/ FLBKTB - Fallback representation table for multinational characters / / Edit history :- / / 001 RCME 19-MAR-85 Creation of table / /****************************************************************************** /* * /* This table is used by PRINT SCREEN, PRINT, CX, DX, and others * /* to translate multinational characters to a fallback representation * /* using one or two overstruck characters when transmitting over links * /* that accept only 7 bit comms. The table resides in panel memory * /* at location 1000 in field 5. The table starts with a representation * /* of character 160 DECIMAL [240 OCTAL]. Each character then has two * /* entries associated with it. The corresponding entry therefore * /* resides at field 5, location (1000+(char#-240)*2), and consists of * /* two words. * /* * /****************************************************************************** / Module load instructions for RXHAN FIELD 0 / field where RXHAN is located *200 / start address used by OS8 GO command JMP I .+3 / location used to startup RXHAN JMP I .+1 / location used to return to OS8 from RXHAN 7605 / address of OS8 monitor RXLOAD / address of start location for RXHAN *RXLDLS / address within RXHAN to overlay RXEWT / write function code 0 / ?????? me neither RXQBLK / address of queue block to use . / address of table of disk commands DLFBTB ; 1000; CDF 60; -DSFBTB /table area 0 / list terminator *400 FIELD 6 *1000 FLBKTB, " &177;" &177 /240 Space "!&177;"!&177 /241 Up-side-down ! "c&177;"/&177 /242 Cent "L&177;"-&177 /243 English pound sign " &177;" &177 /244 Space "Y&177;"-&177 /245 Yen sign " &177;" &177 /246 Reserved "S&177;"O&177 /247 Section sign "O&177;"X&177 /250 General currency symbol "C&177;"O&177 /251 Copyright sign "a&177;"_&177 /252 Feminine ordinal indicator "<&177;"<&177 /253 Angle quotation mark left " &177;" &177 /254 Reserved " &177;" &177 /255 Reserved " &177;" &177 /256 Reserved " &177;" &177 /257 Reserved "o&177;" &177 /260 Degree sign "+&177;"_&177 /261 Plus/minus sign "2&177;" &177 /262 Superscript 2 "3&177;" &177 /263 Superscript 3 " &177;" &177 /264 Reserved "u&177;"/&177 /265 Micro sign "P&177;"!&177 /266 Pilcrow ".&177;" &177 /267 Middle dot " &177;" &177 /270 Reserved "1&177;" &177 /271 Superscript 1 "o&177;"_&177 /272 Masculine ordinal indicator ">&177;">&177 /273 Angle quotation mark right "1&177;"4&177 /274 Fraction one quarter "1&177;"2&177 /275 Fraction one half " &177;" &177 /276 Reserved "?&177;"?&177 /277 Inverted question mark "A&177;"`&177 /300 Capital A with grave accent "A&177;"'&177 /301 Capital A with accute accent "A&177;"^&177 /302 Capital A with circumflex accent "A&177;"~&177 /303 Capital A with tilde "A&177;""&177 /304 Capital A with umlaut "A&177;"*&177 /305 Capital A with ring "A&177;"E&177 /306 Capital AE ligature "C&177;",&177 /307 Capital C with cedilla "E&177;"`&177 /310 Capital E with grave accent "E&177;"'&177 /311 Capital E with accute accent "E&177;"^&177 /312 Capital E with circumflex "E&177;""&177 /313 Capital E with umlaut "I&177;"`&177 /314 Capital I with grave accent "I&177;"'&177 /315 Capital I with accute accent "I&177;"^&177 /316 Capital I with circumflex "I&177;""&177 /317 Capital I with umlaut " &177;" &177 /320 Reserved "N&177;"~&177 /321 Capital N with tilde "O&177;"`&177 /322 Capital O with grave accent "O&177;"'&177 /323 Capital O with accute accent "O&177;"^&177 /324 Capital O with circumflex "O&177;"~&177 /325 Capital O with tilde "O&177;""&177 /326 Capital O with umlaut "O&177;"E&177 /327 Capital OE ligature "O&177;"/&177 /330 Capital O with slash "U&177;"`&177 /331 Capital U with grave accent "U&177;"'&177 /332 Capital U with accute accent "U&177;"^&177 /333 Capital U with circumflex "U&177;""&177 /334 Capital U with umlaut "Y&177;""&177 /335 Capital Y with umlaut " &177;" &177 /336 Reserved "B&177;",&177 /337 German small sharp s "a&177;"`&177 /340 Small a with grave accent "a&177;"'&177 /341 Small a with accute accent "a&177;"^&177 /342 Small a with circumflex "a&177;"~&177 /343 Small a with tilde "a&177;""&177 /344 Small a with umlaut "a&177;"*&177 /345 Small a with ring "a&177;"e&177 /346 Small ae ligature "c&177;",&177 /347 Small c with cedilla "e&177;"`&177 /350 Small e with grave accent "e&177;"'&177 /351 Small e with accute accent "e&177;"^&177 /352 Small e with circumflex "e&177;""&177 /353 Small e with umlaut "i&177;"`&177 /354 Small i with grave accent "i&177;"'&177 /355 Small i with accute accent "i&177;"^&177 /356 Small i with circumflex "i&177;""&177 /357 Small i with umlaut " &177;" &177 /360 Reserved "n&177;"~&177 /361 Small n with tilde "o&177;"`&177 /362 Small o with grave accent "o&177;"'&177 /363 Small o with accute accent "o&177;"^&177 /364 Small o with circumflex "o&177;"~&177 /365 Small o with tilde "o&177;""&177 /366 Small o with umlaut "o&177;"e&177 /367 Small oe ligature "o&177;"/&177 /370 Small o with slash "u&177;"`&177 /371 Small u with grave accent "u&177;"'&177 /372 Small u with accute accent "u&177;"^&177 /373 Small u with circumflex "u&177;""&177 /374 Small u with umlaut "y&177;"~&177 /375 Small y with tilde " &177;" &177 /376 Reserved " &177;" &177 /377 Reserved PGFREE= FLBKTB+400-. / define spare in this block ZBLOCK PGFREE