of which I use for real work and the other is spare. PANDA.PANDA.COM is the Internet name for my 2020; its an MX record so it's only accessible by mail. [Tomobiki-Cho.CAC.Washington.EDU is the NeXT on my desk at work.] The 8/f is a table top unit, works, and is completed filled. It's got: EAE, power fail restart, programmable real time clock, simple DECtape control, 12K core, and a TTY control that I modified to be 1200 baud EIA. It plugs in to one of the TTY ports on my 2020, and this is how I download the 8; I got all the papertape software into files on the 2020 just before I lost access to a paper tape reader. The 8/e is in a rack and doesn't work. From console examine/deposits, it seems to have bits stuck on and off (although the latter may be burned-out lights). Furthermore, its timing board doesn't work; it causes a trap to 0000 on IOTs (provided, of course, there's a board listening to that device number); it used to be the 8/f's timing board and I swapped it out. It has 8K of DEC core and some unknown quantity of what appears to be third-party memory. It also has a TU56 DECtape drive. I would like to get a useful system out of all of this. I've gotten quite bored with the paper tape software library that came with the 8/f. I have some DECtapes that are purportedly OS/8 but I haven't tested any of them out yet. What I think I want to do is get the TU56 out of the rack and have a table top system based on the 8/f. The rack is too unwieldy. I'd also like to salvage what is useful from the 8/e. The other possibility, if the 8/e's bus and console are OK (that I don't know, but I doubt it considering the stuck bits) is to use the 8/e. Then I could use all the memory I have (20K plus the third-party memory). I could also wire the 8/e's TTY board to respond to the paper-tape reader/punch and have a separate path for down/uploading. Any suggestions? Does anyone act as a clearinghouse for PDP-8 parts, e.g. will take parts that aren't needed off people's hands and supply them to people who do need them? I'd be a lot more willing to give up the stuff I don't need from the 8/e if I knew I could get some board I need for my 8/f in the future... -- Mark -- Received: from (CHAOS 15044) by MC.LCS.MIT.EDU 4 Aug 89 19:09:18 EDT Received: from by id aa20717; 4 Aug 89 19:03 EDT Date: Fri, 4 Aug 89 19:04:02 EDT From: "Christopher R. Zach" Subject: [jmbaldwi: I've got a pdp8 that I'd like to use.] To: cc: In-reply-to: Msg of Fri 4 Aug 89 14:12:46 EDT from PDP8-Lovers-Request Message-ID: <629629.890804.CZ@AI.AI.MIT.EDU> Rob & company: I have sitting in my basement, a original DEC OS/8 V2.0 dist kit on papertape (what a concept). I also have a 8/I with a High speed papertape reader/punch, so I could duplicate the tapes quickly. The only thing I would need is an offering of a box of blank papertape, since I have very little at the moment. I also have complete docs for setting it up an getting it going. If anyone needs a copy, leave me a message. CZ Received: from AI.AI.MIT.EDU (CHAOS 3130) by MC.LCS.MIT.EDU 4 Aug 89 19:43:35 EDT Date: Fri, 4 Aug 89 19:44:28 EDT From: "Robert E. Seastrom" Subject: 12 bit madness!! To: "MRC@PANDA.PANDA.COM"@MINTAKA.LCS.MIT.EDU cc: PDP8-Lovers@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU In-reply-to: Msg of Fri 4 Aug 1989 13:58:32 PDT from Mark Crispin Message-ID: <629653.890804.RS@AI.AI.MIT.EDU> I have added PDP-8-LOVERS and PDP-8-LOVERS-REQUEST as aliases for their non-hyphenated brothers... ---Rob Received: from (CHAOS 15044) by MC.LCS.MIT.EDU 4 Aug 89 20:02:48 EDT Received: from by id aa21804; 4 Aug 89 19:50 EDT Date: Fri, 4 Aug 89 19:51:36 EDT From: "Robert E. Seastrom" Subject: [jmbaldwi: I've got a pdp8 that I'd like to use.] To: cc:, In-reply-to: Msg of Fri 4 Aug 89 19:04:02 EDT from Christopher R. Zach Message-ID: <629655.890804.RS@AI.AI.MIT.EDU> Re: papertape in boxes... Last time I called DECdirect to inquire about this (was about 2 years ago), they were selling paper tape for $120/case. I think that there are something like 20 boxes in a case - in other words, this is not cheap stuff. If anyone out there knows where we can get fan-folded, non-oiled, 1" paper tape for cheaper, I'd really like to know about it. I've been kicking around the idea of trying to get tyvek (yes, I know it's hard on the punch) tape and putting things like RIM and BIN loaders on it, but I haven't had the time to try to track this stuff down. Keep in mind that I have a couple of boxes of 9 rolls each of oiled yellow paper tape that we could use... the only reason not to use oiled paper tape in a high speed reader is that the lint from the tape will gunk up the photodiodes that actually read the tape... you can clean these off; it is just a pain. ---Rob Received: from AI.AI.MIT.EDU (CHAOS 3130) by MC.LCS.MIT.EDU 6 Aug 89 22:13:08 EDT Date: Sun, 6 Aug 89 22:14:30 EDT From: "Robert E. Seastrom" Subject: [ted: PDP-8 mailing list] To: pdp8-lovers@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU Message-ID: <630449.890806.RS@AI.AI.MIT.EDU> Date: Sun, 6 Aug 89 17:01:47 PDT From: Ted Sarbin To: PDP8-LOVERS-REQUEST at Re: PDP-8 mailing list Please include me on the PDP-8 lovers mailing list. I first programmed a PDP-5 (PDP-8 predecessor) in 1965. I worked for DEC (now digital) for ten years. That included work with TSS/8, PS/8 (OS/8), and RTS-8. That's all behind me now but I still think that the PDP-8 was a great machine. Received: from (CHAOS 15044) by MC.LCS.MIT.EDU 9 Aug 89 10:03:46 EDT Received: from by id aa14955; 9 Aug 89 9:57 EDT Received: from localhost by with SMTP (5.61++/6.0.GT) id AA27047; Wed, 9 Aug 89 06:56:42 -0700 Posted-Date: Wed, 09 Aug 89 06:56:39 -0700 Message-Id: <> To: PDP8-Lovers-Request Cc:, Subject: Re: ETOS In-Reply-To: Date: Wed, 09 Aug 89 06:56:39 -0700 From: Does anyone know how I can get ahold of the ETOS board (TSC8-75)? Wally Kalinowski (M2/276) Aerospace P.O Box 92957 L.A. Calif. 90009 213 336-6940 515-1544 Received: from (CHAOS 15044) by MC.LCS.MIT.EDU 10 Aug 89 19:38:34 EDT Received: from by id ab08036; 10 Aug 89 19:36 EDT Date: Thu, 10 Aug 89 19:26:57 EDT From: "Robert E. Seastrom" Subject: ETOS To: cc:,, In-reply-to: Msg of Wed 09 Aug 89 06:56:39 -0700 from wally at Message-ID: <632303.890810.RS@AI.AI.MIT.EDU> Fr. Geoffrey Chase, OSB (Portsmouth Abbey School, Portsmouth, RI) may be able to help you with this. A while back he was running an 8/A with ETOS... regrettably, Fr. Geoffrey isn't on the Internet; he's a veritable treasure chest of PDP-8 information and folklore, and would be a welcome addition to this list. ---Rob