/ PRIMHD - HEADER FOR PRIMATIVES / 005 DFB 16-AUG-84 Comments on how to convert GTE to WPS / 004 DFB 13-AUG-84 Comments on how to convert GTE to WPS / 003 DFB 30-MAY-84 Comments on how to convert GTE to WPS / 002 DFB 30-APR-84 Fix to handle addtn'l fld for graphics / 001 SBB 20-SEP-83 Made header file to integrate graphics / modules from Maynard into WPS /----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /********************************************************** / / The following is some directions on how to convert the GTE source /code to WPS.... / / some of the numeric constants are defined different in / WPF1 than in PRIM.. / / AC00001 AC0100 AC4000 AC7777 ARE DIFFERENT IN PRIM / Changes to the definitions in prim are made as follows. / all the numeric constants in prim should be conditionalized / out as IFNDEF condor....(they could probably be deleted but / I left them in .... / ThE EQUATES FOR THE DIFFERENT DEFS SHOULD BE RENAMED / THIS HOLDS TRUE FOR ALL REFERENCES / / AC0001 SHOULD BE AC1 =7301 APPROX 15 REFERENCES / AC0100 " " AC100 =7303 APPROX 4 REFERENCES / AC4000 " " AC4K =7330 APPROX 1 REFERENCE / AC7777 " " ACNEG1=7340 APPROX 10 REFERENCES / / The following labels and references are defined in WPF1 / ........and must be changed. / DCHAR TO DDCHAR APPROX 11 REFERENCES / REG1 TO REG11 APPROX 5 REFERENCES / REG2 TO REG12 APPROX 3 REFERENCES / / AT LABEL CLRCST PLUS 12 AFTER THE PR3 / PRMFLD TO PRGFLD AND DELETE ^10 / SHOULD LOOK LIKE -- PBMFLD+4000+PRGFLD /A005 / AT LABEL CHRSTR -1 AFTER THE PR3 / PRMFLD TO PRGFLD AND DELETE ^10 / SHOULD LOOK LIKE -- PBMFLD+4000+PRGFLD /A005 /***** FIELD REFERENCES ARE IN THIS MODULE **** /*******THEREFORE IT IS NECESSARY TO CONDITIONALIZE **** /*******OUT THE FIELD REFERENCES AT THE BEGINNING**** /*******OF THE PRIM SOURCE CODE. (IFNDEF CONDOR)**** /******* MAY BE ABLE TO DELETE THESE REFERENCES AT LATER DATE** / / *4000 TO *ZENTRY / / Take the table CHARMP from vt125 / .....and put it, with a PAGE code preceeding it / .....after the label EDTBLE at the end of the PRIM module. / .....with any pertinent comments. / ....PRECEED THIS TABLE (CHARMP) WITH A FIELD 2 STATEMENT / ....THIS IS ONLY FOR WRITEOUT PURPOSES / ....THIS TABLE CAN BE WRITTEN OUT AS A SEPARATE MODULE / / // If there are any major changes to the PRIM module / or GTE then additional steps may be necessary.. / If after conversion the graphics doesn't work / check that all the code has been written out to the disk / Case in point:: With all the changes that have been made(as in / above directions) I found that one additional page of code was / created in the PRIM code.. I could have changed the writeout code / but instead moved the module Z6SIMP to another area in field 6. / / / GOOD LUCK / /************************************************************ / ZENTRY=4000 /HERE TO NOTE CORRECT ADDR WHEN CNVRTING /.....GTE TO WPS / DLPALF=DLOPRS / DSPALF=4 *200 JMP I .+3 JMP I .+1 7605 RXLOAD /CALL LOADER TO IMBED GRAPICS ONTO WPS DISK *RXLDLS RXEWT=4 /WRITE COMMAND RXEWT 0 RXQBLK=11 RXQBLK . DLOPRM /1ST BLOCK # 0 / 100 /1ST MEMORY LOCATION CDF 30 /ASSEMBLY FIELD -DSOPRM /NUMBER OF BLOCKS DLPRM1 /PRIM TO EXEC OUT OF FIELD 6 0 /PAGE 0 CDF 40 -DSPRM1 /1 BLOCK DLPRM2 /REST OF PRIM ZENTRY /START ADDRESS /ADFB CDF 40 -DSPRM2 /-NUM BLOCKS DLPALF /PRIMATIVES ALPHABET CHARMP / CDF 20 -DSPALF 0 /STOPPER FOR ABOVE RX TABLE PRMFLD= 3 /ASSY FIELD FOR PRIMATIVES ROUTINES PRGFLD= 50 /FIELD PRIM WILL RUN IN PBMFLD= 5 /CONTROL PANEL FIELD FOR ALFA BITS TABFLD=4 /PRIM TABLE ASSEMBLY FIELD=4 TBLFLD=60 /RUN FIELD FOR PRIM-REGIS COMBO FIELD=6