From Wed Oct 26 09:47:35 1994 Received: from SunSITE.Unc.EDU ( by maestro.Maestro.COM (4.1/MAESTRO-0.1/07-03-93) id AA07539; Tue, 25 Oct 94 18:33:25 EDT Received: from ( by SunSITE.Unc.EDU (5.65c+IDA/FvK-1.07) with SMTP id AA05578; Tue, 25 Oct 1994 18:34:57 -0400 Received: from by with SMTP id AA17129 (5.65c+CU/IDA-1.4.4/HLK for ); Tue, 25 Oct 1994 18:33:39 -0400 Received: from by with SMTP id AA23475 (5.65c+CU/IDA-1.4.4/HLK for ); Tue, 25 Oct 1994 18:33:36 -0400 Received: by (4.1/AI-4.10) for id AA19820; Tue, 25 Oct 94 18:13:31 EDT Return-Path: Received: from by (4.1/AI-4.10) for /usr/lib/sendmail -oi pdp8-lovers-list id AA19814; Tue, 25 Oct 94 18:13:28 EDT Received: from by ( on Tue, 25 Oct 1994 17:13:25 -0500 id RAA28782 with SMTP Received: by (5.59/890218) on Tue, 25 Oct 94 17:12:27 CDT id AA01376 Date: Tue, 25 Oct 94 17:12:27 CDT From: "Douglas W. Jones" Message-Id: <> To: Subject: RX01 boot fun I'm trying to debug the RX01 support on my PDP-8 emulator, but I'm working from a pretty poor foundation. At this point, the emulator supports a fairly large body of code that I've written to test the RX01 -- I can read and write any sector on my emulated disks, and so on. I have a disk image complements of John Wilson at RPI that claims to be an OS/8 system disk (or at least, the name of the uuencoded file he shipped to me was os8sys.flp.gz). The disk image is 256256 bytes long, which is just right for a full dump of an RX01 disk, and he said he dumped it using a PDP-11. I have two RX8, RX01 bootstraps, one from the RX01/RX02 Pocket Service Guide, second edition, 1981, and one that was originally posted to this group that came from the manual for an 8/e disk subsystem built by DSD. I wrote a little bit of PDP-8 code to read a 256256 byte file in from my (emulated) paper tape reader and dump it to disk. Octal dumps of the resulting emulated disk image show that my program put sector 1 of track 1 in the right place, and sector 1 of track 1 looks at least somewhat reasonable. I have yet to get a straight answer about how to deal with interleaving, so I've shotgunned it, getting different results with different answers, but none useful. The problem: Both bootstraps do something with all attempts at interleaving or not interleaving the data from (emulated) paper tape, but I don't get a running system from any of the attempts. Either my emulator is bad in some obscure way or my code to copy John Wilson's diskette image to an emulated diskette is bad or the disk I have isn't a bootable system. All of the above seem equally likely. The solution: Work, inspiration and similar annoying stuff. Things I wish I had: -- An RX01 disk exerciser not written by me. The one I wrote works fine, but perhaps there's something I'm not testing. -- An octal dump (8 bit or 12 bit mode) of the expected contents of track 1 sector 1 and track 1 sector 2 of a bootable OS/8 disk. This would let me see if I've dealt with interleaving properly, and it would let me verify that John Wilson's diskette is indeed good. -- Clear documentation of the interleaving scheme used by OS/8. Given a logical sector number (as seen by the software), what transformation does the software perform before handing it to the RX8 controller? Did RT11 use the same scheme or something else? Knowing all of this would help me undo what was done to Wilson's disk. Doug Jones From Thu Oct 27 15:17:47 1994 Received: from SunSITE.Unc.EDU ( by maestro.Maestro.COM (4.1/MAESTRO-0.1/07-03-93) id AA25382; Wed, 26 Oct 94 11:03:49 EDT Received: from ( by SunSITE.Unc.EDU (5.65c+IDA/FvK-1.07) with SMTP id AA00885; Wed, 26 Oct 1994 11:04:04 -0400 Received: from by with SMTP id AA02728 (5.65c+CU/IDA-1.4.4/HLK for ); Wed, 26 Oct 1994 11:03:48 -0400 Received: from by with SMTP id AA08228 (5.65c+CU/IDA-1.4.4/HLK for ); Wed, 26 Oct 1994 11:03:45 -0400 Received: by (4.1/AI-4.10) for id AB01280; Wed, 26 Oct 94 10:39:54 EDT Return-Path: Received: from relay2.UU.NET by (4.1/AI-4.10) for /usr/lib/sendmail -oi pdp8-lovers-list id AA01271; Wed, 26 Oct 94 10:39:39 EDT Received: from maestro.Maestro.COM by relay2.UU.NET with SMTP id QQxnhi20895; Wed, 26 Oct 1994 10:39:22 -0400 Received: by maestro.Maestro.COM (4.1/MAESTRO-0.1/07-03-93) id AA24875; Wed, 26 Oct 94 10:38:56 EDT Date: Wed, 26 Oct 1994 10:38:55 -0400 (EDT) From: Charles Lasner Subject: Re: RX01 boot fun To: "Douglas W. Jones" Cc: In-Reply-To: <> Message-Id: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII On Tue, 25 Oct 1994, Douglas W. Jones wrote: > I'm trying to debug the RX01 support on my PDP-8 emulator, but I'm working > from a pretty poor foundation. At this point, the emulator supports a > fairly large body of code that I've written to test the RX01 -- I can > read and write any sector on my emulated disks, and so on. A good start. Passing the diagnostics would be even better. > > I have a disk image complements of John Wilson at RPI that claims to be > an OS/8 system disk (or at least, the name of the uuencoded file he > shipped to me was os8sys.flp.gz). The disk image is 256256 bytes long, > which is just right for a full dump of an RX01 disk, and he said he > dumped it using a PDP-11. Having read further down, this is the source of at least part of your problems. > > I have two RX8, RX01 bootstraps, one from the RX01/RX02 Pocket Service > Guide, second edition, 1981, and one that was originally posted to this > group that came from the manual for an 8/e disk subsystem built by DSD. The DSD is a superset of DEC. In the DEC version, there is an unused command bit conveniently placed to the left of the unit select bit. DSD implemented it as an extension to the register which is quite nice. Thus, DSD drives care about that bit while DEC systems ignore it. P?S/8 RX01 non-system handler supports the unit extension, as well as a supplied OS/8 non-system handler from DSD for three drives. (They never packaged more than three drives in a box, but the disk buss supports 4 drives which is the norm for industry-standard diskette drives, etc. I have a two-drive DSD-210, and by extending the command cable, two additional drives are readily supportable. Using a cable adapter, RX01 format can be written on 5.25" drives!) In any case, DSD support is totally compatible for the first drive pair. Additionally, DSD drives support actual low-level physical formatting. To format a drive, attempt a normal write, except ask for sector 152 on the track. If accepted, then send 26 sector values in the desired order starting past index. The net result is a format track operation. I have a functioning formatting program I wrote years ago, etc. The DSD board supports a format lock switch as well as a write-protect switch. (Actually, each drive supports write-protect separately; this is documented in the DEC pocket service guide in terms of the associated error. DEC computer special systems supported the feature for interested customers, but not in stock production.) There are two new error codes, one for attempt to format with format-protect set, and attempt to format with write-protect set. It would be useful to support at least the write-protect bit, which is set when either the drive or media is write-protected. (Note: 8" notch hole cover convention is the *opposite* of 5.25"! You need to fill the hole to write on the drive, similar to the notion of a magtape write ring.) Additionally, the bit sets when the drive is not ready. Apparently, the logic is rather bare, thus a drive without media allows the photocell to be illuminated while a closed notch diskette prevents this if present, etc. Code that checks for a not-ready condition must not be fooled into believing that the media is write-protected (rather it's non-existent!) and additionally, not believe the drive is an RX02 (which also, rather uselessly, sets this bit!). In any case, sticking to just the first two drives, the DSD boot is much shorter than the DEC one, and takes advantage of a trick: When power clear is issued, the drives do a self-test that involves reading track 1, sector 1 into the buffer. Thus, instead of performing the explicit read, it expects the self-test to have performed it, etc., thus the code is much shorter, etc. Additionally, DEC's longer version infinitely retries, and additionally supports a hack of alternating attempts on both drives. The even longer RX02 version additionally alternates media density trying all four combinations of drive select and media density. > > I wrote a little bit of PDP-8 code to read a 256256 byte file in from my > (emulated) paper tape reader and dump it to disk. Octal dumps of the > resulting emulated disk image show that my program put sector 1 of > track 1 in the right place, and sector 1 of track 1 looks at least > somewhat reasonable. I have yet to get a straight answer about how > to deal with interleaving, so I've shotgunned it, getting different > results with different answers, but none useful. Track 1, sector 1 is the only one that they will agree on. The rest are hopelessly wrong. > > The problem: Both bootstraps do something with all attempts at > interleaving or not interleaving the data from (emulated) paper tape, but > I don't get a running system from any of the attempts. Either my emulator > is bad in some obscure way or my code to copy John Wilson's diskette > image to an emulated diskette is bad or the disk I have isn't a bootable > system. All of the above seem equally likely. The -11's use a mapped format not used on the -8. You have to remap the data before writing it. OS/8 bootable RX01 uses the data in 12-bit mode while -11's use 8-bit mode. Thus, you have to write the data in the -11's order in 8-bit mode. The -11's order is in turn both interleaved and staggered while the -8 format is interleaved only. Thus, both systems ignore track 0, and start at track 1, sector 1, and that's why you have good results that far. However, PDP-8 convention is to then interleave the sectors in the order of all odds, then all evens: 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26. The -11's do this also, except that the starting point in the 26-sector sequence is staggered by 6 for the next track. Thus, track 1 logically starts on sector 7! All of the odd sectors are done first, then all of the even ones. The even ones will start with 8. Thus, you have to write the data from the -11 in a manner both interleaved and staggered to reproduce the original data in the original order. The running (albeit simulated) -8 code will pick out the data in the intended way - 12-bit transfers and interleave of two without stagger, etc. > > The solution: Work, inspiration and similar annoying stuff. > > Things I wish I had: > > -- An RX01 disk exerciser not written by me. The one I wrote works > fine, but perhaps there's something I'm not testing. There are standard RX dignostics. > > -- An octal dump (8 bit or 12 bit mode) of the expected contents of > track 1 sector 1 and track 1 sector 2 of a bootable OS/8 disk. > This would let me see if I've dealt with interleaving properly, > and it would let me verify that John Wilson's diskette is indeed > good. It's clear you've done it inadvertently wrong. Try again. > > -- Clear documentation of the interleaving scheme used by OS/8. Given > a logical sector number (as seen by the software), what > transformation does the software perform before handing it to the > RX8 controller? Did RT11 use the same scheme or something else? > Knowing all of this would help me undo what was done to Wilson's > disk. Read the above. BTW, I have a question: What is the RT-11 interleave and stagger scheme for RX02 and RX50? (I guess that's two questions!) > > Doug Jones > > cjl From Thu Oct 27 15:36:52 1994 Received: from SunSITE.Unc.EDU ( by maestro.Maestro.COM (4.1/MAESTRO-0.1/07-03-93) id AA12074; Wed, 26 Oct 94 20:51:34 EDT Received: from ( by SunSITE.Unc.EDU (5.65c+IDA/FvK-1.07) with SMTP id AA08337; Wed, 26 Oct 1994 20:51:53 -0400 Received: from by with SMTP id AA14681 (5.65c+CU/IDA-1.4.4/HLK for ); Wed, 26 Oct 1994 20:51:44 -0400 Received: from by with SMTP id AA09380 (5.65c+CU/IDA-1.4.4/HLK for ); Wed, 26 Oct 1994 20:51:43 -0400 Received: by (4.1/AI-4.10) for id AA08362; Wed, 26 Oct 94 20:35:32 EDT Return-Path: Received: from by (4.1/AI-4.10) for /usr/lib/sendmail -oi pdp8-lovers-list id AA08354; Wed, 26 Oct 94 20:35:19 EDT Received: from MTS.RPI.EDU by (4.1/SMHUB41); id AA26888; Wed, 26 Oct 94 20:34:58 EDT for PDP8-LOVERS@AI.MIT.EDU Date: Wed, 26 Oct 94 20:34:52 EDT From: To: Message-Id: <4599998@MTS.RPI.EDU> Subject: Re: RX01 boot fun >RX50 -- 2:1 interleave, no skew Whoops, think I jumped the gun on this one, looking at DZ.MAC it appears to be computing skew but I'll be damned if I can figure out how, better figure it out and fix my code! Sorry... John From Sun Oct 30 22:49:09 1994 Received: from SunSITE.Unc.EDU ( by maestro.Maestro.COM (4.1/MAESTRO-0.1/07-03-93) id AA18158; Sun, 30 Oct 94 13:35:06 EST Received: from ( by SunSITE.Unc.EDU (5.65c+IDA/FvK-1.07) with SMTP id AA18896; Sun, 30 Oct 1994 13:35:33 -0500 Received: from by with SMTP id AA17837 (5.65c+CU/IDA-1.4.4/HLK for ); Sun, 30 Oct 1994 13:35:24 -0500 Received: from by with SMTP id AA12826 (5.65c+CU/IDA-1.4.4/HLK for ); Sun, 30 Oct 1994 13:35:16 -0500 Received: by (4.1/AI-4.10) for id AB03984; Sun, 30 Oct 94 13:23:52 EST Return-Path: Received: from by (4.1/AI-4.10) for /usr/lib/sendmail -oi pdp8-lovers-list id AA03975; Sun, 30 Oct 94 13:23:48 EST Via:; Sun, 30 Oct 1994 18:22:26 +0000 Received: from scorch ( by; Sun, 30 Oct 1994 18:22:19 GMT From: Mark Emmett (Visitor) Received: from slc30 (slc30.tees) by scorch; Sun, 30 Oct 94 18:26:57 GMT Date: Sun, 30 Oct 94 18:26:55 GMT Message-Id: <3919.9410301826@slc30> To: unsubscribe