This is a set of pictures of PDP-8's in my collection. I'm moving the collection and taking pictures as I go. These are not professional shots. They were taken with Kodacolor 200 in a mix of ambient (indirect) and flourescent light. (The exact mix depends on the time of day each picture was taken.) Some of the pictures are rather dark. The negatives were transferred to Photo-CD. The 1024x1536 version of each picture was translated to JPEG with hpcdtoppm and cjpeg at the default quality setting of 75. The pictures here are of the PDP-8, PDP-8/I, PDP-12, PDP-8a (310), and WT/78. Not yet included are pictures of the PDP-5, PDP-8/e, and DECmate II, or any other -8's I happen to pick up. They will come later. Below is commentary on each of the pictures. These pictures are Copyright (C) 1994 by Paul R. Pierce. Permission is granted for non-commercial use, including permission to make unlimited copies for educational and personal use. Paul Pierce 6/28/94 pdp8-1p.jpg Classic 8 in a rack. Front view. pdp8-2p.jpg Closeup of front panel. pdp8-3p.jpg Front/side view with CPU pulled out on its slides. pdp8-4p.jpg Processor side modules view. Note - this is a basic 4K machine. pdp8-5p.jpg Memory side modules. pdp8-6p.jpg Front view fully open showing the wire-wrapped backplanes. pdp8-7p.jpg Back view of rack with doors open. pdp8i-1p.jpg Front view of PDP-8/I complete system. Rightmost rack has 8I CPU, 8K, power supply in bottom, PC04 paper tape reader in the middle, several PT-08 teletype interfaces in top. Middle rack contains a fixed head disk, RF08 I think. Left rack I forget, but probably has magtape control and other stuff. Magtape drive (TU20) was lost. pdp8i-2p.jpg Front view of CPU rack. pdp8i-3p.jpg Front/side view with CPU pulled out on slides. Note logic on left slides out, power supply is mounted on right side of rack. Additional power supplies (for teletype interfaces) mounted on back of rack. pdp8i-4p.jpg Back/side view opposite of above. pdp12-1p.jpg Front view of PDP-12. This is a basic 8K machine with dual LINCtape. Standard configuration includes X-Y CRT, analog I/O, timers, and relay register. CPU built with PDP-8/I technology, executes PDP-8 and LINC instruction sets. pdp12-2p.jpg Side view. Note logic on back of rack. pdp12-3p.jpg Back view showing wire-wrapped backplane. pdp8a-1p.jpg Front view of DECsystem 310. Not shown is the obligatory VT52 CRT, which sits in the well. pdp8a-2p.jpg Back view. 8A CPU is top left. wt78-1p.jpg Front view of WT/78 with builtin PDP-8 microprocessor. rx02-1p.jpg 8 inch dual floppy drive that goes with WT/78.