5/8-l.la BPAK - A Binary Input/Output Package for the PDP-5 5/8-2.la OPAK - An On-Line Debugging Package 5-4 Octal Typeout of Memory Area with Format Option 5-5 Expanded Adding Machine 5/8-7 Decimal to Binary Conversion by Radix 5/8-9 Analysis of Variance - PDP-5/8 5-10 Paper Tape Reader Tester 5/8-14 Dice Game for the PDP-5/8 5/8-15 ATEPO (Auto Test in Elementary Programming and Operation of a PDP-5 Computer) 5/8-18A BIN Tape Disassembly Program for PDP-5/8 5/8-18C Disassembler with Symbol 8-19a DDT-UP Octal-Symbolic Debugging Program 5/8-20 Remote Operated FORTRAN System 5/8-21 Triple Precision Arithmetic Package 5/8-23A PDP-5/8 Oscilloscope Symbol Generator (4x6 Matrix) 5/8-23B PDP-5/8 Oscilloscope Symbol Generator (5x7 Matrix) 5-25 A Pseudo Random Number Generator for the PDP-5 Computer 8-26A Compressed Binary Loader 8-26B.1 BN2CBL and CBL2BN BIN to CBL Format Tape Converter 8-26C Extended Compressed Binary Loader 8-26D XCBL Punch Program 5/8-27 Bootstrap Loader and Absolute Memory Clear 5/8-27a Bootstrap Loader and Absolute Memory Clear 5/8-28a Phoenix Assembler D PAL III Modification 5-30 GENPLOT - General Plotting Subroutine 5-31a FORPLOT 5/8-32a A Program to Relocate and Pack Programs in Binary Forma 5/8-33 Tape to Memory Comparator 5/8-35 BCD to Binary Conversion Subroutine and Binary to BCD Conversion Subroutine (Double Precision) 5D37 Transfer II 5/8-38 FType - Fractional Type 5/8-39 DSdprint, DDtype - Double Precision Signed Decimal Input - Outpu 5-41 Break Point 5/8-43 Unsigned Octal - Decimal Fraction Conversion 8-44 Modifications to the Fixed Point Output in the PDP-8 Floating Point Package (Digital 8D5DS) 5/8-45 PDP-5/8 Remote and Time Shared II System 8-46b The Utility Program 8-47 ALBIN - a PDP-8 Loader for Relocatable Binary Programs 5/8-48 Modified Binary Loader MK IV 8-49 Relativistic Dynamic 5/8-51 Character Packing and Unpacking Routine 8-52 Tiny Tape Editor 5/8-54 TIC-TAC-TOE Learning Program - T3 5/8-55 PALEX - An On-Line Debugging Program for PDP-5 and PDP-8 Computer 8-56a Fixed Point Trace No. 1 8-57 Fixed Point Trace No. 2 8-58 One-Page DECtape Routine 8-60 Square Root Function by Subtraction Reduction (Uses EAE) 8-61 Improvement to Digital 8-9-F Square Roo 8-64a 4K and 8K DECtape Programming System 8-65 A Programmed Associative Multichannel Analyser 8-66 Editor Modified for DECtape (552 Control) 8-67 PAL Modified for DECtape Input (Uses EAE) 8-68a LABEL Program 5/8-69 LESQ29 and LESQil 8-70 EAE Routines for FORTRAN Operating System (DECD08DCFA3) 8-71 Perpetual Calendar 8-72 Matrix Inversion - Real Number 8-73 Matrix Inversion - Complex Number 8-74 Solution of System of Linear Equations: AX=B, by Inverting Matrix A, then Multiplying the Inverse by Vector B 8-75 Matrix Multiplication - Including Conforming Rectangular Matrice 8-77 PDP-8 Dual Process System 8-78 DIAGNOSE: A Versatile Trace Routine for PDP-8 and EAE 8-79 TIC-TAC-TOE (Trinity College) 8-80 Determination of Real Eigenvalues of a Real Matrix 8-81 A BIN or RIM Format Data or Program Tape Generator 8-82 Library System for 580 Magnetic Tape (Preliminary Version) 5/8-83 A&B Octal Debugging Program (With or without Floating Point) 8-84 One Pass PAL III 8-85 Set Memory Equal to Anything 8-87 XMAP 8-89 XOD - Extended Octal Debugging Program 8-90 Histogram on Teletype Subroutine 8-91 MICRO-8: An On-Line Assembler 8-92 Analysis of Pulse-Height Analyzer Test Data with a Small Computer 8-93 CHEW - Convert Any BCD to Binary, Double Precision 8-94A BLACKJACK 8-94B BLACKJACK "Overlays" 8-95 TRACE for EAE 8-96 J Bessel Function (FORTRAN) 8-97 GOOF 8-98 3D Draw for 338 Display 8-99A Kaleidoscope 8-99B Kaleidoscope D 338 Display 8-100 Double Precision BCD Arithmetic Package (Incomplte) 8-102a A LISP Interpreter for the PDP-8 8-103A Four Word Floating Point Routines - Functions Package 8-103B Four Word Floating Point Routines - Rudimentary Calculator 8-103C Four Word Floating Point Output Controller with Rounding 8-103D Additional Instructions for use with Four Word Floating Point Package 8-104 Card Reader Subroutines for the PDP-8 FORTRAN Compiler 8-105 D-BUG 8-106 Readable Punch 8-107 CHESSBOARD 8-108 Increment Mode Compiler (INCMOD) 8-109 SEETXT Subroutine 8-110 Directory Print (DIREC) for the DEC PDP-8 Disk System 8-111 DISKLOOK 8-112 Sentence Generator 8-114a Decimal Output Routine for PDP-8 FORTRAN 8-115a Double Precision Interpretive Package 8-117 A PDP-8 Interface for a Charged Particle Nuclear Physics Experiment 8-118 General Linear Regression 8-119 Off-Line TIC-TAC-TOE Program for the PDP-8 Computer 8-120 DISK/DECtape FAILSAFE 8-121 DECtape Handler 8-122A SNAP (Simplified Numerical Analysis) Without EAE 8-122B SNAP (Simplified Numerical Analysis) With EAE 8-123 UNIDEC Assembler 8-124a PDP-8 Assembler for IBM 360/SO and above 8-125 PDP-8 Relocatable Assembler for IBM 360/SO and above 5/8-126 Cumulative Gaussian Distribution Curve Fitting 8-127 XDDT Extended Octal - Symbolic Debugging Program 8-128 PDP-8 Oscilloscope Display of Mathematical Functions 8-129 Magnetic Tape Program Library System 8-130A REBIL8 - Relocating Binary Loader 8-130B RELCON - Binary to Relocatable Binary Tape Converter 8-131 SRCD, Software Rapid Character Display 8-132 STRIP, A Data Display and Analysis Program for the PDP-8, 8/I 8-133 First Order Kinetics 8-134 LSO (Least Squares Subroutine) 8-135 DNHELP, A Directory Assistor Program 8-136 Fourier Transform Program 8-137a Programs for Storage, Manipulation and Calculation of Data Using DECtape 8-141 SYSLUK 8-142 Binary Punch - Extended Memory 8-143 FFTS-R - A Fast Fourier Transform Subroutine for Real Valued Functions 8-144 FFTS-C - A Fast Fourier Transform Subroutine for Complex Data 8-145 Time-of-Flight Analyzer 8-146 High Speed Executive for the PDP-8, 8/I 8-147 Incremental Plotter Printout Subroutine 8-148 Plotter System 8-149 Core Window 8-15O PTOD8 High and PTOD8 Low 8-151 On-Line TIC-TAC-TOE 8-152a PDP-8 Music Programs 8-153 Tape/Disk Transfer Programs 8-154 SWAP 8-155 HEP 8-156 HEPTRACE 8-157 Square Root Patch 8-158 AXD08 Symbol Generator 8-159 CINETDBASIC 8-160 FASTLOAD 8-161 EXPO - A Flexible PDP-8 Data Acquisition Program 8-162 Demonstration Programs for the PDP-8 8-166 Interim Technical Report, The PDPMAP Assembly System 8-167 CIRCUITS 8-168 CalComp Plotting Package 8-169 Physical Oceanography Data Reduction Programs for the PDP-8 8-169A Temperature Formatting 8-169B Pack Thermometer Calibration 8-169C Thermometer Correction 8-169D Pressure Curve Fit 8-169E Final Pass 8-169F PNUM 8-169G PLOPRM 8-169H Distance and Bearing 8-169I Formatting of Chemistry 8-169J Department PLOTCO 8-169K Additions to Floating Point Package 8-170 FORTRAN Source Conversion Program 8-171 Real-Time System for Behavioral Science Experiments 8-172 Octal Systems Edit 5/8-173 TIC 5/8 5/8-174 MEDIUM 8-175 Post Stimulus Interval Histogram for AXD08 8-176 PAL CHOP 8-177 COPY 8-178 Reverse Assembler 8-179 EAE Modifications for Binary Disassembler with Symbols 8-180 Editor and Assembler for 57A Magnetic Tape System (UCRLD50534) 8-181 Automatic Binary Loader and Duplicator- Coder for Auto Bin 8-182 Memory Compare 8-183 The WANG Loader 8-184 Page Routine 8-185 Modifications to Symbolic Editor and Symbolic Tape Format Generator 8-186 EAE FORTRAN Patch for the PDP-8 8-187 Keyboard Controlled Binary Punch 8-188 Extended Memory Patch for 4 Word Float- ing Point Package (DEC-08-FMHA-8B) 8-189 LKDN: Look into the Directory Name Block 8-190 PATCH Utility Program 8-191 Fields 8-192 T.A.L.C.: Taylor's Algebraic Linear Calculator 8-193 DISP 8-194 NMR Simulator 8-195 POLY BASIC 8-196 DET - Detect Key Words 8-197 Overlay for Standard Editor and PAL III Assembler 8-198 SYSHLP - Monitor Systems Utility Program 8-199 Accessing Data Arrays and Teletype Text Input/Output 8-200A BOSS 8-200B DECtape BOSS for PDP-8 Computers 8-201 DECSW 8-202 PLOT 8-203 ALPHA 8-204a PATCH - A PDP-8 Binary Paper Tape Patch Program 8-205 MTSAFE 8-206 DUMP 8-207 Cube Root Subroutine 8-208 Evaluating Determinants (from 2-17) 8-209 EditorDWithDView 8-210 A Real-Time Multiple Task Executive Program with Built-In Console Utility Package for PDP-8/S and PDP-8 Computers 8-211 Matrix Manipulation System (MMS) for Real Numbers 8-212b PALH (Modified) 8-213 4K ALGOL 8-214 DECI: A Subroutine to Type Outputs in Decimal 8-215 Hexapawn 8-216 PALDD Patch 8-217A PALR 8-217B PALM 8-217C UTIL 8-218 Interpreter of Constitution of Coding Tables 8-219 LISS 8-220 FRACPT and TRANS 8-221 IFIX/FLOAT 8-222 Disk Memory Retention Test 8-223 Power Spectrum 8-224 PALT: Patch for Improved Text Handling for PAL-D 8-225 CR8/I Overlay for PAL III Assembler 8-226 FAILSAFE for DECtape Library System 8-227 PDP-10/8 D Loader 8-228 A One-Pass Paper Tape Loader for PDP-8 Disk System (OPLOAD) 8-229 Card III Overlay 8-230 Foreground/Background/8 Now 8-231 Data Processing on the PDP-8/S 8-232 TPlO 8-233 An Octal Housekeeping and Debugging Package for PDP-8(PDP-8/I) with EAE and Disk 8-234 SYS/LOAD PUNCH 8-235 Octal Tape Dump for PDP-8/9/10 DECtapes 8-236 System and User Files Read and Punch Program (LEES) 8-237 MADCAP IV, A Multiplex ADC and Analog Plotting Program 8-238 EPRSIM, An Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Simulator 8-239 PAL III/Editor 8K Link Patch 8-240 END 8-241 BUZZTAPE READER/WRITER 8-242 DATAC I 8-243 Amplitude Distribution 8-244 BINSAVE 8-245 Dynamic Octal Disk Debugger 8-246 DF32 Disk Routines 8-247 HELP: A Disk/DECtape Dialogue Program 8-248 SABR - Coded Fast Fouries Transform Subroutine 8-249 Oscilloscope Vector Generator 8-250 Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) 8-251 A System for Production of Problem Sets with Individualized Data 8-252 PEEP- A Directory Search Program 8-253 Disk Dump on Scope 8-254 Vector Algebra Package 8-255 SCED: Scope Editor for the AXO8 8-256 Binary to RIM Format Converter 8-257 UCONN-EAP, Editor-Assembler 8-258 NMRCATD29: A Simplified Signal Averager Program 8-259 Symbolic from Pass 3 8-260 TOFAST - Fast Direct and Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform Routines 8-261 QUBIC 8-262 Character Overflow Change to PDP-8 PAL 3 8-263 XYPLOT - A Versatile Plot Routine for the D/A Converter 8-264 CLOK - AXO8 RC Clock or External Clock Frequency or Period Measurement 8-265 Teletype Parity Conversion Program 8-266 IBM Editor 8-267 DARIC - Data Reduction in Columns 8-268 Miniloader and Miniloader Punch 8-269 Morse Code Trainer 8-270a Disk-DECtape Utility Program 8-271 LIP, LOGICAL "If" Package 8-272 IOPACK - A Message and Number 1-0 Utility Package 8-273 Algonquin Assembler 8-274 Card Reader Patch to Phoenix Assembler 8-275 Grade Compiler 8-276 Core Editor 5-277 ICBM 8-278 Single Length Floating Point Package 8-279 Bar Chart Plotting Subroutine 8-280 General Sorting Program 8-281a Binary Tape Splicer ASR 33/75A 8-282 C528: Paper Tape Conversion 5 Track (SIRIUS) to 8 Track (A.S.C.I.I.) 8-283 A.V.S.C. (Analysis of Variance, Single Classification) 8-284 ASCO - Numerical Sort in Ascending Order 8-285 Teletype Input-Output Package 8-286 Two Patches for Disassembler with Symbols 8-287 A PDP-8 Program to Provide Teletype Entry into the IBM JET System 8-288 GRAYCONV (Gray Code to Binary Code Converter) 8-289 "ULKA" - The Ultimate Kaleidoscope 8-290 Skinny BIN Loader 8-291 Tape to Memory Comparator (6-channel) 8-292 Fast Fourier Transform and Fast Walsh- Fourier Transform 8-293 Atomic Coordinate Program 8-294 Lettering Program 8-295 COMBIN 8-296 Edit Routine 8-297 TRACE 8-298 OCTMON - An Octal Monitor for the PDP-8 8-299 Latency Histogram and Calculation 8-300 Noise Generator 8-301 STOR: A Store Instruction for the PDP-8 Disk Monitor 8-302 Overlay Modifications to the Floating- Point System Packages, DEC-08-YQYA 8-303 Alterations of the Basic Floating-Point Package and Additional Subroutines 8-304 PseudoDNoise (PDN) Sequence Test 8-305 PAL III Assembler Overlay for Card Reader Input 8-306 LDR - A One Pass Transparent Loader 8-308 PDP-8 Morse Code Sender 8-309 Patches and a Utility Program for LAB-8 8-310 BIN Punch for Extended Memory 8-311 Card to Tape Conversion with Ziagnostics 8-312 DECtape Emulator 8-314 8K FORTRAN Library CR8/I Card Reader Input Routine 8-315 BlockDModify 8-316 CORR (Compute Correlation Matrix) 8-317 EIG (Compute Eigenvalues and Eigen- vectors) 8-318 PART (Partitioning of Treatment Sums of Squares) 8-319 RAND (Computation of Randon Fractions) 8-320 MMMS (Calculation of Minimum, Mean, Maximum and Standard Deviation) 8-321 REGD2 (Curvilinear Regression) REG-4 (Linear Regression) 8-322 CCMP (Correlation of Components) and CVAL (Computes Values of Principal Components) 8-323 CRC (Convert Peak Heights on an Auto- Analyzer Chart to PPM and Percentage) 8-324 TSP - Trend Surface Plotting 8-325 SBSM - Calculation of Duplicate Sub- Samples from Prinary Data 8-326 MLWI - Malawi Land Use Survey Analysis 8-327 CLAN (Cluster Analysis) and GRMN (Calculate Group Means) 8-328 NNAN (Nearest Neighbor Analysis) - OREG (Orthogonalized Regression Analysis) - OREH (Additional Orthogonal Regression Coefficients) 8-329a FOCARL, Version 14 8-330 TSS/8 ALGOL 8-331 Roulette 8-332 The Civil War Game 8-333 8K PALDD Assembler for 4K Disk Monitor System 8-334 KVEDIT 8-335 COLPAC 8-336 DECtape Library System Modifications 8-338 BIN and CBL Loader 8-339A PST (Post Stimulus Time) and Latency Histogram for the LAB-8 8-339B Time Interval Histogram Program 8-340 The Auto and Cross-Correlation Program for the LAB-8 8-341 LISP-8 8-342 STAP-8; Spike Train Analysis Program 8-343 Radial Interface Including Interrupt Mask for the PDP-8 or LINC-8 8-344 Toledo Extended Memory Binary Punch 8-345 EDITDPAL 8-346 Pollution Game 8-347 DUBAVO 8-348 Mini Binary Punch 8-349 Octal Debugging Technique with View 8-350 Wilcoxon-White Two Sample Rank Test 8-351 ComBIN Loader 8-352 Parity Hi-Lo Loader 8-353 Disk Monitor Patch for BLACKJACK 8-354 Pass 3 ASR 33 Format Overlay 8-355 PAL 111.75 8-356 Page Printer 8-357 ISOMER - Interactive Study of Organic Molecules by Educational Reinforcement 8-358 Card Reader Patch 8-359 Hi-Q Game Playing Program 8-360 ASCII to Friden (EIA) 8-361 Game of Chance 8-362 IOFMAG 8-363 DATOUT: A Simple Routine for Printing Sequential Data as an Array 8-364 Extended Memory Patch to the 3-Word Floating Point Arithmetic Interpreter 8-365 CARD 8-366 Modified Readable Punch 8-367 Digital 8D12DU Modified 8-368 Tri-Data CartriFile PAL III Assembler 8-369 Tri-Data CartriFile DEC Editor 8-370A&B FBUILD/DISK 8-371 Teletype Control of ND 50/50 Memory Unit (TYPED) 8-372 ML Editor (Machine Language Editor) 8-373 LISP Disk Array 8-374 Binary or RIM Consolidator 8-375A 3 Page Floating Point Package 8-375B 3 Page Floating Point Package with Floating Output 8-376A Field 1 Symbol Table Storage for PALD 8-376B PALD 8-377 One Pass Assembler 8-378 Map Directory Information on KV8/I 8-379a Double Precision and Floating Point Interchanger 8-380 WATSNU 8-381 Cardreader Subroutine for Disk Editor 8-382 Readable High Speed Punch Copier 8-383A Scan and Analysis Program 8-383B Core Display Program 8-383C Drawing Applications Program 8-384 BLOK 8-385 Mixed ASCII Formatting and Outputting Technique 8-386 Multiple Field Loader 8-387 Grade Point Correlation 8-388 CALENDAR 8-389 Mini-Monitor, A Secondary Disk Monitor for the PDP-8 8-390 PALEDCO (PAL Assembler and Editor Combined) 8-391a 7 or 9-Track MTA for PS-8 with TC58/TU20 8-392 Vector-8 8-393 Queing TC01/TU55 DECtape Routines 8-394 BASIC 8-395 Space War 8-396 MTSD6/70 (Millisecond TimeDSharing System) 8-397 8K Editor 8-398 IMAGE 8-399 8K FORTRAN Bit Manipulation Subroutines 8-400a Execute Slow 8-401 Dice Game and TIC-TAC-TOE 8-402 Resequence 8-403 Stereo - A 2 Channel Music Program 8-404 Octal MEM Dump - Extended Memory 8-405 SOOT 8-406 STATPAC Revisions for PDP-8/I and TSS/8 8-407 Patch to Editor (DISK) DEC-D8-ESAD-PB 8-408 Disk Utility Program 8-409 Card Loader 8-410 Pseudo-Random Number Generator, EAE Version 8-411 Mongoose Display System 8-412 MRS X 8-413 GROPE III/A and BINLOC 8-414 LIST 8-415 Multiple Unit DECtape Copier 8-416b Bibliographical Handling 8-417 XCORE 8-418A&B VEKSEL and PAPT 8-419 Nmr-Pulse for the Lab-8/I 8-420 LOGSIMD8 8-421 Chain Load 8-422 Binary Punch - Extended Memory II 8-423 Disk Editor with View for LAB-8 8-424 Morse Code 8-425 BlockDModify for PS/8 8-426 Prime Number Generator 8-428A EAE - Modification to DECUS NO. 8-143, FFTS-R 8-428B EAE - Modification to DECUS NO. 8-144, FFTS-C 8-429 Intercorrelation 37 8-430 DECK: A Random Deck of Cards 8-431 8/I LAB Data System 8-432 Triple Precision Integer Package 8-433 Extensions to "LIBRA-FOCAL" 8-434.1 SCAN 8-434.2 STD 8-434.3 COW 8-434.4 TIC 8-434.5 TAB 8-434.6 HIST 8-434.7 TUNE 8-435 RECOVER 8-436 EAE - Simulator 8-437 Computer Dating Game 8-438 DFD32/Sykes Swap 8-439 MOVE 8-440 PIPL 8-441 DELETE 8-442 "The BYU Boob Tube" 8-443 Keyboard Test Tape for Hot metal Linecaster with TTS 8-444 COREMAP 8-445 FYLHLP - P5/8 File Utility Program 8-446 A Patch to FFTS-R for Use Without the EAE 8-447 Roots of a Polynomial by Muller's Method 8-448 CORDMP - Formatted Octal Dump 8-449A A Magtape Handler for the PDP-8/TU2O 8-449B LPTQUE - A PT08 to A. B. Dick Line DECtape; Printer Utility Program (DECsystem-l0 Format) 8-449C TALK10 - A PDP-8/PDP-l0 Utility-Loader 8-449D Buffered I/O Subroutines for the PDP-8 8-450 PS/8 Editor With Display for KV8/I (Overlay) 8-451 PS/8 Handler for KV/8 Vector Display 8-452 ANSAM (Analog Sampling) 8-453 Rapid Alert Program (RAP) 8-454 Radio Teletype to ASCII 8-455 CRTPAC 8-456A PIP "AH" 8-456B BUILD "AH" 8-457 DTFIX 8-458 VW - Field Independent I/O Handler for Disk and TTY 8-459 TAYEX - Taylor Expansion Equation Solver 8-460 TT89 - Tape Transfer PDP-8 to PDP-9 8-461 COPY10 - PDP-lO DECtape Program for the PDP-8 8-462 INSTIN 8-463 Perpetual Calendar (BASIC Version) 8-464b MTA: TR02 Magnetic Tape Handler 8-465 The SKED Software System 8-466A RL Monitor System (WCFMPG Version) P?SD08D1. lA 8-466B RL Monitor Subsystems - P?SD08-1.lB 8-466C Listing Utility Programs - P?S-08-l.1C 8-466D RL Monitor System Utilities P?SD08D1. lD 8-466E DECtape Utility Programs - P?S-08-1.1E 8-466F PAL III Modified for RL Monitor 8-466G POLY SNOBOL - P?S-08-l.lG 8-466H POLY LISP D P?SD08Dl.1H 8-466I FOCAL Modified for RL Monitor 8-466U0 Sources and systems for all the above programs, on an RL Monitor System DECtape, may be ordered under this number 8-467a BINREAD (Revised Version) 8-468 DIPDUB, A Dual-Independent Parameter, Double-Precision Pulse-Height Analysi 8-469 Top Secret 8-470 ODTD11 (high) Modified 8-471 Verify Paper Tape (12K) 8-472 PS8IN, PS8OUT 8-473 Three Utility Routines for PS/8 8-474 EXIT PS/8 8-475 PIPQ 8-477 RIBIER - A Program for the PDP-8/I Enabling the Transition from the PS/8 System to the Paper Tape System 8-479 PDP-8/E Instruction Simulators for other PDP-8s 8-480a Two Subroutines for 8K FORTRAN 8-481a MERGE 8-482 Patch to High ODT (DEC-08-COC2-PB) 8-483 GRFIT, A Simple Least Squares Routine 8-484 RESTore for the RK08 8-485 Geometric Data Truncation for Fourier Transform Programs 8-486 SEGAR 7: A Seven Segment Array for Alphanumeric Character Generation 8-487 Revised Octal Memory Dump 8-488 NEWPAGE 8-489 SUBSET, Integer Compiler and Operating System 8-490 Tape Alteration Program 8-491 Indexed Floating Point Math Subroutines for PDP-8/E 8-492 BINLOAD, BINTAPE and SEARCH 8-493 Line to Block Conversion 8-494 Translate Arabic Into Roman Numerals 8-495 CORRELATION ANALYSIS 8-496 UTR7: A 7-track Magnetic Tape Reading Utility 8-497A 8BAL - PDP-8 Macro Language 8-497B 8BAL Source Documentation 8-498 Unencoded Incremental Plotter Subroutine 8-499 High-Speed Reader Patch for Lo-Speed Macro-8 8-500 DUMP8 8-501 Galactic Coordinates 8-502 Interrupt Duplicator for Binary Object Tapes 8-503 MACRO-8X: 8K Extended MACRO-8 Assembler 8-504A ESI (Engineering and Scientific Interpreter) 8-504B ESIX - Extended ESI 8-504C ESI Demonstration Programs 8-505 BIN - CBL Extended Memory Loader 8-506 Load Areas 8-507 EEPP (Editor Even Parity Punch) 8-508a TSUTIL - A Utility-Diagnostic Program for TSSD8 8-509 INTERRUPT - TEST 8-510 P8COR - Overlay for 8K PAL-D Assembler for 4K Disk Monitor System (DECUS NO. 8-333) 8-511 FPAK-4 Interrupting Floating Point PACKAGE 8-512a Modified Binary Loader 8-513 DEBUG 8 8-514 Alpha-Numeric Display Program 8-515 Program to Mate PAL III With Symbolic Editor 8-516 SelfDStarting PS/8 Loader 8-517 Bowling League Results, Standings and Averages Program 8-518 PS/8 FORTRAN Alphabetical Sort 8-519 MACRO-8 Pass 3 Output Format Patch 8-520 PEST/WALD/PINIT: Adaptive Psychophysics Testing Package 8-521 A Clock 8-522 PAGEIT 8-523 MDT D A Mini Debugging Technique 8-524 GRNDYE 1970 - A Program to Estimate Cardiac Output Off-Line from an Indicator Dilution Curve 8-525 DAFFT/PAFFT/DAQUAN (EAE) 8-526 PROCOL 10/71 8-527 XDDT8E 8-528 TIC-TAC-TOE: Modifications to TIC 5/8, DECUS NO. 8-173 8-529 OSCAR: An Operating System for Computerized Animal Research 8-530 8BALIB - 8BAL Macro Library Generator 8-531A&B TRIPLE - 36 Bit PDP-8/E Simulator and `TRIPLE' 8BAL Macros 8-532 OPDDT (One Page DDT) 8-533 "WHERE" 8-534 DUAL BINARY LOADER 8-535 BINARY PUNCH FOR PDP-8/E with 2 TTY's (or with high speed punch) 8-536 Advanced Averager Improvement 8-537 Talking Eights 8-538 Integer IOH for FORTRAN Library 8-539 TD8E 4K Loader 8-540A BRAILLE-8 8-54GB BPRINT 8-541 Cassette Utility Program and PALC 8-542 Radioactive Decay 8-543 TS8REV - Reverse Assembler for TSS/8 8-544 CHECK and CHANGE-D 8-545 PIF (Program Interrupt Facility for 3 TTY's 8-546 DETEF - DECtape File-Handling System 8-547 Advanced Averager Program (Rotterdam Version) 8-548 Links to Page Routine 8-549 Polynomial Least Squares Fit 8-550 Modified Matrix Inversion - Real Numbers 8-551 COMBO 8-552 Storage Display Device Handler 8-553 Big Brother II 8-554 ANOVA and DUNCAN 8-555 MULTC Multiple Correlation Program 8-556 CHISQ Chi Square Program 8-557 CLUSTR Cluster Analysis Program 8-558 CORREL Correlation Program and PCOMP- VARMX Factor Analysis Program 8-559 CUBIC - A Digital Program for On-Line Differentiation of Sample Analog Signals 8-560 SAMDi 8-561 Revised HELP Loader for High-Speed Reader and New BIN Loader 8-562 DISORT 8-563 TAPE 8-564 A Statistical System in PS/8 8-565 RENUM - Renumbering Program for BASIC Tapes 8-566 PARTL 8-567 EXPO 8-568 CFI - Continued Fraction Inversion 8-569 FLIT Assembler 8-570 BIN4SV 8-571 INPUT, OS/8 Version 8-572 Combination Lettering and Duplicator - Coder Program 8-573 EDITS - A PS/8 Editor for Non-storage Scope Display 8-574 TD8E System Handler for 8K PS/8 8-575 EAE Overlay for Four-Word Floating Point Package Multiply 8-576 LOCAL PAL8: LPAL8.SV 8-577a Paper Tape Duplicator (P.D.T.) 8-578 Chromaticity Diagram 8-579 LISTIT 8-580 Decimal to Floating Point Conversion 8-582 Random Number Generator Adapted for 8K FORTRAN/SABR 8-583 BASOVR - 8K BASIC Overlay for PDP-8/S 8-584 PRECIS, A Program to Scan a Binary Tape 8-586 XDIREC, OS/8-PS/8 Selective Directory Listing 8-587 FORTRAN-D 4K Overlayings to Chain Programs 8-588 PEEK, A User Program to Look at the TSS/8 Monitor 8-589a BOOTST, Universal OS/8 (PS/8) Bootstrap 8-590 Matrix Inversion 8-591 Pulmonary Resistance 8-592 Printer Test Program 8-593 Tri-Data Paper Tape PAL III Assembler 8-594 FP8 - Floating Point Arithmetic Software for DEC PDP-8 Series Computers 8-595 UPDATE, A Program to Make Corrections to a File Containing Records of Variable Length 8-596 Multilength Routines 8-597 N.I.H. OS/8 Package 8-598 CRT: An OS/8 Handler for Tektronix 611 Storage Scope 8-599 DIBILD.; Directory Rebuilder for PS/8 or OS/8 8-600c EXPIP (Extensions PIP) 8-601 OASIS 8-602A&B The PDP-8 Cookbook, Volume 1 & 2 8-603 PATPST: Patch for DEC-LAB-8/E Post- Stimulus-Time-Histogram Program 8-604 `GET' Command for the Disk/DECtape Monitor System 8-605 ADUMP8 8-606b PIPli 8-607 CALCUl 8-608 FUTIL - OS/8 File Utility 8-609 OCOMP - Octal Compare and Dump DECtape; Includes FOCAL8-269 8-610 INVENTDB 8-611 SLED - Source and Listing Editor 8-612 ELAN - Elementary Linguistic Analysis 8-613 Interconversion Between A/D Floating Point and D/A Formats 8-614 Clock Calibration 8-615 EAE Multiplication for BK FORTRAN 8-616 Octal Character Equivalent 8-617 V. A. PKS.-1 and V. A. PKS.-2 Real Time G. C. Data Integrator and G. C. Data Manipulator 8-618 Two OS/8 Device Handlers for the 57A Magnetic Tape Control 8-619 FORTRAN-Callable Scope Subroutines for the KV8/VT01 Graphic System 8-620 The PHA-B Data Acquisition System 8-620A SINGS D Single Parameter, Single Precision 1024 Channel, PHA Data Acquisition 8-620B SINGDP - Single Parameter, Double Precision 1024 Channel, PHA Data Acquisition and Display 8-620C PK8L - 1024 Channel Off-Line Peak Location and Listing 8-620D SING8K - Single Parameter, Precision and One-Half, 4096 Channel, PHA Data Acquisition and Display 8-620E PK8K - 4096 Channel Off-Line Peak Location and Listing 8-621 Gray Code Conversion Package 8-622 KV8/I - VTOl Device Handler 8-623 PAGER 8-624 DUMP and LOAD, TSS/8 8-625 Floating Integer Function for use with BK FORTRAN 8-626 Automated Electrooculography 8-627 TEXPAK - Program to Convert a Line of Text to Packed Octal Forma 8-628 LISP 1.5 Interpreter for PDP-8 with OS/8 (PS/B) 8-629 Graphing Subroutines for BK FORTRAN Program 8-630 Pulmonary Function Laboratory Program 8-630A (Spirometry Only) 8-630B 8K Paper Tape System 8-630C (For non-ROM systems request binary paper tape loader in addition to DTA) 8-630D BK TC08/TU56 8-630E (Contains binaries and sources for 4K and BK paper tape systems) 8-631 MINT - Multiple Precision Integer Arithmetic Subroutine 8-632 RWDF32 8-633 MACB, BK MACRO ASSEMBLER 8-634 MOVE 8-635 PAL12D 8-636 BEST - Binary to Symbolic Traductor 8-637 A Flexible Data Buffer Display Routine for LAB-8 Systems 8-638 GEOMAS 8-639 OS/8 DISASM 8-640 OS/8 EDIT PLUS 8-641 OS/8 FORMAT 8-642 AUTOCO - Autocorrelation for Poor People (Without EAE) 8-643 LIFE 8-644 MINMON - TD8E DECtape Minimonitor 8-645 Interfacing the PDP-8 to the Printec-l00 Line Printer 8-646 DECsystemD8 8-647 FULMIX - Complete Permutation Program 8-648 LOGMIN - Logic Minimization Program 8-649 QPIP - OS/8 Directory Editing Program 8-650 AMIPED- Automated Medical Interview With Pediatric Data Files 8-651 SOLMT (Sort Overlay Listings Using Magnetic Tape) 8-652 Regression Analysis Package (Test Tapes Included) 8-653 MTAPER - BK Magtape Monitor (TR05-A Interface) and BK FORTRAN I/O 8-654 Cabrillo Test Grader 8-655 Patches to CINET-BASIC (DECUS NO. 8-159) 8-656 SELFDRILL - The Sloan Selfdrill Program 8-657A INPUT, A Neurophysiological Data Collecting Program 8-657B DSKFIL, A File Structured Disk Writing Routine and Helpers 8-657C TR, Binary to ASCII Translator 8-658 Extended Double Precision Interpretive Package 8-659 VTO5 8-660 STAT 8-661 LESQ, General Non-Linear Least Squares 8-662 UNDEFSYBLIST - Undefined Symbol List 8-663 REPROD - Read, Punch and Verify Product 8-664 FREQHS - A Subroutine to Generate a Frequency Histogram from Stored Interval Measurements 8-665 INTVAL - A Subroutine to Measure Inter- Event Intervals 8-666 NORDER - A Subroutine to Generate nth Order Histograms from Inter-Event Intervals 8-667 LABLDP - A TSS/8 Tape Labeling Program 8-668 RAW - A Reverse Assembler of Windsor 8-669 BIOLSD - Antibiotic Assay Using Latin Square Design 8-670 Basic Plotting Package for OS/8 FORTRAN IV 8-671 Restoring Symbolprin 8-672 XCBL and XBIN Loader 8-673 Random Number Generators for Use With FORTRAN or SABR Programs 8-674 External - Or RC - Clock (AXOB) Calibration 8-675 INDUMP - Input Dump 8-676 MOVE DELETE 8-677 STAR PIP 8-678 Routine to Expand and Modify the DEC Floating-Point Package 8-679 MAPPER 8-680 WLSHTR - A Fast Walsh Transform Subroutine for Real Valued Functions 8-681 CASE - Carleton Symbolic Editor 8-682 SCPSYS (Scope System) 8-683 BNLOAD, TSS/8 Binary Loader 8-684 Injection Patcher - IJPA 8-685 DPSQRT - Double Precision Square Root for PDP-8 8-686 Bowling League Results, Standings and Averages 8-687 GOLF 8-688 FOOTBALL 8-689 UFDSPY - A TSS/8 Line-Printer UFD Dump Program 8-690 RANDU 8-691 ACCK Timeshare Accounting System (DECtape available from author) 8-692 OLEVX and OLEVAX, 4-Channel Averager and Analysis System 8-693 A Programmed Learning Course in Boolean Algebra 8-694 Teletype Line Printer Emulator Handler for OS/8 8-695 Real Time Display Processor for a KV8 Graphic System and KWB Clock 8-696 DECTYP, One-Word Signed Decimal Prin 8-697 DDTSS8, DECtape Dump for Time Shared SystemDB (TSS/8 - Edusystem50) 8-698 TEKLIB, A Series of OS/8 FORTRAN II Callable Subroutines for the Tektronix 4010 8-699 MPS External Event Common Routine 8-700 JET AMBUSH 8-701 TEXT: Readable Punch Handler for OS/8 8-702 COGOD8 8-703 AMORT: Incremental Amortization Schedule 8-704 ANOVl: Analysis of Variance, Unequal 8-705 ARNORM: Area Under Normal Curve 8-706 BITSET 8-707 CRSTAB: Cross Tabulation Program 8-708 EMLP: Emory Linear Programming Package 8-709 FINCA: A Computer Program for Financial Statement Analysis 8-710 MULTS: Multiple Regression Program 8-711 Microprocessor Cross Reference Program for OS/8 8-712 IRSPEC: Calculation "On-Line" of Far Infrared Spectra by Fourier Transform 8-713 FORTRAN Plotting Subroutines 8-714 PDPLST: PDP-8 IBM 360/370 Cross Listing Program 8-715 F4 GRAPHICS 8-716 Exponential Functions 8-717 F4EAE - EAE OVERLAY FOR FRTS 8-718 NSD - Nominal Standard Dose 8-719 OS/8 Software for a TC58 Magtape Control 8-720 LSTDMP: Binary Tape Dump/Lister 8-721 LISPDBK 8-722 Mini-Copy 8-723 Function Comp.FT 8-724 Computer Catalog System 8-725 The Pipe Stress Problem on a PDP-B/F 8-726 An OS/8 Handler for the Varian Statos 21 Line Printer 8-727 Disassembler 8-728 MEND 8-729 DS340 DEMO Package 8-730 CORVU: A Display and Teletype Input/ Output Program 8-731 MEMO IV 8-732 BAVIRF - A Virtual File UDEF for OS/8 BASIC 8-733A PDP-8/E RJE System (IBM 2780 Emulator) 8-733B Software Support Manual for PDP-8/E RJE System 8-734 Microprocessor Language Assembler for OS/8 8-735 DSP8; Diagnostic Support Package for the PDP-8 8-736 Paper Tape Reader-Printer 8-737A Four Word Floating Point Package for MPS 8-737B Four Word Floating Point Functions for MPS 8-737C Rudimentary Calculator for MPS Four Word Floating Point Routines 8-738 The Business Management Laboratory 8-739 COPY.PA 8-740 Theorem Prover for the Propositional Calculus 8-741 SD8SY and SD8X - Two Handlers for the TD8E Simple DECtape 8-742 CLOCK - A Real-Time Clock/Calendar Routine 8-743a FILFIX - TSS/8 File Structure Repairing and Restructuring Program 8-744 TSTCDR - TSS/8 Card Reader Diagnostic 8-745 LEP, Linear, Exponential and Power Function Curve Fit 8-746 Device Handler for Tektronix 611 Storage Scope 8-747 STAGE2 MACRO Processor 8-748 SM04 - OS/8 to Disk-Monitor ASCII File Converter 8-749 UFAX08 - A LAB-8 (AX08) Set of User-Defined Functions for OS/8 BASIC 8-750 Paper Tape Display 8-751 FORTRAN IV for OS/8 FORTRAN II Users 8-752 MIG8E2 - Monitor of Interruptions Which Are Generated by the PDP-8/E Peripherals 8-753 OS/8 System Output Handlers 8-754 NUMBER and REDATE - OS/8 File Utility tape 8-755 OCTYPE - Octal Memory Dump 8-756 ASCON - ASCII File Converter 8-757 OS/8 Utility Package 8-758 Super Hardware Bootstrap Code for the TC08/TC01 on a MI8E 8-759 USLIBA D FORTRAN II Subroutines for Binary Data Transfer 8-760 FASTAD - User Oriented Data Collection on One A/DC Channel 8-761 WDATA - Subroutine to Write Absolute Binary Data on SYS-Device 8-762 TTYIO - I/O Routines for Teletype or Similar Terminal 8-763 KL8TST - KL8/E, KL8/J Diagnostic 8-764 LIST 8-765 DUMPOS D Dumps OS/8 ASCII File 8-766 SIMBA - A PDP-8/E Oscilloscope Symbol Generator 8-767 Critical Path Method of Scheduling 8-768 EDAS D Editing and Assembling System 8-769 SELFDR - The Selfdrill Program, BK Version 8-770 MOSS - 4K TD8E DECtape System 8-771 PRGSCH - TSS/8 Program Searcher 8-772 OS/8 Compatible VC8-E Handler for Mass Storage Systems 8-773 Graphics Package for the Tektronix 4010 Under OS/8 8-774 Simple ASCII Editor and Tape Reproducer 8-775 COPIER 8-776 BNPF Format Paper Tape Loader for MPS 8-777 PDP8ASM, Version 3.01 8-778 PFCF - Polynomial Function Curve Fitting 8-779 TC58.PA - OS/8 Version III Device Handler for TC58 Magtape 8-780 SPLIT and SPLICE 8-781 DOCRLN - A Subroutine to Calculate Polarity- Quantized Autocorrelograms 8-782 DEVHND - Device Handler for Storage Scope Using AXOB (LAB-8) as Controller 8-783 EDITV - Edit-With-View on AXO8 (LAB-8) for OS/8 Editor Version III 8-784 TSS/8 TTRACE and TSS/8 LTRACE 8-785 GPATCH 8-786 TSS/8 FORMAT 8-787 LISZ - An Extended ISZ Instruction for the PDP-8/L 8-788 Using the RAR RAL Micro-Instruction as an Auxiliary Command 8-789 RKCOPY 8-790 CHRDIS - Display Alphanumeric Characters on ND-SO/SO System 8-791 DELAY 8-792 PROVEDB, V.03 8-793 RANF - A Pseudo-Random Number Generator for OS/8 FORTRAN IV 8-794 IFAC - A FORTRAN Program for Parameter Estimation 8-795 RINROT - A Roll-in, Roll-out Program 8-796 Five Word Floating Point Package for PDP-8 8-797 LSPCF 8-798 OS/8 to RSTS Interface 8-799 Dose Calculation of Irregular Fields 8-800 Heat Loss Calculation 8-801 MORSE - Morse Code Coder and Decoder 8-802 SSP: Scientific Subroutine Package 8-803 FOLMAT 8-804 MUSIC: PDP-8 Music Playing Program 8-804.1 The Entertainer 8-804.2 Love Will Keep Us Together, other 8-804.3 Minute Waltz 8-804.4 Bach, Invention 8-805 PTRP.PA: RTS Handler Task for High Speed Paper Tape Reader and Punch 8-806 SAC8: Simulation of An Analogue Computer 8-807 UTILITY Routine and Patches for the FORTRAN Compiler 8-808 Probability Density Functions of Analogue Signals with the LAB-8 System 8-809 FFT or IFFT of an Analogue Signal with the LAB-8 System 8-810 PING: Ping-Pong Game on Display 8-811 DYNOD: Dynamic Octal Debugger 8-812 CASINO: Sykes Cassette Input/Outpu 8-813 DIGFIL: Recursive Digital Filter 8-814 PROCES: An Image Processing Program for the PDP-8/E 8-815 BINPUN: OS/8 Binary Punch from Core Image File 8-816 PLOT, KPLOT: FORTRAN Callable Plotting Subroutines for Scope and Incremental Plotter 8-817 LABCOL I: Laboratory Control and Automation Language 8-818 SYKBOOT 8-819 PAL8X2 8-820 WIPE: TSS/8 User Directory Cleaner 8-821 SPASTIC IV 8-822 CHEKMO II: Chess Playing Program 8-823 DDTG: Real Time Picture Processor Monitor Debugger 8-824 LABL: Legible Leader Handler for OS/8 8-825 ALPHA, CCL4OA, MARK12 8-826 Program System to Analyze Analogue Signals with the LAB-8 System 8-827 DDCMP 8-828 FORTRAN-IV Routine 8-829 Improved Mini Debugging Technique 8-830 CASTOR, Sykes Cassette Editor 8-831 BLKPIP: OS/8 Transfer Program for Files and Block 8-832 IPSLAV: Slave Program for the DB8E Interprocessor Buffer Handler 8-833 VT50 CURSOR MOVE 8-834 LIB8X 8-835 OSLF 8-836 BUGRM 8-837 QUICKPOINT-8 Part Program Compiler and Standard Post Processor 8-838a TSLIB2: Tektronix 4010 Graphing & Character Generation Subroutine 8-838b TSLIB4: Tektronix 4010 Graphing & Character Generation Subroutine 8-838c TK4LIB: OS/8 FORTRAN IV Callable Routines for the Tektronix 4010 8-839 PALLUX, Sykes Cassette PAL III Assembler 8-840 COCAS, Sykes Copy Cassette 8-841 CHRFSB: FORTRAN IV ASCII Character Subroutine 8-842 DIRECT - OS/8 Directory Listing Program 8-843 SDBOOT: A Short Bootstrap for a non-OS/8 Sykes 7100 Floppy Disk System 8-844 OS/8 FORTRAN IV Listings Without Recompiling 8-845 VIRCOP: OS/8 System Creation and File Copy Utility Program 8-846 SYK2PH: Two Page, 16-Bit Packing OS/8 System and Auxiliary Handlers for the Sykes 7100 and Floppy Disk 8-847 A VC8E `TV: HANDLER FOR A STORAGE SCOPE 8-848 LPTSPL-A Lineprinter Spooler for the OS/8 "PRINT" CUSP 8-849 MAGlO PDP8/e File Based MAGtape Utility 8-850 USR.RA User Service Routine (USR) for FORTRAN IV 8-851 GOB-General On-Line-Operating-System For the PDP8 Series Computer 8-852 A Package of FORTRAN II Subroutine 8-853 SSP: Scientific Subroutine Package 8-854 Part 1. LOG - Log and Disk Partition Assignment Program Part 2. KBLD - Build Program to Convert OS/8 to use a KV8 Display 8-859 INFPAK 8-861 BASIC User-defined functions and a multi-channel data acqusisition and control system for mass spectrometers 8-865 SNOBOL-8.2 Demonstration Programs 8-869 OS/8 Magtape Handler 8-870 Interupt Bus Testing Program 8-871 U: A program to type out CCL Recollectioms (also as 12-210) 8-873 RSMON: RSTS terminal monitor on a PDP-8 8-874 Serial I/O handler for interprocessor communications 8-876 OS/8 System device handler for the Sykes 7520 Floppy Disk 8-878 GAME: VT-52 or VT-78 Pattern Game 8-879 MTFOTP: Mag-Tape-File-Oriented-Transfer-Program and TM8EZ 8-881 COS 310 Compatible Floppy Disk Handler for OS/8 8-884 CHISQR 8-886 ADC: A general purpose Analog to Digital Conversion System 8-887 FUTCCL: CCL Modififcation 8-888 TKPLOT: Graphic Display on a Tektronix 4010 Terminal 8-889 ADVENTURE 8-890 LPTSPL: OS/8 "PRINT" Utility Package 8-891 Big Floppy Handlers 8-893 UTIL10: DECsystem-10 Communication and Utility Package 8-894 Improved OS/8 LQP Handler 8-895 NUMBER: FORTRAN IV Plotter Routine 8-896 RESEQ.PA 8-897 EDUSYSTEM-23 Basic Patch - ODT patch to EDU25 8-898 DR8e Overlay for RT BASIC 8-900 SABX: SABR Assembler Modification 8-901 AXIS 8-902 INFSTAT 8-903 RF08 Simulation on RK8E 8-904 Line Printer Patch to use with FOCAL 8-905 DEC-10 System Controller 8-906 Background Plotting for FORTRAN IV 8-907 T.I. Silent 700 ASR Terminal/Cassette Device Handler 8-908 TELCOM: Telecommunications/Teleprocessing Program 8-909 Spearman Rank Correlation Cofficient with Ties 8-910 VT520LA36 Device Handler for OS/8 8-911 TD8E Handler for RTS-8 8-912 RKREAD/RKDUP: RK8E Utilites 8-913 TECO-8 8-914 "UFCLK" BASIC User Function Package