12-1 EEG Data Collection (BNI Series) 12-2 PDP-12 Utility and Data Reduction Programs 12-4 IRDA 12-5 SERCHPRO 12-6 ANDIP - Analog Digital Interchange Program 12-7 DBLFLT - Double Float Mathematical Routines 12-8 Teletype Conversion Routines 12-9 SLOWCREF 12-10 FOCAL Library (LINCtape FOCAL for the PDP-12) 12-11 ODTAPE (Octal Debugging for PDP-12 LINCtapes) 12-12 8TO12 File Converter 12-13 RDPEC: PEC Synchronous Tape Read Program 12-14 MUL-2REG 12-15 HISTO12 12-16 MODCLK 12D17a DIALRF08 12-18 "FAILSAFE" 12-20 FORMATXT 12-21 Modified MAGSPY 12-22 PLOTFFT 12-23 CFFT 12-24 Overlays to FOCAL-12 12-25 Three Subroutines for QANDA - FRACUS, SCRMBL, QANDA-C 12-29 LINCDl0 12-30 TDUMP 12-31 DCONDl0 12-32 COMPAR12 12-33 KWANDA 12-34 STAPD12 12-35 Bioelectric Signal Sorter (JULIA) 12-36 Hangman for PDP-12 12-37 ODCAD (Octal to Decimal Conversion and Display) 12-38A Histogram and One-Factor Analysis of Variance 12-38B Histogram and Two-Factor Analysis of Variance 12-39 QUANAT 1 12-40 PDP-8 Disk Monitor - LAP6-DIAL Interface 12-41 BLOOPD - Blood Pressure Display Program 12-42 CALCO 12 12-43 PLOT3D 12-44 AVERDT 12-45 FOCALP-FOCALPE 12-46 STRINGS 12-47 PIPD1600 12-48 PS/8 FORTRAN Library Routines 12-49 Cold Start DF32 Disk Formatter for PS/8 on a PDP-12 12-50 EDITD12 12-51 MAGSPYD 12-52 Student Test Analysis 12-53 Liquid Scintillation Counting: Conversion of CPM to DPM in Double-label Experiments 12-54 QUIP - Quick Assembler for the PDP-12 12-55 FFAESIM 12-56 QANDA+ - Modified QANDA Subroutine 12-57 SPY+ - Modified MAGSPY 12-58 FIFOCON 12-59 FOCPLOT 12-60 SUMER (French) 12-61 Generating Random Numbers with FOCAL 12-62 RUFUS 12-63 OLFFT1 and FETCHEFT 12-64 Walsh Transform Subroutines, PWALSH and LWALSH 12-65 PISH - Poststimulus Time and Interspike - Interval Histogram 12-66 ADDINDX (LAP6-DIAL-MS Index Manipulator) 12-67 PPG FOCAL 12-68 A PDP-8 Floating Point Software Package Simulator Using a FPP-12 Floating Point Processor 12-69 An On-Line FOCAL-12 Program for Auto-Analyzers 12-70 COMPLT 12-71 Snoopy Display Program 12-72 Four-Point Smoothing with FPP-12 12-73 8-Point Quadratic Smooth with FPP-12 12-74 *REGRES - Multiple Linear Regression 12-75 FORTRAN Subroutines for the PDP-12 12-76 TAPELOOK; CORELOOK; SEARCH 12-77 PAL12A Assembler 12-78 PUBPLOT 12-79 Modified ADTAPE 12-80 FOCAL - RT 12-81 VR12 SCOPE HANDLER FOR OS/8 12-82 LAP6-DIAL TO PS/8 SOURCE FILE CONVERTER 12-83 $ANOVARM - ONE WAY ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE FOR REPEATED MEASURES DESIGN 12-84 AVERAGER 12-85 APOLLO 12 12-86 ORGAN-AA and ORGAN+BA 12-87 ONDISK-OEFDISK 12-88 OCTALFPP 12-89 BUTFLTR 12-90 REPRSNT 12-91 OCTPUNCH 12-92 PDP8TOl2 12-93 TRANS 12-94 DATAN 12-95 PDP-12 PS/8 Utility Programs 12-96 SCOPE and CNGMWA 12-97 An Off-Line FOCAL-12 Program for Auto-Analyzers by TWX 12-98 HERALD - Analog-Digital Average and Standard Error Program 12-99 A Set of Spectral Programs 12-101 OS/8 SKED 12-102 A Manual for the PDP-12 Operator 12-103 $HAPPY 12-104 CORDATEP 12-105 DATAFILE and DFUPDATE 12-106 $PLOT 12-107 AVUPTO8, AVUPTO8S 12-108 FPPNEW - Replacing the DIAL-MS-Assembler by an Improved Version of the FPP Assembler 12-109A,B&C QNANSWER, QANDATTY, SUPRSHUE 12-110 DIALDMS for 1600 Blocks 12-111a ADFILE 12-112 IDXRDD 12-113 IDXWT 12-114 FOCAL-PL 12-115 PLOT 3D, Pseudo 3-Dimensional Perspective Display for the PDP-12 12-116 FPP-12/FOCAL-12 Reduction of Auto Analyzer Data for Pharmaceuticals 12-117 TAPEDIT; A PDP-12 LINCTAPE EDITOR 12-118 Average Transient Advanced Programs 12-119 Neurone Spike Train Analysis Programs 12-120a DUAL 12-121 Arrhythmia Detection and Categorization 12-122 PDP-12 User's Monitor Command 12-123a OS/8 VR12 Handler 12-124 FR, FIDS and FADC for PDP-12 Input/Output 12-125 Waveform Analysis 12-126 WAVEFORM: Evoked Potential Analysis 12-128 GEP: A Generalized Experimental Package 12-129 OS/12S Scope Monitor Operating System 12-130 COMPARE - Fast LINCtape Compare 12-131 OS/8 DIBILD D Revised 12-132 LISP 1.5 Interpreter for PDP-8 with OS/8 (PS/8, OS/12) 12-133 MINT - Multiple Precision Integer Arithmetic Subroutine 12-134 RWDF32 12-135 MAC8, 8K MACRO ASSEMBLER 12-136 MOVE 12-137 PAL12D 12-138 ISEL 12-140 NAEP - Nerve Action and Evoked Potentials 12-141 $CORREL - Intercorrelation Program for 50 Variables 12-142 FOCALSD 12-143 DSLIS - Dead Start Loader and Index Statistics 12-144 ANECDOTE - Advanced NeuroElectric Computer Data Operational Tape (Export) 12-145a CREFNMAP 12-146 $CORR (FOCAL Version) 12-147 *BLIPFUN Computation of Bandlimited Periodic Functions and their Hilbert Transforms from Samples 12-148 STATIS12, A Statistical Package for the PDP-12 12-149 XPIP8: PDP-12 DECtape PIP 12-150 XPIP10: PDP-10 DECtape to LINCtape Converter 12-151 "PSYCHO", A PDP-12 Programming System for Control of Titration Schedules, Behavioral Data Acquisition and Summary in Animal Psychophysics 12-152 LOAD31K, A Loader for DIAL-MS and 32K of Core 12-153a DUAL32, DUAL-28K Assembler 12-154a CREF32 12-155 MARK12XO 12-156 MUSIC12 12-157 PLOTVS, Device Independent Graphics 12-158 FASTCOPY, A Fast LINCtape Copier for 4K PDP-12`s 12-159 PLAYBOY 12-160 CCTGEN - Carriage Control Tape Generator 12-161 BIOCHARS 12-162 COREDIT 12-163 AD74 - High Speed Analog to Digital Conversion Program 12-164 DIAL.EXT 12-165 NAP SYS: Program to Analyze Neuronal Spike Data 12-166 OS/8-VCl2 Display Device Handler for the PDP-12 12-167 FOCAL Patches 12-168 Spectral Analysis System 12-169 HISTPLOT: A Versatile Program for Cross Correlation of Point Process Data on a PDP-12 12-170 INPUT, STAT, DIST: A Statistical Analysis Package for the PDP-8 or PDP-12 12-171 Three Patches to the Clinical Lab-12 System 12-172 WVU Utility Package 12-173 SCOPEFOCAL 12-174 CLOCK: Digital Clock with Westminster Chimes 12-175 PLOTZER 12-176 FOCAL-12 Overlay to Access the DF32 Disk 12-177 TENNIS 12-178 NUFOCAL, Modified FOCAL-12 12-179 The Mann-Whitney U Test 12-180 CARDDIAL - Input to the DIAL Editor Via Cards 12-181 ATSXL - Text Display and Timing Routine for FOCAL-RT 12-182 KLK - A Simple Clock Overlay for PDP-12 FOCAL 12-183 DEC10 - FOCAL-12 Whole Word Digital I/O Overlay 12-184 PPSH - Neuronal Autocorrelation and Cross- correlation Analysis Programs 12-185 Horoscope Casting Routines - Astrodynamical Subroutines 12-186 COBRA Assembler for the PDP-12 12-187 OS/8 Device Handlers for PDP-12 Core 12-188 4K DISK/LINCTAPE MONITOR 12-189 DECtape Reader Handler for PDP-12 12-190 PDP-12 Functions for OS/8 BASIC 12-191 MTXIO - Multitasking Executive 12-192 ASELO - Packed ASCII to Floating Point Format Co nve r s ion 12-193 A Set of FORTRAN Callable DF-32 Routines for the PDP-12 12-194 Split Plot Factorial Analysis of Variance - % SPFAV 12-195 TRIGSYS - A Multichannel, Fast Point Process Data Acquisition 12-196 TRALIB - Point Process Data Library and Editor 12-197 SUPRQA - Super QANDA 12-198 BURST, V2 - A Point Process High-Pass Filter 12-199 CPRINT.SB: Utility Subroutines for a Centronics 101A Printer 12-200 MULT-PS2: Multiple Printing Source Program 12-201 DPSPV3: Double Precision to Single Precision Integer Converter 12-202 PLOT8CH: 3-Dimensional Plotting of EEG Data 12-203 SVMAP.SV: Core Maps for OS/8, V3 Save Image Files 12-204 P.QR Type Split Plot Factorial Analysis of Variance 12-205 FOCAL-MTX An Interpreter Language for the MTX Multitasking Executive System 12-206 Chess 12-207 User Service Routine (USR) for FORTRAN IV 12-208 SuperfocalD12KV7 (10 Related Files) 12-208 DIAL-MS Utility programs and DIAL-MS for the RK8F 12-211 RK8ESTORE: Data acquisistion and storage subroutines 12-212 LTFRMT: LINCtape Formatter 12-213 LIFE for the PDP-12 12-214 VERIFY: LINCtape Format Verification Program