Received: from ELI.CS.YALE.EDU by CASPER.NA.CS.YALE.EDU via SMTP; Tue, 1 Jun 1993 10:22:09 -0400 Received: from by eli.CS.YALE.EDU via SMTP; Tue, 1 Jun 1993 10:22:05 -0400 Received: from by (4.1/AI-4.10) for id AA21893; Tue, 1 Jun 93 09:54:25 EDT X400-Received: by mta in /PRMD=BNR/ADMD=TELECOM.CANADA/C=CA/; Relayed; Tue, 1 Jun 1993 09:50:42 -0400 X400-Received: by /PRMD=BNR/ADMD=TELECOM.CANADA/C=CA/; Relayed; Tue, 1 Jun 1993 09:50:32 -0400 X400-Received: by /PRMD=BNR/ADMD=TELECOM.CANADA/C=CA/; Relayed; Tue, 1 Jun 1993 05:23:00 -0400 Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1993 09:23:00 +0000 X400-Originator: /DD.ID=1526581/G=Stanley/I=STH/S=Chow/ X400-Mts-Identifier: [/PRMD=BNR/ADMD=TELECOM.CANADA/C=CA/;bcars735.b.555:] X400-Content-Type: P2-1984 (2) Content-Identifier: Random PDP8 s... From: "Stanley (S.T.H.) Chow" Sender: "Stanley (S.T.H.) Chow" Message-Id: <"11556 Tue Jun 1 09:50:34 1993"> To: Subject: Random PDP8 stuff for sale X400-Received: by mta in /PRMD=BNR/ADMD=TELECOM.CANADA/C=CA/; Relayed; Tue, 1 Jun 1993 09:50:42 -0400 X400-Received: by /PRMD=BNR/ADMD=TELECOM.CANADA/C=CA/; Relayed; Tue, 1 Jun 1993 09:50:32 -0400 X400-Received: by /PRMD=BNR/ADMD=TELECOM.CANADA/C=CA/; Relayed; Tue, 1 Jun 1993 05:23:00 -0400 Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1993 09:23:00 +0000 X400-Originator: /DD.ID=1526581/G=Stanley/I=STH/S=Chow/ X400-Mts-Identifier: [/PRMD=BNR/ADMD=TELECOM.CANADA/C=CA/;bcars735.b.555:] X400-Content-Type: P2-1984 (2) Content-Identifier: Random PDP8 s... From: "Stanley (S.T.H.) Chow" Sender: "Stanley (S.T.H.) Chow" To: Subject: Random PDP8 stuff for sale I finally got around to sorting out the boxes of PDP8 stuff. Here is the complete list. I am quite willing to sell almost any pieces. (My intention is to have one functional system which I will turn into a coffee table - complete with a program that flashes the front panel lights. It would be nice if I can get a RS-232 port so I can use my 386 as a terminal emulator :-) Any way, here is the list (the stuff came from a DEC field eng who was putting together a personal system. Most of the H/W work, but I don't know which. No gurantees). All the stuff appears to be for the PDP8/A. 1) Frame: paper label: Processor type PDP8A500 Serial # 4089 slots: m8315 1000950 m8317 1087150 m8316 1015826 g650 PR6081449 ] X 2 H219B ] m8655 regulator board G801B rev 17M ECO 09 front panel, "limited function" front panel, with number pad, home brew mounting 2) RX01: PN70-13077-04 SN 18-038444-842 rev C 3) individual boards: M8650 M9202 (Unibus inverter?] Bus extender H219A SN 7525-B-218 8KX12 core stack, in foam case H219A SN 7502-898 8KX12 core M8417 [looks like semi memory], in foam case M8357 M8315 Hex OMNI CPU (does not boot) H9194 (board says "Con block assy 12 slots") 54-14025 M7744 RX02 floppy controller, M7745 RX02 R/W controller, M8655 NPG and BUS Grant continuity card M7700 a long ribbon cable labelled M8357 at one connector 4) doc: VT10-0 field maintenance print set PDP8/a 8A500 Engineering Drawings 1974 field service manual (thick book, seems to cover everything) PDP-8 handbook series: programing languages 1972 introduction to programming 1972 2X laboratory computer handbook (talks about pdp-12) copmuter lab workbook RT-11 system reference card (actually a booklet) 5) 8 inch floppies:13 total, lots of interesting labels I also have a complete functional PDP8/M S/N AG09231? that I intend to keep, but I am open to selling pieces that I don't need. Here are the boards starting from closest to the front panel: a big board (don't know what it is) M8330?1 YB M8340 M8341 M8310 M8300 M837 M849 Plessy P/N 700168-100 S/N 1343 8KX12 core memory? 2X wirewrap boards G111 triple board M8320 wire wrap board connected to the "J1 option conn" There were also some non-PDP8 stuff in the boxes: 1) Paper tape labeled: MAINDEC-11-DZPRB-A-PT 10/11/77 NR PRS01-TOGGLE IN TEST PROGRAM 2) 3 scope pouches with Tektronix 442 books and many P6106 and P6108 probs. 3) Diable power board? P/N 40530 Make me an offer, I will package and ship them any way you want (you pay the cost). (For the person in Japan, I can arrange to ship it after I relocate to China). Stanley Chow InterNet: schow@BNR.CA Bell Northern Research UUCP: ..!uunet!bnrgate!bqneh3!schow (613) 763-2831 Me? Represent other people? Don't make them laugh so hard. Received: from ELI.CS.YALE.EDU by CASPER.NA.CS.YALE.EDU via SMTP; Sun, 6 Jun 1993 19:42:19 -0400 Received: from by eli.CS.YALE.EDU via SMTP; Sun, 6 Jun 1993 19:42:16 -0400 Received: from by (4.1/AI-4.10) for id AA16764; Sun, 6 Jun 93 19:18:10 EDT Received: from (mailsv) by (5.65c/6.4J.6-TYO_gate) id AA06569; Mon, 7 Jun 1993 08:18:09 +0900 Received: from by (5.65c/6.4JAIN) id AA16378; Mon, 7 Jun 1993 08:18:08 +0900 Received: from by (5.65c/6.4JAIN-NSIS-930405.1) id AA03828; Mon, 7 Jun 1993 08:18:06 +0900 Received: by (4.1/6.4J.6-nsis-ksp-4.45) id AA28376; Mon, 7 Jun 93 08:18:05 JST Date: Mon, 7 Jun 93 08:18:05 JST From: (Gavin Thomas Nicol) Return-Path: Message-Id: <> To: Subject: Re: Random PDP8 stuff for sale Date: Mon, 7 Jun 93 08:18:05 JST From: (Gavin Thomas Nicol) Return-Path: To: Subject: Re: Random PDP8 stuff for sale I was hoping I'd be able to buy some of the parts Stanley Chow had for sale, but after talking to my wife, it seems she's not happy about the idea of having a PDP8 in our apartment, so I'll have to pass it up for now. (If you know anything about Japanese housing, you'll understand the problem. Later this year we may be moving into a bigger place. I'll work on her again when that happens.) Received: from ELI.CS.YALE.EDU by CASPER.NA.CS.YALE.EDU via SMTP; Mon, 7 Jun 1993 18:24:24 -0400 Received: from by eli.CS.YALE.EDU via SMTP; Mon, 7 Jun 1993 18:24:17 -0400 Received: from by (4.1/AI-4.10) for id AA13114; Mon, 7 Jun 93 17:50:53 EDT Return-Path: Received: by (IBM OS/2 SENDMAIL 1.2.8/1.2) id AA0086; Mon, 07 Jun 93 12:56:13 -0700 Message-Id: <> Date: Mon, 7 Jun 93 12:55:50 EST From: SIRI To: Subject: Information on the Electronic Highway Return-Path: Date: Mon, 7 Jun 93 12:55:50 EST From: SIRI To: Subject: Information on the Electronic Highway NEW SIRI SERVICES PROVIDING YOU WITH INFORMATION THAT YOU CAN PUT TO WORK... Following feedback from our readers, the SIRI (Service integre de ressources d'information/Integrated Service for Information Resources) team at the Canadian Workplace Automation Research Centre (CWARC) is in the process of revising its products, services and policies. For anyone in an interdisciplinary field wanting to remain fully up-to-date, scanning multiple journals on a regular basis is critical. It is, however, a time-consuming activity. Moreover, one may not necessarily have access to all the relevant periodicals dealing with the subject being researched. The objective of the SIRI team, therefore, is to offer through FLASH INFORMATION and a new additional product (which is yet to be named), a selective dissemination of information specifically geared towards the information needs of researchers and management within the fields of information management and information technologies. These electronic publications will keep our readers up-to-date by providing details of relevant newly published information scanned from some 300 journals and news bulletins from our collection on a weekly basis. OUR NEW FORMAT.... The SIRI team is working toward improving the contents, format and access of FLASH INFORMATION. Future issues of FLASH INFORMATION, our bibliographic issue of articles on information technologies and industry news, for example, will be more comprehensive and entries will be grouped under general subject headings. Topics identified reflect the Centre's main research interests which include language technology, content engineering, multimedia, human-computer interaction issues, and learning technologies. An indexed listing of the journals scanned will be provided upon request. OUR NEW PRODUCT.... Whereas FLASH INFORMATION is a list of titles of articles, our new product will consist of abstracts of articles. This publication will provide researchers and management with news on strategic alliances within the industry and the Canadian government, industry news and issues, market and R & D trends, and recent developments in information/computer/communications related fields. These abstracts will be distributed jointly with FLASH INFORMATION. The list of subject headings, an example of FLASH INFORMATION in its new format and sample entries of our new product are included. TO PROVIDE YOU WITH INFORMATION THAT YOU CAN PUT TO WORK.... Up to now FLASH INFORMATION has been made available free of charge. We will continue sending you FLASH INFORMATION together with our new publication free until September. In order to provide you with the new products and services, however, a minimal subscription fee may be charged beginning September in order to recover some of the production costs. We would like to accommodate the needs of as many readers as possible; we would appreciate it, therefore, if you could supply us with the name and the electronic address of anyone who may be interested in our services. If you have any new ideas, suggestions or comments, please contact us at ________________________ SUBJECT HEADINGS... (BUS)BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT/AFFAIRES ET GESTION Research and development (management, planning, programs) Trends and statistics Technology transfer (NET) COMPUTER NETWORKS AND DATA COMMUNICATIONS/RESEAUX D'ORDINATEURS ET TELEINFORMATIQUE (ARC) COMPUTER SYSTEMS ARCHITECTURE/ARCHITECTURE DES SYSTEMES INFORMATIQUES RISC technologies Microprocessors Parallel processing (BAR) DATA CAPTURE/COLLECTE DES DONNEES Bar coding Remote sensing Smart cards (DIS) DISABLED PERSONS' AIDS/OUTILS POUR PERSONNES HANDICAPEES (CAI) EDUCATION, TRAINING, PERFORMANCE SUPPORT/EDUCATION, FORMATION, SOUTIEN A LA PERFORMANCE Computer-based instruction and training Performance support systems Decision support systems (HUM) HUMAN-MACHINE INTERACTION/INTERACTIONS PERSONNE-MACHINE (IND) INDUSTRY NEWS/NOUVELLES DE L'INDUSTRIE (EDI) INFORMATION INTERCHANGE/ECHANGE DES DONNEES EDI, CALS Markup languages Document architecture, document processing and interchange (ISR) INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL/STOCKAGE ET REPERAGE DE L'INFORMATION Document imaging systems (Microforms, optical disc imaging...) Records and archives management Information architecture Database management systems Data models Online searching strategies Optical media storage (Optical discs, microforms, holography) Magnetic disc storage Magnetic tape storage (MIS) INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT/GESTION DES SYSTEMES INFORMATIQUES Implementation and evaluation Network, software management Information systems and telecommunications systems security Migration of information systems (downsizing, rightsizing, etc.) (LEG) LEGAL, SOCIAL, POLITICAL ISSUES/ASPECTS LEGAUX, SOCIAUX, POLITIQUES (MUL) MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS/SYSTTMES MULTIMEDIAS (LIN) NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING/TRAITEMENT DES LANGUES NATURELLES Natural language processing Written language processing Natural language analysis Translation, text synthesis Speech processing Speech recognition, speech synthesis (RSO) REVIEWS, ANNOUNCEMENTS - SOFTWARE PRODUCTS/RECENSIONS ET ANALYSES - LOGICIELS (RTE) REVIEWS, ANNOUNCEMENTS - TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES/RECENSIONS ET ANALYSES - SERVICES DE TELECOMMUNICATIONS (REQ) REVIEWS, ANNOUNCEMENTS - COMPUTER HARDWARE AND PERIPHERAL EQUIPMENT/ RECENSIONS ET ANALYSES - MATERIEL INFORMATIQUE (SEN) SOFTWARE ENGINEERING/GENIE LOGICIEL Programming theory, paradigms, methodologies, languages, techniques Logic programming Object-oriented programming Software tools (STD) STANDARDS AND STANDARDIZATION/NORMES ET NORMALISATION (TEL) TELECOMMUNICATIONS/TELECOMMUNICATIONS Telecommunications systems and technology Telecommunications industry and services Online services (videotex services) Voice communications (telephony) and messaging Data communications services Telecommunications equipment and industry (WOR) WORK ORGANIZATION/ORGANISATION DU TRAVAIL Telecommuting Work processes design Work flow automation, computer supported cooperative work (VAR) MISCELLANEOUS/DIVERS ----------------------------------- EXAMPLE OF FLASH INFORMATION IN ITS NEW FORMAT.... BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT / AFFAIRES ET GESTION Bilan scientifique et technologique de Montreal / Champagne, Marielle -- In: DIRECTION INFORMATIQUE, 6(5) mai 1993 p. 11 Building HCI partnerships and infrastructure / Shneiderman, Ben ; Lewis, Clayton -- In: BEHAVIOUR AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, 12(2) Mar./Apr. 1993 p. 130-135 Canada's IT growth nabs seventh place. [Result of a market survey by International Data Corp. (Canada) on computer, computer equipment, software, computer services and data communication equipment.] / Kersell, Monty -- In: INFO CANADA, 18(5) May 1993 p. 1, 26 Computer science in Japanese universities : cultural differences contribute significantly to the ways in which Japan and the US organize and pursue computer science education and research / Notkin, David ; Schlichting, Richard D. -- In: COMPUTER, 26(5) May 1993 p. 62-70 Farming out work to IBM, DEC, NCR... : 'contract manufacturing' has become the province of giants / Burrows, Peter -- In: BUSINESS WEEK, (3319) May 17, 1993 p. 92-94 Feds lead push for green PCs : low-power systems to wear EPA's Energy Star of approval / Boudette, Neal -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 25 Future focus will likely be on industrial relevance -- In: SCIENCE BULLETIN, 5(3) May 1993 p. 1, 2 Information et normalisation, deux ingredients d'importance strategique -- In: LES AFFAIRES, 65(19) mai 15-21, 1993 p. P3 Information infrastructure : an industry perspective / Kettler, David A. -- In: COMPUTER, 26(5) May 1993 p. 7576 Informatisation des entreprises quebecoises : faits saillants de l'etude du CEFRIO / Champagne, Marielle -- In: DIRECTION INFORMATIQUE, 6(5) mai 1993 p. 6 Jumping the product generation gap : real-world R&D / Iansiti, Marco -- In: HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW, 71(3) May/June 1993 p. 138-147 Managing your boss : a compatible relationship with your superior is essential to being effective in your job / Gabarro, John J. ; Kotter, John P. -- In: HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW, 71(3) May/June 1993 p. 150-157 Maz delivers caretaker budget -- In: SCIENCE BULLETIN, 5(3) May 1993 p. 1, 5 Mobile-users study pinpoints majority / Adhikari, Richard -- In: INFO CANADA, 18(5) May 1993 p. 9 La R&D, fer de lance du succes -- In: LES AFFAIRES, 65(19) mai 15-21, 1993 p. P2 La science sous contrat : coup d'oeil sur les "consultants" / Keable, Jacques -- In: INTERFACE, 14(3) mai/juin 1993 p. 38-42 Le transfert de technologies peut fonctionner dans les deux sens -- In: LES AFFAIRES, 65(19) mai 15-21, 1993 p. P4 Will architecture win the technology wars? -- In: HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW, 71(3) May/June 1993 p. 162-163, 166 COMPUTER NETWORKS AND DATA COMMUNICATIONS / RESEAUX D'ORDINATEURS ET TELEINFORMATIQUE Adaptive routing protocols for hypercube interconnection networks : multipath networks and adaptive routing protocols dynamically adapt to network conditions such as communication bottlenecks, thus lifting a major impediment to the development of massively parallel architectures / Gaughan, Patrick T. ; Yalamanchili, Sudhakar -- In: COMPUTER, 26(5) May 1993 p. 12-23 Analyzing network performance management : OSI management principles and tools make it possible to develop a performance management model powerful enough for the 21st century / Hayes, Stephen -- In: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, 31(5) May 1993 p. 52-58 ATM takes the spotlight at InterOp shop -- In: COMMUNICATIONS NEWS, 30(5) May 1993 p. 32 ATM will take some tie to join mainstream / Lewis, Jamie -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 47 Interoperability assessment : Attachmate's EXTRA / Hall, Eric -- In: NETWORK COMPUTING, 4(5) May 1993 p. 119-123 Big V solves several headaches with satellite distributed network / Melanson, Daniel -- In: INFO CANADA, 18(5) May 1993 p. 22 Case studies : what does it take?. [Client/server techniques can be difficult to implement. Since very few off-the-shelf solutions exist, most users need to build in-house. We show you how five companies are finding real-world solutions] / Pepper, Jon -- In: NETWORK COMPUTING, 4(5) May 1993 p. Suppl., 44-52 CMISE functions and Services : the Common Management Information Service Element was developed to monitor the health of OSI communications entities / Raman, Lakshmi -- In: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, 31(5) May 1993 p. 46-51 Compaq, AST back 'Fast EISA' / Fisher, Susan E. -- In: PC WEEK, 10 (18) May 10, 1993 p. 18 Desktop video has far to go : delayed standards slow penetration of videoconferencing / Kramer, Matt -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 107, 118 Enterprise services : no longer just for databases. [There are numerous uses for client/server technology in products outside the database arena. We detail how each of these technologies fits into the client/server model.] / Walsh, Brian -- In: NETWORK COMPUTING, 4(5) May 1993 p. Suppl., 62-66 Enterprise-to-enterprise networking : advances in technology assist corporations in forging strong business relationships / Bolles, Gary A. -- In: NETWORK COMPUTING, 4(5) May 1993 p. 88-98 Growth : the steady increase of client/server. [What do the numbers say? Dataquest's Client/Server Systems Group shows that client/server is most certainly in a growth mode.] / Haight, Timothy -- In: NETWORK COMPUTING, 4(5) May 1993 p. Suppl., 79-81 How important is TN3270 to you? / Marsh, Bob -- In: NETWORK COMPUTING, 4(5) May 1993 p. 144-148 IBM's DB2 : extending the reach of the desktop?. [DB2 is a key client/server technology and a major presence in large corporate environments. Here is a look at the variety of options for accessing DB2 information from end-user desktops.] / Gerber, Barry -- In: NETWORK COMPUTING, 4(5) May 1993 p. Suppl., 54-61 Implementing OSI-based interfaces for network management : a partially standardized network-management interface requires less effort to evolve than a completely proprietary solution / Serre, Jean-Marc ; Lewis, Pierre ; Rosenfeld, Ken -- In: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, 31(5) May 1993 p. 76-81 ISDN in North America : the North American ISDN Users' Forum is expediting the development of a national market-driven ISDN / Stokesberry, Dan ; Wakid, Shukri -- In: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, 31(5) May 1993 p. 88-94 Managing ATM-based broadband networks : industry is reaching agreements on standard ATM-layer operations early in the BISDN development process / Farkouh, Stephen C. -- In: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, 31(5) May 1993 p. 82-86 McCaw outlines CDPD network / Loudermilk, Stephen -- In: PC WEEK, 10 (18) May 10, 1993 p. 43 Modeling the user interface : object-oriented modeling of human-machine interfaces is appealing, but the generic network model may contain thousands of objects / Marchisio, Lucia ; Ronco, Enrico ; Saracco, Roberto -- In: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, 31 (5) May 1993 p. 68-74 NIS' relaying information wins the race / Tannenbaum, Todd -- In: NETWORK COMPUTING, 4(5) May 1993 p. 156-161 Options : client/server is not always the best solution. [Client/server is not the be-all and end-all of data management. We found it's important to look at each application and business environment criticially and objectively.] / Morse, Stephen -- In: NETWORK COMPUTING, 4(5) May 1993 p. Suppl., 18-21 The OSI network management model : balancing the responsibilities of OSI's agents and platforms and their interaction protocols is complex, but OSI helps by offering functions lacking in Internet's SNMP / Yemini, Yechiam -- In: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, 31(5) May 1993 p. 20-29 Overview : what are clients and servers anyway?. [The term "client/server" is often used to refer to everything from simple remote file system access to complex database queries. Here we tackle the question. "What is client/server, and do we really need it"?] / Moskowitz, Robert -- In: NETWORK COMPUTING, 4(5) May 1993 p. Suppl., 10-12 Primer : how to break through the data logjam. [While 95 percent of companies are investigating, piloting or using client/server technology, there is still a logjam of terms and standards.] / Panettieri, Joseph C. -- In: NETWORK COMPUTING, 4(5) May 1993 p. Suppl. 14-16 Profile : a business view of the shift in the industry. [What will apps look like in five years? Don Tapscott, vice president of technology at DMR Group, Toronto, and co-author or Paradigm Shift, takes a look ahead in this special profile.] / Violino, Bob -- In: NETWORK COMPUTING, 4(5) May 1993 p. Suppl., 84-90 Roundup : making sense of existing technology. [A wide variety of client/server tools and solutions are now available in the marketplace, including multiprotocol client/server database. This roundup explores the issues in selecting the right database system.] / Finkelstein, Richard -- In: NETWORK COMPUTING, 4(5) May 1993 p. Suppl., 35-42 Shared buffer memory switch for an ATM exchange / Endo, Noboru ; Kozaki, Takahiko ; Ohuchi, Toshiya ; Kuwahara, Hiroshi ; Gohara, Shinobu -- In: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, 41(1) Jan. 1993 p. 237-245 Specifying goal-oriented network management systems : the design of network management systems and their interfaces can be turned into an engineering discipline / Bean, Angelo ; Wood, Desmond ; Fairclough, W. -- In: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, 31(5) May 1993 p. 30-36 System management information modeling / Mark Klerer, S. -- In: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, 31(5) May 1993 p. 38-44 Talking face-to-face across the miles : systems take videoconferencing to desktop / Crowley, Aileen -- In: PC WEEK, 10 (18) May 10, 1993 p. 107, 115 Tips for testing on X.400 networks / Lombardo, Nick -- In: COMMUNICATIONS NEWS, 30(5) May 1993 p. 38-39 Using SMI to model SNA networks : two new approaches help manage SNA networks from non-SNA systems / Fernandez, Joseph ; Winkler, Kathrin -- In: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, 31(5) May 1993 p. 60-67 VINES users keen for RISC / Krohn, Nico -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 43 Windows for Workgroups & ODI : painting the town red / Morse, Stephen -- In: NETWORK COMPUTING, 4(5) May 1993 p. 150-154 COMPUTER SYSTEMS ARCHITECTURE / ARCHITECTURE DES SYSTEMES INFORMATIQUES Adaptive routing protocols for hypercube interconnection networks : multipath networks and adaptive routing protocols dynamically adapt to network conditions such as communication bottlenecks, thus lifting a major impediment to the development of massively parallel architectures / Gaughan, Patrick T. ; Yalamanchili, Sudhakar -- In: COMPUTER, 26(5) May 1993 p. 12-23 Easy-to-use object-oriented parallel processing with Mentat / Grimshaw, Andrew S. -- In: COMPUTER, 26(5) May 1993 p. 39-50 Efficient program tracing : new techniques reduce the high costs of recording program trace data and storing trace files, making it easy to obtain detailed listings of how a program executes / Larus, James R. -- In: COMPUTER, 26(5) May 1993 p. 52-61 IBM gets foot in object database door with equity stake in Object Design Inc. / Moser, Karen D. -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 63, 74 Will architecture win the technology wars? -- In: HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW, 71(3) May/June 1993 p. 162-163, 166 EDUCATION, TRAINING, PERFORMANCE SUPPORT / EDUCATION, FORMATION, SOUTIEN A LA PERFORMANCE Educational technology : a catalyst for change / Robertson, Stephens & Company -- In: MICROCOMPUTERS FOR INFORMATION MANAGEMENT, 10(1) Mar. 1993 p. 3-28 HUMAN-MACHINE INTERACTION / INTERACTIONS PERSONNE-MACHINE Building HCI partnerships and infrastructure / Shneiderman, Ben ; Lewis, Clayton -- In: BEHAVIOUR AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, 12(2) Mar./Apr. 1993 p. 130-135 Cablers look to multimedia for 500-channel future -- In: MULTIMEDIA WEEK, 2(20) May 17, 1993 p. 7 Computer-supported co-operative work : research issues for the 90s / Olson, Judith S. ; Card, Stuart K. ; Landauer, Thomas K. ; Olson, Gary M. ; Malone, Thomas ; Leggett, John -- In: BEHAVIOUR AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, 12(2) Mar./Apr. 1993 p. 115-129 Four steps to the healthy office / Rist, Oliver -- In: PC MAGAZINE, 12(10) May 25, 1993 p. 122 The green machine. [Can your computer be more efficient, safer, and less hazardous to the environment? PC Magazine takes a look at how technological trends in health, ecology, and ergonomics are producing a new breed of PCs.] / Nadel, Brian -- In: PC MAGAZINE, 12(10) May 25, 1993 p. 110-120 Human-computer interaction research agendas / Sibert, John ; Marchionini, Gary -- In: BEHAVIOUR AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, 12 (2) Mar./Apr. 1993 p. 67-68 Interaction styles and input/output devices / Jacob, Robert J. K. ; Leggett, John J. ; Myers, Brad A. ; Pausch, Randy -- In: BEHAVIOUR AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, 12(2) Mar./Apr. 1993 p. 69-79 Research directions for user interface software tools / Olsen, Dan R., Jr. ; Foley, James D. ; Hudson, Scott E. ; Miller, James -- In: BEHAVIOUR AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, 12(2) Mar./Apr. 1993 p. 80-97 User interface development processes and methodologies / Hartson, H. Rex ; Boehm-Davis, Deborah -- In: BEHAVIOUR AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, 12(2) Mar./Apr. 1993 p. 98-114 INDUSTRY NEWS / NOUVELLES DE L'INDUSTRIE ATM takes the spotlight at InterOp shop -- In: COMMUNICATIONS NEWS, 30(5) May 1993 p. 32 Essais et achat chez Northern Telecom -- In: DIRECTION INFORMATIQUE, 6(5) mai 1993 p. 14 IVR, TouchTone replace timecards at Northrop Corp. -- In: COMMUNICATIONS NEWS, 30(5) May 1993 p. 11-12 Le Pentium enfin disponible / De Luca, Johanne -- In: DIRECTION INFORMATIQUE, 6(5) mai 1993 p. 1 Processeurs et architecture Escon chez Amdahl -- In: DIRECTION INFORMATIQUE, 6(5) mai 1993 p. 21 Puces, horloges et cadences doubles et triples / Champagne, Marielle -- In: DIRECTION INFORMATIQUE, 6(5) mai 1993 p. 21 Succes des exposants canadiens au CeBIT / De Luca, Johanne -- In: DIRECTION INFORMATIQUE, 6(5) mai 1993 p. 1 INFORMATION INTERCHANGE / ECHANGE DES DONNEES The enemy is us. [Implementing EDI means bi changes in key business relationships. In fact, the changes in organizational structure for the initiating company as well as its suppliers and customers can be overwhelming. But the payoff can also be big as our case studies of R. J. Reynolds and Egghead Software show.] / Haight, Timothy -- In: NETWORK COMPUTING, 4(5) May 1993 p. 102-116 Getting an electronic bulletin board system up and running / Delfino, Erik -- In: ONLINE, 17(3) May 1993 p. 106-108 INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL / STOCKAGE ET REPERAGE DE L'INFORMATION CD-ROM sales balloon, up 300% from Christmas -- In: MULTIMEDIA WEEK, 2(20) May 17, 1993 p. 3 Natural language comes of age. [West Publishing Company's WIN (Win Is Natural) is the first natural languageinterface to an online database (Westlaw).] / Pritchard-Schoch, Teresa -- In: ONLINE, 17 (3) May 1993 p. 33-43 Photo CD and other digital imaging technologies : what's out there and what's it for? / Ching-chih Chen -- In: MICROCOMPUTERS FOR INFORMATION MANAGEMENT, 10(1) Mar. 1993 p. 29-42 Quality of abstracts / Tenopir, Carol ; Jacso, Peter -- In: ONLINE, 17(3) May 1993 p. 44-55 Understanding data compression / Prosise, Jeff -- In: PC MAGAZINE, 12 (10) May 25, 1993 p. 305-308 INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT / GESTION DES SYSTEMES INFORMATIQUES A practical approach to information engineering / Kansky, Martin -- In: DATA RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, 4(3) Summer 1993 p. 42-49 Building an effective workbench for data base administrators and application developers / Friedman, Ted -- In: DATA RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, 4(3) Summer 1993 p. 22-32 Data administration for reluctant organizations. [This article presents one strategy--focusing on user data groups--for beginning the culture change needed to take advantage of the data resource. The University of Massachusetts Corporation and two of its campus divisions are used as a case study.] / Bosworth, Michael -- In: DATA RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, 4(3) Summer 1993 p. 58-65 Data administrators : guardians of the corporate data asset / Tucker, Judy -- In: DATA RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, 4(3) Summer 1993 p. 17-21 Organizing for quality information systems / Lambert, Bob -- In: DATA RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, 4(3) Summer 1993 p. 50-57 Practical experiences using the information resource management methodology / Ray, David -- In: DATA RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, 4(3) Summer 1993 p. 7-16 Repository administration : where data and process responsibilities meet / Hudson, Debra L. -- In: DATA RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, 4(3) Summer 1993 p. 33-41 MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS / SYSTEMES MULTIMEDIAS Baud building : new digital phone lines pump up the transmission speed of your color files / Tynan, Daniel -- In: PUBLISH, 8(6) June 1993 p. 46-51 Cablers look to multimedia for 500-channel future -- In: MULTIMEDIA WEEK, 2(20) May 17, 1993 p. 7 CD-ROM sales balloon, up 300% from Christmas -- In: MULTIMEDIA WEEK, 2(20) May 17, 1993 p. 3 La compression numerique de l'image / Blanc, Manuel -- In: QUI FAIT QUOI, mai/juin 15, 1993 p. 28-29 Designing for the future : multimedia presents new opportunities and challenges for graphics professionals / Todd, Daniel -- In: PUBLISH, 8(6) June 1993 p. 40-44 IMA bringing multimedia to industries at large -- In: MULTIMEDIA WEEK, 2(20) May 17, 1993 p. 1 Multimedia a la conqute des marches / Bernard, Sophie -- In: QUI FAIT QUOI, mai/juin 15, 1993 p. 17-19 Paramount interactive brings studio methods to multimedia -- In: MULTIMEDIA WEEK, 2(20) May 17, 1993 p. 4 NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING / TRAITEMENT DES LANGUES NATURELLES A look at speaker-independent speech recognition / Marrowitz, Judith -- In: ISR, 10(4) Apr. 1993 p. 10-11 REVIEWS, ANNOUNCEMENTS - COMPUTER HARDWARE AND PERIPHERAL EQUIPMENT / RECENSIONS ET ANALYSES - MATERIEL INFORMATIQUE Array of SuperSPARC systems will highlight SunWorld expo / Fisher, Susan E. -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 6 AV Image de Data General / Lombard, Estelle -- In: DIRECTION INFORMATIQUE, 6(5) mai 1993 p. 18 Canon NoteJet combines portability, printing / Caton, Michael -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 87, 93 Compaq, Dell leverage server savvy to develop range of Pentium systems / Zimmerman, Michael R. ; Boudette, Neal -- In: PC WEEK, 10 (18) May 10, 1993 p. 1, 14 Compatibles : lequel acheter? / Champagne, Marielle -- In: DIRECTION INFORMATIQUE, 6(5) mai 1993 p. 24 Digitizing tablets : precision input. [Comparative evaluation of graphics tablets: AcecadD9000+; CalComp Drawing Board II; GTCO Ultima; Hitachi Puma Plus; Jameco KD4000; Kurta XGT; KYE Genius HiSketch 1212; Numonics GraphicMasterII; Scriptel RDT-1212; Summagraphics SummaSketch III; Wacom SD-421 E.] / Miller, Rock -- In: PC MAGAZINE, 12(10) May 25, 1993 p. 259-296 First ThinkPad subnotebook due from IBM next month / Boudette, Neal -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 1, 14 Graphics ASIC, reference design aimed at board makers / Schroder, Erica -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 27 How PC week labs performs evaluations of notebook PCs / Berlind, David -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 17 Microsoft, Intel unwrap spec for telephony API / Cortese, Amy -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 12 Nouveaux lecteurs de CD-ROM MultiSpin chez NEC / Lombard, Estelle -- In: DIRECTION INFORMATIQUE, 6(5) mai 1993 p. 18 Storage dimensions' LANStor gains tape support : modules fit into company's RAID, NetWare offerings / Fisher, Susan E. -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 64 ThinkPad 720C goes to heal of class / Berlind, David ; Yates, Chris -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 16 REVIEWS, ANNOUNCEMENTS - SOFTWARE PRODUCTS / RECENSIONS ET ANALYSES - LOGICIELS Antivirus software : watch out for viruses the inexpensive shareware way. [Review of F-PROT 2.07; Integrity Master 1.41b; Viruscan Suite 1.02.] / Rubenking, Neil J. -- In: PC MAGAZINE, 12(10) May 25, 1993 p. 56 Apple hosts developers, releases new technologies CD -- In: MULTIMEDIA WEEK, 2(20) May 17, 1993 p. 8 Crystal Reports 2.0 : sparkling interface for reporting / Plain, Stephen W. -- In: PC MAGAZINE, 12(10) May 25, 1993 p. 46 DOS 6.0 tests fail to show serious bugs -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 8 Lotus announces Notes release 3.0 / Del Nibletto, Paolo -- In: INFO CANADA, 18(5) May 1993 p. 1, 25 Microsoft draws OLE road map / Cortese, Amy -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 12 New writers' tools : better writing through electricity : correct spellings, better words, and pithy quotes all are available on demand. [Review of computerised writing tools: The American Heritage Dictionary, Second College Edition 1.1 and Office Edition; The Concise Oxford Dictionary, Electronic Edition 1.0; Funk & Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary 2.0; Instant Definitions Dictionary Two-Pack; Key Dictionary Plus; MultiLex Professional Dictionary and Thesaurus 3.0; Oxford Writer's Shelf 1.0; Random House Webster's Elctronic Dictionary and Thesaurus, College Edition; Correct Grammar for DOS 4.0 and for Windows 2.0; Grammatik 5 for DOS and for Windows; PowerEdit 2.1; The Random House Encyclopedia for Windows; RightWriter 6; The Writer's Toolkit 2.0 for DOS and for Windows; Word Finder Plus for Windows.] / Rabinovitz, Rubin -- In: PC MAGAZINE, 12(10) May 25, 1993 p. 147-200 PC Tools builds the most flexible Windows desktop / Mendelson, Edward -- In: PC MAGAZINE, 12(10) May 25, 1993 p. 37-38 Photoshop ushers in a new era in PC image editing. [Review of Adobe Photoshop for Windows 2.5.] / Simone, Luisa -- In: PC MAGAZINE, 12 (10) May 25, 1993 p. 37, 39 Rival players spar over cross-platform Windows : Macintosh, Unix are latest targets of Microsoft thrust / Cortese, Amy -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 1, 12 Software-only protocol analyzers / Haugdahl, Scott J. -- In: NETWORK COMPUTING, 4(5) May 1993 p. 126-138 Taking stock of automatic inventory software / Chroniger, Chris ; Cole, Shawn ; Drews, Jame ; Herling, Carl ; Nelson, Fritz ; Rizzo, Joe -- In: NETWORK COMPUTING, 4(5) May 1993 p. 28-54 Turtle Tools makes editing sound files easier / Kendall, Robert -- In: PC MAGAZINE, 12(10) May 25, 1993 p. 49 Ventura PicturePro : powerful editing and masking tools / Grunin, Lori -- In: PC MAGAZINE, 12(10) May 25, 1993 p. 53 REVIEWS, ANNOUNCEMENTS - TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES / RECENSIONS ET ANALYSES - SERVICES DE TELECOMMUNICATIONS AT&T, NCR to offer PC videoconferencing / Converse, Caryn -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 115 Cabletron adds options for MMAC hubs / Loudermilk, Stephen -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 20 Comm packages open up world of Windows / Safi, Quabidur R. -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 89, 96 Desktop videoconferencing systems. [Directory of products and vendors.] -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 110, 115 Lotus adds Notes allies, wireless gateway / Rooney, Paula -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 20 Megahertz announces wireless modem to transmit data via Mobitex network / Loudermilk, Stephen -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 49 Peer-to-peer LANs : teamwork without trauma. [Review of peer-to-peer LAN operating systems: InvisibleLAN 3.3; LANtastic 5.0; Windows for Workroups 3.1; NetWare Lite 1.1; SilverNET 2.0M; 10NET 5.1; WEB for Windows and DOS 4.0.] / Derfer, Frank J., Jr. -- In: PC MAGAZINE, 12(10) May 25, 1993 p. 203-257 Vendors bridge data gaps of hosts, PCs at DB/Expo / Moser, Karen D. -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 18 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING / GENIE LOGICIEL Developer adding object-oriented hooks to procedural language / Leach, Norvin -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 53, 57 Developers to wed NT, video / Schroeder, Erica -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 53, 57 Easy-to-use object-oriented parallel processing with Mentat / Grimshaw, Andrew S. -- In: COMPUTER, 26(5) May 1993 p. 39-50 Example-based graphical database query languages / Ozsoyoglu, Gultekin ; Hyaqing, Wang -- In: COMPUTER, 26(5) May 1993 p. 25-38 IBM won't ignore Win32s for OS/2 / Ferranti, Marc -- In: PC WEEK, 10 (18) May 10, 1993 p. 53, 59 Integrating a Windows help file into an application / Duncan, Ray -- In: PC MAGAZINE, 12(10) May 25, 1993 p. 343-354 Modeling the user interface : object-oriented modeling of human-machine interfaces is appealing, but the generic network model may contain thousands of objects / Marchisio, Lucia ; Ronco, Enrico ; Saracco, Roberto -- In: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, 31 (5) May 1993 p. 68-74 Object technology at Hewlett-Packard / Harmon, Paul -- In: OBJECT-ORIENTED STRATEGIES, 3(4) 1993 p. 1-15 The path to advanced font techniques / Petzold, Charles -- In: PC MAGAZINE, 12(10) May 25, 1993 p. 331-340 Research directions for user interface software tools / Olsen, Dan R., Jr. ; Foley, James D. ; Hudson, Scott E. ; Miller, James -- In: BEHAVIOUR AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, 12(2) Mar./Apr. 1993 p. 80-97 STANDARDS AND STANDARDIZATION / NORMES ET NORMALISATION Analyzing network performance management : OSI management principles and tools make it possible to develop a performance management model powerful enough for the 21st century / Hayes, Stephen -- In: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, 31(5) May 1993 p. 52-58 CMISE functions and Services : the Common Management Information Service Element was developed to monitor the health of OSI communications entities / Raman, Lakshmi -- In: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, 31(5) May 1993 p. 46-51 Desktop video has far to go : delayed standards slow penetration of videoconferencing / Kramer, Matt -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 107, 118 Implementing OSI-based interfaces for network management : a partially standardized network-management interface requires less effort to evolve than a completely proprietary solution / Serre, Jean-Marc ; Lewis, Pierre ; Rosenfeld, Ken -- In: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, 31(5) May 1993 p. 76-81 Information et normalisation, deux ingredients d'importance strategique -- In: LES AFFAIRES, 65(19) mai 15-21, 1993 p. P3 ISDN in North America : the North American ISDN Users' Forum is expediting the development of a national market-driven ISDN / Stokesberry, Dan ; Wakid, Shukri -- In: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, 31(5) May 1993 p. 88-94 Managing ATM-based broadband networks : industry is reaching agreements on standard ATM-layer operations early in the BISDN development process / Farkouh, Stephen C. -- In: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, 31(5) May 1993 p. 82-86 The OSI network management model : balancing the responsibilities of OSI's agents and platforms and their interaction protocols is complex, but OSI helps by offering functions lacking in Internet's SNMP / Yemini, Yechiam -- In: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, 31(5) May 1993 p. 20-29 System management information modeling / Mark Klerer, S. -- In: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, 31(5) May 1993 p. 38-44 Tips for testing on X.400 networks / Lombardo, Nick -- In: COMMUNICATIONS NEWS, 30(5) May 1993 p. 38-39 Using SMI to model SNA networks : two new approaches help manage SNA networks from non-SNA systems / Fernandez, Joseph ; Winkler, Kathrin -- In: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, 31(5) May 1993 p. 60-67 MISCELLANEOUS / DIVERS Bell proposes personal phone numbers and network portability access service -- In: CANADIAN COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK LETTER, 13(15) May 10, 1993 p. 3-5 Ergonomics of input / Flynn, Mary Kathleen -- In: PC MAGAZINE, 12(10) May 25, 1993 p. 126, 135 Invisible divides : communication and identity in Canada and the U.S. / Ferguson, Marjorie -- In: JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 43(2) Spring 1993 p. 42-57 It's alive. [If code can eat, reproduce, age, and die, then can it also be alive? Artificial life researchers wonder.] / Miller, Michael J. -- In: PC MAGAZINE, 12(10) May 25, 1993 p. 81-82 The state of the neural and fuzzy marketplaces / Blanchard, David -- In: ISR, 10(4) Apr. 1993 p. 1, 2 ------------------------------ EXAMPLE NO. 1 Telco Deals Start Paying Off Source: Computing Canada, April 26, 1993, pp. 32-34 by James Buchok ABSTRACT: As a result of alliances between Canadian-U.S.-based companies such as the one forged by Stentor Alliance of Canada's and MCI Communications Corp., telecommunication rates have been greatly reduced. The two companies have recently introduced the cross-border virtual corporate network (VCN), known as the Advantage VNet, providing networking services to large Canadian businesses. Virtual networks allow sharing of long distance voice and data lines with other customers bringing rates down by as much as 30 to 50 percent. Further, high volume users can also benefit from discounts of up to 22 percent off their total bill. The linking of Stentor's Impac service with MCI's HyperStream will create the first international frame relay service available in the world. HyperStream, as the service has been named, will provide a cross-border, high-speed frame relay data network linking local area networks between cities. Stentor's main competitor, AT&T which forged an alliance with Unitel in January, has introduced a software package similar to Advantage VNet, the SDN (Software Defined Network). ------------------------------ EXAMPLE NO. 2 Tire-kicking Technology: AMS' Chief Technology Officer Describes his Firm's New Lab Source: Computerworld, May 3, 1993, pp. 28-29 ABSTRACT: American Management Systems, Inc. (AMS) is opening a Center for Advanced Technologies as an applied research laboratory in Fairfax, VA. this month. The systems integrator and software house which aims at becoming a technology leader will focus on the following research areas: 1. Applications architecture; 2. Client/server technology; 3. Collaborative work environments; 4. Computer/Human interaction; 5. Mobile computing; 6. Multimedia; 7. Object technology; 8. Performance and measurement. Topics emphasized will be object technology (development languages, tools and DBMS), multimedia (applications with interactive video and audio), and mobile computing (pen-based computing, wireless data communications and the integration of mobile technologies with client/server systems). Activities will include software performance testing particularly in complex client/server applications involving multiple systems and multiple servers. The research focus, however, is expected to change to match business needs. Received: from ELI.CS.YALE.EDU by CASPER.NA.CS.YALE.EDU via SMTP; Fri, 11 Jun 1993 17:07:17 -0400 Received: from by eli.CS.YALE.EDU via SMTP; Fri, 11 Jun 1993 17:06:45 -0400 Received: from by (4.1/AI-4.10) for id AA06247; Fri, 11 Jun 93 16:27:54 EDT Received: by (5.65/ULTRIX-mjr-062991); id AA05294; Fri, 11 Jun 93 16:27:52 -0400 Received: by (5.65/ULTRIX-mjr-063191); id AA21728; Fri, 11 Jun 93 16:27:50 -0400 Date: Fri, 11 Jun 93 16:27:42 -0400 Message-Id: <> From: esvax::mrgate::"a1::nicholsl"@esvax.DECNET To: "" Subject: RX50 for PDP8/E Date: Fri, 11 Jun 93 16:27:42 -0400 From: esvax::mrgate::"a1::nicholsl"@esvax.DECNET To: "" Subject: RX50 for PDP8/E From: NAME: NICHOLS, LEE H III FUNC: CR&D TEL: 695-4432 To: "PDP8-LOVERS@AI.MIT.EDU" AT ESDS01 AT MRGATE Has anyone designed a PDP8/E interface for the RX50 floppy drive? How about an OS/8 driver for same? Reply to: NICHOLSL@ESVAX.DNET.DUPONT.COM It's good to know someone still remembers the "8"!!! Thanks Lee Nichols Received: from ELI.CS.YALE.EDU by CASPER.NA.CS.YALE.EDU via SMTP; Thu, 17 Jun 1993 10:22:59 -0400 Received: from by eli.CS.YALE.EDU via SMTP; Thu, 17 Jun 1993 10:22:57 -0400 Received: from by (4.1/AI-4.10) for id AA05056; Thu, 17 Jun 93 09:49:59 EDT Received: from by (5.64.jnf/920408) on Thu, 17 Jun 93 08:49:55 -0500 id AA01731 with SMTP Received: by (5.59/890218) on Thu, 17 Jun 93 08:49:49 CDT id AA24071 Date: Thu, 17 Jun 93 08:49:49 CDT From: Douglas W. Jones Message-Id: <> To: Subject: 8/E systems in Cleveland Date: Thu, 17 Jun 93 08:49:49 CDT From: Douglas W. Jones To: Subject: 8/E systems in Cleveland I just got the following E-mail, and I thought I'd pass it on: > Subject: PDP-8 > From: (George Roettger) > Organization: PC-OHIO PCBOARD - Cleveland, OH - 216-381-3320 > Dear Mr. Jones, > I read a file about PDP-8's that you posted which included a > section about where to find them. I have (2)PDP-8e's along with > with a rack and (3) Decpak RK05 and boxes of boards for the above. > I paid $200.00 for the lot from SUN Newspapers and would be > willing to sell them for that amount to a good home. If you know > of someone who would be interested please give them my number. > George Roettger > (216) 632-5382 > Received: from ELI.CS.YALE.EDU by CASPER.NA.CS.YALE.EDU via SMTP; Mon, 21 Jun 1993 14:49:59 -0400 Received: from by eli.CS.YALE.EDU via SMTP; Mon, 21 Jun 1993 14:49:46 -0400 Received: from by (4.1/AI-4.10) for id AA20107; Mon, 21 Jun 93 13:44:14 EDT Received: from by (5.64.jnf/930621.temp) on Mon, 21 Jun 93 12:44:11 -0500 id AA27343 with SMTP Received: by (5.59/890218) on Mon, 21 Jun 93 12:44:02 CDT id AA27696 Date: Mon, 21 Jun 93 12:44:02 CDT From: Douglas W. Jones Message-Id: <> To: Subject: George Roettger's surplus stuff Date: Mon, 21 Jun 93 12:44:02 CDT From: Douglas W. Jones To: Subject: George Roettger's surplus stuff George Roettger in Cleveland has sent me a list of the parts he has, and going over it, I've concluded that he has something like the following available PDP-8/E systems and parts: He has 2 PDP-8/E systems with the following approximate configurations (approximate because his list of board numbers appears to have been in error in a few places, and because some boards are un-numbered): M8300 -- CPU registers M8310 -- CPU register control M8330 -- CPU timing control M8655 -- console terminal interface M8655 -- printer interface M8655 -- modem interface M7104 \ M7105 > 3 board set for RK8E disk interface (for RK0x disk drives). M7106 / M837 -- memory management unit M860 -- RFI shield G111 \ G645 > 3 board set for 8K of core memory G233 / (the G111 is the only one with it's name on the handle) G111 \ G645 > 3 board set for 8K of core memory G233 / (the G111 is the only one with it's name on the handle) M8320 -- Bus Loads I have recommended to him that he try to dispose of the above as systems, and not break them up. In addition, he appears to have the following OMNIBUS boards which I have recommended that he make available separately from the systems from which they were taken: G104 \ G619 > 4K memory, 2 spare sets. G227 / G111 \ G645 > 8K memory, 2 spare sets. (I made an offer on one set!) G233 / M518 \ Programmable realtime clock, 3 spare sets. M860 / M8340 \ Extended Arithmetic Element (multiply/divide hardware) M8341 / 2 spare sets. (I made an offer on one set!) M8350 - External I/O bus interface, 2 spares. M841 -- Line printer control, 1 spare. M847 -- Bootstrap loader, 1 spare, programmed for RK8E? M8655 -- Serial port, 14 spares. In addition, he has two VT05 terminals, a TTY, some RK04 drives, and a boatload of FlipChip logic cards. I suspect that the cards were pulled from whatever the M8350 was interfaced to, but it's apparently a bit late to figure out what was there. Here is his list of flip-chip boards: G180 G380 G381A G736 G890 G936 G938 M101 M103 M105 M111 M112 M113 M115 M116 M117 M119 M121 M133 M135 M137 M139 M155 M155 M162 M169 M205 M216 M238 M243 M302 M306 M405 M523 M597 M606 M611 M623 M697 M783 M784 M796 M798 M908-YB M910 M921 M983 M984 In addition, he has some boards I don't recognize. Has an old PDP-11 system been mixed into the pile of surplus he bought? Here are the odd ones: M1103 M1713 M7000 M7001 M7002 M7004 M7007 M7286 M7700 M7700J M7701 M7702 M7710 M7712 M7713 M7715 M7716 M7717 M7721 M7724 M7760-P3 REV F M7761 M7821 M7821 If you can use any of this stuff, please contact George Roettger at (216) 632-5382 after 6:00 PM or send him E-mail at My advice to him was that it would be fair to ask about $5 per omnibus circuit board to cover shipping of individual boards. I didn't suggest any prices to him for the other stuff. My guess is that if you showed up on his doorstep, he'd be perfectly willing to give you a complete PDP-8 system configured as listed above for under $100, including a rack, a vintage VT05 or Teletype, and more. Doug Jones Received: from ELI.CS.YALE.EDU by CASPER.NA.CS.YALE.EDU via SMTP; Tue, 29 Jun 1993 18:50:31 -0400 Received: from by eli.CS.YALE.EDU via SMTP; Tue, 29 Jun 1993 18:50:22 -0400 Received: from by (4.1/AI-4.10) for id AA16950; Tue, 29 Jun 93 17:47:26 EDT Received: from by (5.64.jnf/920408) on Tue, 29 Jun 93 16:47:09 -0500 id AA06157 with SMTP Received: by (5.59/890218) on Tue, 29 Jun 93 16:47:01 CDT id AA07847 Date: Tue, 29 Jun 93 16:47:01 CDT From: Douglas W. Jones Message-Id: <> To: Subject: Software Date: Tue, 29 Jun 93 16:47:01 CDT From: Douglas W. Jones To: Subject: Software I am building an emulator, and I need software to test it with. Currently, the emulator runs FOCAL-1969 quite nicely; for example, it says: *TYPE 10E615,! = 0.99995900E+616 This takes 11 seconds on my emulator running on an IBM RT workstation, and it takes 5 seconds on my Tadpole SparcBook, both trying to emulate 1200 baud console terminals. This reveals that FOCAL uses a 12 bit signed binary exponent for floating point, and most of the time delay is in the decimal to binary and binary to decimal conversion. In any case, what I need is something that tests the extended memory addressing. Any help with this would be appreciated! Doug Jones