/WPFBTB V1.0 / / / WPFBTB V1.0 CREATED 21st MAY 1985 / / WPFBTB is a file containing all the the 8 bit fallback entries / / Edit history:- / / 002 Mart 20-aug-1985 PWITFR italian French 2 printwheel / PWDECM multinational printwheel / 001 Mart 21-may-1985 Creation / / / ************************************************************************ / * * / ************************************************************************ / / This table consists of two sections / / The 1st is a list of one word pointers to the second section / each entry defines a character in the DEC supplemental / character set characters 41 to 177 // / The 2nd section contains a list of: / 3 word pairs / or 2 word pairs and a zero terminator / or 1 word pair and a zero terminator // / each word pair contains: / a word that defines one of the seven bit fallback chars / eg. "x&177 defines the seven bit char x // / a word that defines the vertical and horizontal offsets / of its character. / eg mmnn where mm represents the relative vertical motion in / 48ths of an inch (in octal) from its usual print / position. / nn represents the relative horizontal motion / in 120ths in. // / If the top bit of these 6bit bytes are set the the / motion will be in the negative (decreasing) direction. // // / To get the decimal value to send to the printer in / positioning unit mode (PUM) units (see the LQP02 manual) / the unsigned vertical motion is multiplied by 15 / converted to ASCII and sent to the printer in the following / escape sequence. // / ESC [ Pn e to increment the line by Pn / ESC [ Pn k to decrement the line by Pn // / the unsigned horizontal motion is multiplied by 6 / converted to ASCII and sent to the printer in the following / escape sequence. // / ESC [ Pn a to increment the line by Pn / ESC [ Pn j to decrement the line by Pn // / After any one of the possible 3 characters has been printed the / print head is repositioned to its character zero position with / the opposite of the above commands. // / The ESC # 9 (Perform pending motion) has been added to ensure / the print head is in the correct position befor printing the / character. // /EXAMPLE / The escape sequence to send 1/2 // / if the printer is not in PUM mode then set PUM and / move to the centre of the character / / ESC [ 1 1 h / go into PUM / ESC [ 3 6 a / move half a character width / / / ESC [ 4 5 k / decrement vertical position 3/48ths / ESC [ 1 8 j / dec. horizontal 3/120ths / ESC # 9 / perform pending motion / 1 / the character 1 / ESC [ 4 5 e / inc vertical 3/48ths / ESC [ 1 8 a / inc horizontal 3/120ths / ESC # 9 / / / / the character / / ESC [ 4 5 e / inc vertical 3/48ths / ESC [ 1 2 a / inc horizontal 2/120ths / ESC # 9 / / 2 / the character 2 / ESC [ 4 5 k / dec vertical 3/48ths / ESC [ 1 2 j / dec horizontal 2/120ths / ESC # 9 / / if required move to start of the next character / position and reset PUM / / ESC [ 3 6 a / move half a character space / ESC [ 1 1 l / reset PUM /**************** N. B. ***************** / Unfortunately the table had to be modified to make the code shorter / The vertical definition is now coded so that table definition is / twice the motion required (i.e it is multiplied by 3 before output) / And the horizontal component is 3 times the required motion (It has to / be multiplied by 2 to output in PUM mode). /**************** N. B. ***************** / Module load instructions for RXHAN FIELD 0 / field where RXHAN is located *200 / start address used by OS8 GO command JMP I .+3 / location used to startup RXHAN JMP I .+1 / location used to return to OS8 from RXHAN 7605 / address of OS8 monitor RXLOAD / address of start location for RXHAN *RXLDLS / address within RXHAN to overlay RXEWT / write function code 0 / ?????? me neither RXQBLK / address of queue block to use . / address of table of disk commands DLFTHL ; 3000; CDF 70; -DSFTHL /table area 0 / list terminator *400 FIELD 7 *3000 / put the table at loc 3000 / it will be moved to panel at this address FBTBL, SPACE8 / eight bit space UDBANG / upside down bang CENT / POUND / pound sterling 0 / not used YEN / 0 / SECTION / CURRENCY / universal currency COPYRIGHT / FEMININE / feminine ordinal LEFTANGLE / double left angle quotation mark 0 0 0 0 DEGREE / PLUSMINUS / SUPER2 / superscript 2 SUPER3 / superscript 3 0 MICRO / micro , mu PILCROW / pilcrow,paragraph MIDDLEDOT / 0 SUPER1 / superscript 1 MASCULINE / masculine ordinal RIGHTANGLE / double right angle quotation mark QUARTER / 1/4 HALF / 1/2 0 INVQUESTION / inverted question mark AGRAVE / A-grave AACUTE / A-acute ACIRCU / A-circumflex ATILDE / A-tilde AUMLAUT / A-umlaut ARING / A-ring AEDIPTH / AE dipthong CCIDILLA / C cidilla EGRAVE / E-grave EACUTE / E-acute ECIRCU / E-circumflex EUMLAUT / E-umlaut IGRAVE / I-grave IACUTE / I-acute ICIRCU / I-circumflex IUMLAUT / I-umlaut 0 NTILDE / N-tilde OGRAVE / O-grave OACUTE / O-acute OCIRCU / O-circumflex OTILDE / O-tilde OUMLAUT / O-umlaut OELIGATURE / OE ligature OSLASH / O slash UGRAVE / U-grave UACUTE / U-acute UCIRCU / U-circumflex UUMLAUT / U-umlaut YUMLAUT / Y-umlaut 0 SHARPS / german sharp s LAGRAVE / a-grave LAACUTE / a-acute LACIRCU / a-circumflex LATILDE / a-tilde LAUMLAUT / a-umlaut LARING / a-ring LAEDIPTH / ae dipthong LCCIDILLA / c cidilla LEGRAVE / e-grave LEACUTE / e-acute LECIRCU / e-circumflex LEUMLAUT / e-umlaut LIGRAVE / i-grave LIACUTE / i-acute LICIRCU / i-circumflex LIUMLAUT / i-umlaut 0 LNTILDE / n-tilde LOGRAVE / o-grave LOACUTE / o-acute LOCIRCU / o-circumflex LOTILDE / o-tilde LOUMLAUT / o-umlaut LOELIGATURE / oe ligature LOSLASH / o slash LUGRAVE / u-grave LUACUTE / u-acute LUCIRCU / u-circumflex LUUMLAUT / u-umlaut LYUMLAUT / y-umlaut 0 0 /*************************************************************************** SPACE8, 0 /dummy char gives space IFDEF PWDECM < UDBANG, ".&177;0;"|&177;0300;".&177;5500 / upside down bang CENT, "c&177;0;"|&177;0;0 / > IFDEF PWITFR < UDBANG, "!&177;0;0 / upside down bang not available CENT, "c&177;0;0 / cent n.a > IFDEF PWDECM < POUND, "f&177;0;"_&177;4400;0 / pound sterling > IFDEF PWITFR < POUND, "#&177;0;0 / pound sterling > YEN, "Y&177;0;"-&177;0200;0 / IFDEF PWDECM < SECTION, "s&177;0000;"s&177;0400;0 / > IFDEF PWITFR < SECTION, "@&177;0;0 / > CURRENCY, "O&177;0;"X&177;0;0 / universal currency COPYRIGHT, "(&177;0057;"c&177;4100;")&177;0017 / FEMININE, "a&177;4400;"-&177;0300;0 / feminine ordinal LEFTANGLE, "<&177;0046;"<&177;0006;0 / double left angle quotation mark IFDEF PWDECM < DEGREE, "o&177;5100;0 / > IFDEF PWITFR < DEGREE, "[&177;4600;0 / exist on PWITFR pw > PLUSMINUS, "+&177;4300;"_&177;4400;0 / SUPER2, "2&177;5100;0 / superscript 2 SUPER3, "3&177;5100;0 / superscript 3 MICRO, "u&177;0;",&177;0051;0 / micro , mu IFDEF PWDECM < PILCROW, "q&177;4300;"|&177;0;0 / pilcrow,paragraph > IFDEF PWITFR < PILCROW, "q&177;4300;0 / no vert bar anvailable for pilcrow,paragraph > MIDDLEDOT, ".&177;4400;0 / SUPER1, "1&177;5100;0 / superscript 1 MASCULINE, "o&177;4400;"-&177;0300;0 / masculine ordinal RIGHTANGLE, ">&177;0046;">&177;0006;0 / double right angle quotation mark QUARTER, "/&177;0;"1&177;4651;"4&177;0611 / 1/4 HALF, "/&177;0;"1&177;4651;"2&177;0611 / 1/2 INVQUESTION, "c&177;0346;";&177;4606;0 / inverted question mark IFDEF PWDECM < AGRAVE, "A&177;0;"`&177;4300;0 / A-grave > IFDEF PWITFR < AGRAVE, "A&177;0;0 / A- no grave > AACUTE, "A&177;0;"'&177;4400;0 / A-acute ACIRCU, "A&177;0;"^&177;4300;0 / A-circumflex IFDEF PWDECM < ATILDE, "A&177;0;"~&177;4300;0 / A-tilde > IFDEF PWITFR < ATILDE, "A&177;0;0 / A- no tilde > AUMLAUT, "A&177;0;".&177;5251;".&177;5211 / A-umlaut IFDEF PWDECM < ARING, "A&177;0;"o&177;5100;0 / A-ring > IFDEF PWITFR < ARING, "A&177;0;"[&177;4300;0 / A-ring > AEDIPTH, "A&177;0046;"E&177;0006;0 / AE dipthong CCIDILLA, "C&177;0;",&177;0203;0 / C cidilla IFDEF PWDECM < EGRAVE, "E&177;0;"`&177;4300;0 / E-grave > IFDEF PWITFR < EGRAVE, "E&177;0;0 / E- no grave > EACUTE, "E&177;0;"'&177;4400;0 / E-acute ECIRCU, "E&177;0;"^&177;4300;0 / E-circumflex EUMLAUT, "E&177;0;".&177;5251;".&177;5211 / E-umlaut IFDEF PWDECM < IGRAVE, "I&177;0;"`&177;4300;0 / I-grave > IFDEF PWITFR < IGRAVE, "I&177;0;0 / I-grave > IACUTE, "I&177;0;"'&177;4400;0 / I-acute ICIRCU, "I&177;0;"^&177;4300;0 / I-circumflex IUMLAUT, "I&177;0;".&177;5251;".&177;5211 / I-umlaut IFDEF PWDECM < NTILDE, "N&177;0;"~&177;4300;0 / N-tilde OGRAVE, "O&177;0;"`&177;4300;0 / O-grave > IFDEF PWITFR < NTILDE, "N&177;0;0 / N- no tilde OGRAVE, "O&177;0;0 / O- no grave > OACUTE, "O&177;0;"'&177;4400;0 / O-acute OCIRCU, "O&177;0;"^&177;4300;0 / O-circumflex IFDEF PWDECM < OTILDE, "O&177;0;"~&177;4300;0 / O-tilde > IFDEF PWITFR < OTILDE, "O&177;0;0 / O- no tilde > OUMLAUT, "O&177;0;".&177;5251;".&177;5211 / O-umlaut OELIGATURE, "O&177;0051;"E&177;0011;0 / OE ligature OSLASH, "O&177;0;"/&177;0;0 / O slash IFDEF PWDECM < UGRAVE, "U&177;0;"`&177;4300;0 / U-grave > IFDEF PWITFR < UGRAVE, "U&177;0;0 / U- no grave > UACUTE, "U&177;0;"'&177;4400;0 / U-acute UCIRCU, "U&177;0;"^&177;4300;0 / U-circumflex UUMLAUT, "U&177;0;".&177;5251;".&177;5211 / U-umlaut YUMLAUT, "Y&177;0;".&177;5251;".&177;5211 / Y-umlaut SHARPS, "B&177;0;",&177;0053;0 / german sharp s IFDEF PWDECM < LAGRAVE, "a&177;0;"`&177;0;0 / a-grave > IFDEF PWITFR < LAGRAVE, "{&177;0;0 / a-grave > LAACUTE, "a&177;0;"'&177;4300;0 / a-acute LACIRCU, "a&177;0;"^&177;0;0 / a-circumflex IFDEF PWDECM < LATILDE, "a&177;0;"~&177;0;0 / a-tilde > IFDEF PWITFR < LATILDE, "a&177;0;0 / a- no tilde > LAUMLAUT, "a&177;0;".&177;5051;".&177;5011 / a-umlaut IFDEF PWDECM < LARING, "a&177;0;"o&177;4600;0 / a-ring > IFDEF PWITFR < LARING, "a&177;0;"[&177;4300;0 / a-ring > LAEDIPTH, "a&177;0051;"e&177;0011;0 / ae dipthong IFDEF PWDECM < LCCIDILLA, "c&177;0;",&177;0200;0 / c cidilla > IFDEF PWITFR < LCCIDILLA, "\&177;0;0 / c cidilla > IFDEF PWDECM < LEGRAVE, "e&177;0;"`&177;0;0 / e-grave > IFDEF PWITFR < LEGRAVE, "}&177;0;0 / e-grave > IFDEF PWDECM < LEACUTE, "e&177;0;"'&177;4300;0 / e-acute > IFDEF PWITFR < LEACUTE, "]&177;0;0 / e-acute > LECIRCU, "e&177;0;"^&177;0;0 / e-circumflex LEUMLAUT, "e&177;0;".&177;5051;".&177;5011 / e-umlaut IFDEF PWDECM < LIGRAVE, "i&177;0;"`&177;0;0 / i-grave > IFDEF PWITFR < LIGRAVE, "~&177;0;0 / i-grave > LIACUTE, "i&177;0;"'&177;4300;0 / i-acute LICIRCU, "i&177;0;"^&177;0;0 / i-circumflex LIUMLAUT, "i&177;0;".&177;5051;".&177;5011 / i-umlaut IFDEF PWDECM < LNTILDE, "n&177;0;"~&177;0;0 / n-tilde LOGRAVE, "o&177;0;"`&177;0;0 / o-grave > IFDEF PWITFR < LNTILDE, "n&177;0;0 / n- no tilde LOGRAVE, "|&177;0;0 / o- no grave > LOACUTE, "o&177;0;"'&177;4300;0 / o-acute LOCIRCU, "o&177;0;"^&177;0;0 / o-circumflex IFDEF PWDECM < LOTILDE, "o&177;0;"~&177;0;0 / o-tilde > IFDEF PWITFR < LOTILDE, "o&177;0;0 / o- no tilde > LOUMLAUT, "o&177;0;".&177;5051;".&177;5011 / o-umlaut LOELIGATURE, "o&177;0051;"e&177;0011;0 / oe ligature LOSLASH, "o&177;0;"/&177;0200;0 / o slash IFDEF PWDECM < LUGRAVE, "u&177;0;"`&177;0;0 / u-grave > IFDEF PWITFR < LUGRAVE, "`&177;0;0 / u-grave > LUACUTE, "u&177;0;"'&177;4300;0 / u-acute LUCIRCU, "u&177;0;"^&177;0;0 / u-circumflex LUUMLAUT, "u&177;0;".&177;5051;".&177;5011 / u-umlaut LYUMLAUT, "y&177;0;".&177;5051;".&177;5011 / y-umlaut / PGFREE= FBTBL+400-. / define spare in this block /M015 / ZBLOCK PGFREE