FOCAL8-1 A Pseudo Random Number Generator for the PDP-8 for use with FOCAL FOCAL8-2 XOD Modification for use with FOCAL FOCAL8-3 DISK FOCAL FOCAL8-4 PRIME PLOTS FOCAL8-5 The Sumer Game FOCAL8-6 FOCAL-8 Patch for LINC-8 Display FOCAL8-7 STRIP FOCAL: Storage of Data Arrays in FOCAL FOCAL8-8 Magtape FOCAL FOCAL8-9 Hexapawn FOCAL8-10 Patch to FOCAL W for LINC-8 A-D Converter FOCAL8-11 EAE Routines for FOCAL FOCAL8-12 QUIP1 - Quick Plot in Quadrant 1 FOCAL8-13 3D PLOTTER FOCAL8-14 Least Squares Fit to a Straight Line FOCAL8-15 Least Squares Fit to a Cubic Polynomial FOCAL8-16 One-Sample Statistics: Two-Sample Statistics: Welch Procedure; One-Way Analysis of Variance; Sheffe's Contrast Between Means FOCAL8-17 FOCAL: How to Write New Subroutines and Use Internal Routines FOCAL8-18 T-ASK FOCAL8-19 Least Squares Fit to an Exponential FOCAL8-20 MULTIPULSE FOCAL8-21 MULTIPULSE-2 FOCAL8-22 Monte Carlo Solution to Neutron Penetration Problem FOCAL8-23 Seismic Refraction Sloping Layer Program FOCAL8-24 GRADE: A Grade Averaging and Display Program FOCAL8-25 Payroll Calculations (California, 1968) FOCAL8-26 Curve Fitting FOCAL8-27 A-Y Complex; Y -A Complex; Series Resonant Circuit Analysis FOCAL8-28 Column Width; Traverse; Least Square "Linear Fit;" Nozzle Weight Flow; Filter Design; Ohm's Law FOCAL8-29 Second Order Differential Equation 3 FOCAL8-30 One Line Routines; X and Circle; Superposition; Circle FOCAL8-31 Sines; Factors; Figure Eight; Right Triangle Solutions FOCAL8-32 Translation Table - French FOCAL8-33 Square Matrix Multiply; Prime Number Generator; Least Common Multiple; Base to Base Integer Conversion; Repeating Decimal FOCAL8-34 Simultaneous Equations; Abbreviated Simultaneous Equations; Curve Fitting~ FOCAL8-35 Rootfinder Program FOCAL8-36 Determinot Program FOCAL8-37 N-th Degree Polynomial Data Point Fitting Routine; N-th Degree Polynomi~ Data Point Fitting Routine with RMS Error FOCAL8-38 Magic Square Generator FOCAL8-39 Rectangular to Polar Conversion; Polar to Rectangular Converstion FOCAL8-40 Simple Chi-Square Test FOCAL8-41 FRAN THE BARMAID FOCAL8-42 The Hangman Game FOCAL8-43 A collection of FOCAL Patches FOCAL8-44 Magtape Analyser Using I/O FOCAL FOCAL8-45 Universal I/O Handler for FOCAL FOCAL8-46 4-DIGIT, 12-Bit Word Practice FOCAL8-47 Fourier Synthesis of a Square Wave FOCAL8-48 A FOCAL Program to Determine Low- Frequency Loudspeaker Parameters Experimentally FOCAL8-49 Constantine's Function FOCAL8-50 FOCAL Version of RC Active Filter FOCAL8-51 FOCAL "WRITE" Patch FOCAL8-52a FOCAL 5/69 FOCAL8-53 JMPFOCAL: FOCAL as a LINC-8 Subroutine FOCAL8-54 Channel Information and Inverted Histogram Plot FOCAL8-55 Multichannel Analyzer FOCAL8-56 Merchandise Price Tags FOCAL8-57 FOCAL Display on a 338 FOCAL8-58 A Patch to FOCAL W to use the LINC-8 Display FOCAL8-59 FOCAL Overlay Common Area for 4K Core Memory FOCAL8-60 A System for Production of Problem Sets with Individualized Data FOCAL8-61 Least Square Fit to a Polynomial FOCAL8-62 The FOCAL TGH Clinical Package FOCAL8-63 CURFIT FOCAL8-64 Newton-Raphson Method for Determination of Polynomial Roots FOCAL8-65 Kruskal-Wallis One-Way Analysis of Variance by Ranks FOCAL8-66 "Quick Scan" - Using Sheffe's Calculation FOCAL8-67 T-Test FOCAL8-68 Determination of Roots of a Polynomial FOCAL8-69 Analysis of Variance FOCAL8-70 Analysis of Variance Randomized Block "F" Test FOCAL8-71 FOCAL Golf Program for the PDP-8 (8K) Computer FOCAL8-72 General Least Squares Fit FOCAL8-73 Real Matrix Inversion FOCAL8-74 Linear Least Squares Fit FOCAL8-75 Blackjack FOCAL8-76 Screening Regression FOCAL8-77 MARX: A Grading Program FOCAL8-78 RACK-O FOCAL8-79 The Carnival Game FOCAL8-80 Using the High Speed Punch with FOCAL FOCAL8-81 FOCAL Lunar Landing Simulation (APOLLO) FOCAL8-82 Physical Sine Curve Programs FOCAL8-83 Gas Law Programs FOCAL8-84 2D Plotter for Serial Experimental Data FOCAL8-85 Program Replication FOCAL8-86 KCE Temperature Conversion Table FOCAL8-87 Keyboard Readable Punch FOCAL8-88 Atomic and Molecular Transition Probabilities in FOCAL FOCAL8-89 The Recursive Evaluation of Functions FOCAL8-90 X-Y Plotter Patch for FOCAL `69 FOCAL8-91 Multiplication of Rectangular Matrices FOCAL8-92 FOCAL Horserace for the PDP-8 (8K) Computer FOCAL8-93 Dose-Response Routine FOCAL8-94 Multidimensional Integration by Gaussian Quadrature FOCAL8-95 One-Armed Bandit FOCAL8-96 Statistics - Standard Deviation FOCAL8-97 Multiple Equation Graphing on a Teletype FOCAL8-98 FOCAL PUNCH OVERLAY FOCAL8-99 3 Dimensional TIC TAC TOE (3X3X3) FOCAL8-100 Additions to FOCAL W FOCAL8-l01 "HORSERACE" FOCAL8-102 Solution of Quadratic Equations with Complex Coefficients FOCAL8-103 TEACH FOCAL8-104 The Towers of Hanoi FOCAL8-105A LAB-8 Extended Functions for FOCAL (4K) FOCAL8-105B LAB-8 Extended Functions for FOCAL (8K) FOCAL8-106 FOCAL Traveling-Wave Sketches FOCAL8-107 NIM FOCAL8-108 Analysis of Variance for Two- Dimensional Material FOCAL8-109a Newton's Method of Approximating Real Roots of P (x)=0, Where the Degree of P(x) is 4 or less FOCAL8-110a SWAP - FOCAL Disk Data Overlay FOCAL8-111 Battle of Numbers Game (Newberry College Version) FOCAL8-112 TIC-TAC-TOE (FOCAL) FOCAL8-113 Acid-Base Titration Curves FOCAL8-114 Liquid Scintillation Data Processing Program FOCAL8-115 Short Programs for Statistical Analysis Using FOCAL FOCAL8-116 KV8FT FOCAL8-117 ED-50 FOCAL8-118 Three Mathematical Routines 1. To Raise A+B*l to the N Power 2. Complex Roots of Real Interpreters 3. Cube Root Finder FOCAL8-119 CHEMS LAB 5 FOCAL8-120 PFI - Product Form of the Inverse FOCAL8-121 Play Golf With Arnold Palmer FOCAL8-122 Charge Account FOCAL8-123 LOAD Command for FOCAL - 1969 FOCAL8-124 Analysis of Variance Package FOCAL8-125a Magtape Formatter for MTA Handler FOCAL8-126 PLOTTER FOCAL8-127 FOCAL-SLOT FOCAL8-128 Probability (2P); From t ("Student") Distribution FOCAL8-129 FOCAL Readable Punch FOCAL8-130 FLHSTO FOCAL8-131 ZARFA FOCAL8-132 CIG-8 MARK II FOCAL8-134 1-20 Counting Game FOCAL8-135 MODV - Choice FOCAL8-136a FOCAL, Amity 73 FOCAL8-137 General Nth Order Regression FOCAL8-138 WCXT: The Wilcoxon Matched-Pairs Signed Ranks Test for Non Parametric Data FOCAL8-139 Universal Input/Output for FOCAL FOCAL8-141 Spanish Language FOCAL FOCAL8-142 Sucessive Powers of a Matrix FOCAL8-143 Repeated Matrix Multiplication FOCAL8-144 FOCALJ--DECtape FOCAL-69 FOCAL8-145 FOCAL for Disk and DECtape with Program Chaining FOCAL8-146 ZELLER's Congruence/Day of the Week FOCAL8-147 Interaction Analysis FOCAL8-148A 4K FOCL.S FOCAL8-148B 8K FOCL.S FOCAL8-149 Checkers FOCAL8-150 FRAN8 FOCAL8-151 East Matrix Inversion for Real Numbers FOCAL8-152 Surface Plate Auto-Collimation FOCAL8-153 Two Overlays for FOCAL'69, FEXP-X-P and FLOG FOCAL8-154 8K FOCAL Display FOCAL8-155 FACTORS FOCAL8-156 Blackjack for FOCAL FOCAL8-157 Modifications to TSS/8 FOCAL FOCAL8-158 Mileage Program FOCAL8-159A Computer Programs in Use in the Water Qualities Division, Vol. 1 FOCAL8-159B Computer Programs in Use in the Water Qualities Division, Vol. 2 FOCAL8-159C Computer Programs in Use in the Water Qualities Division, Vol. 3 FOCAL8-160 Non-Parametrics: The Mann-Whitney Test and the Wilcoxon Matched-Pairs Sign-Ranks Test FOCAL8-161 Wilmot Grading Program FOCAL8-162 Transistor H-Parameter Conversions FOCAL8-163 Erlang C Blocking Probability Programs FOCAL8-164 Four New Functions for FOCAL 5/69 FOCAL8-165 F- (Variance Ratio) Distribution Probability FOCAL8-166A First and Second Order Partial Correlations FOCAL8-166B First and Second Order Partial Correlations FOCAL8-167 Five Statistical Programs for the PDP-8 or PDP-12 FOCAL8-168 One-Armed Bandit - PDP-8 Style FOCAL8-169 FOCAL Version of the GE Basic Artillery Game FOCAL8-170 Saint Peter's College Statistical Package FOCAL8-170.1 FLGPLT FOCAL8-170.2 FLBIND FOCAL8-170.3 FLPCTL FOCAL8-170.4 FLSDEV FOCAL8-170.5 FLHMES FOCAL8-170.6 FLTMES FOCAL8-170.7 FLPEAR FOCAL8-170.8 FLSPER FOCAL8-171 Minnesota Sociology Statistics Program FOCAL8-172 XPON FOCAL8-173 APOLLO II FOCAL8-174 SYNDIV 5 FOCAL8-175 Modifications and Supplement to FOCAL8-50 RC Filter Design and Plot and 3-Pole Butterworth Filters FOCAL8-176 Program for Producing Histograms from Clinical Data on Teletype FOCAL8-177 PS/8 FOCAL, 1971 FOCAL8-178 Motion Picture Package FOCAL8-179 Depth of Field Program for Still Camera Lenses FOCAL8-180 FOCAL-SORT FOCAL8-181 Filter Design FOCAL8-182 First Order Differential Equation: Initial Value Problem FOCAL8-183 DARTS FOCAL8-184 Manpower FOCAL8-185 LIFE FOCAL8-186 SUMER (FRENCH) FOCAL8-187 Display FOCAL FOCAL8-188 Generating Random Numbers with FOCAL FOCAL8-189 8K Overlay Patch for FOCAL5/69 (DECUS NO. FOCAL8-52a) FOCAL8-190 Patch to Add LABEL Feature to FOCAL 5/69 (DECUS No. FOCAL8-52a) FOCAL8-191 Reverse Overlay for FOCAL, 1969 FOCAL8-192 Echo Change for FOCAL, 1969 FOCAL8-193 Anova, 2-way, unsymmetrical FOCAL8-194 Rectangular to Polar Coordination (German) FOCAL8-195 All purpose Graphing Program FOCAL8-196 Fisher's Exact Test FOCAL8-197 Self-Teaching Program for FOCAL FOCAL8-198 Michaelis-Menten Kinetics FOCAL8-199 Stock Market Game FOCAL8-200 SIMEOR - 20 Simultaneous Equations in 8K FOCAL FOCAL8-201 FOCAL Patch for Function FP, Mod 4B FOCAL8-202 Code Generator FOCAL8-203 Graph Sketching FOCAL8-204 Acid-Base Equilibria FOCAL8-205 Random Walk/Array FOCAL8-206 FOCAL Generates Binary Patches FOCAL8-207 EAI/ASCII Converter and `SLO-SYN' NC Program and Tape Generator FOCAL8-208 A Normally Distriubted Random Number Generator in FOCAL FOCAL8-209 GREIT, A Simple Least Squares Routine FOCAL8-210 CHAIN and FCOM FOCAL8-211 WEST-KY Four-User FOCAL FOCAL8-212 Automated Terminal Usage Accounting for Four-User FOCAL FOCAL8-213 FOCAL Random Number Generator FOCAL8-214 FDSK, An Overlay for FOCAL to Read Data D Or Program - Files from the PS/8 Systems Device FOCAL8-215 FOCAL 1969 Octyl Loader FOCAL8-216 FARRAY, A FOCAL FNEW for Two Dimensional Arrays in 8K FOCAL FOCAL8-217 Hamming Algorithm to Solve Two Coupled Ordinary First Order Differential Equations with Given Initial Conditions FOCAL8-218 FOCAL Overlay CHAIN FOCAL8-219 Keyboard Controlled High Speed Punch Routine for FOCAL 1969 FOCAL8-220 Individual Tablet Assay FOCAL8-221 LSQ Stern-Volmer: Least Squares Treatment of the General Stern-Volmer Equation FOCAL8-222 Center of Gravity Calculation FOCAL8-223 FOCLX, 1972 FOCAL8-224 SPASTIC - A System for Programming Angles, Scaler and Timer by Internal Counting FOCALO-225 Loan Amortization Schedule FOCAL8-226 Frequency Transformation Program FOCAL8-227a FOCL/F - An extended version of 8K FOCAL 69 FOCAL8-228 Great Circle Distance Between 2 Points FOCAL8-229 H-800 Wiring Diagrams FOCAL8-230 CALCOMP Plotter FNEW PLOTX FOCAL8-231 Extended Precision Sine and Cosine for 4-word FOCAL FOCAL8-232 Roots by Inverse Interpolation FOCAL8-233 A FOCAL-Correlation Program for the LAB 8 System 1. AutoDand CrossDCorrelation Program 2. Auto-Correlation Program FOCAL8-234 Action Indicator Calculator FOCAL8-235 MPS Radiation Pattern Program FOCAL8-236 Polynomial Curve Fitting (Streamlined Programs) FOCAL8-237 Bond Computations FOCAL8-238 Millikan Oil Drop Experiment FOCAL8-239 DIV- Program for Division FOCAL8-240 Science Fiction Quiz FOCAL8-241 Satellite Orbital Parameters FOCAL8-242 Solution of Linear Equation Systems with Symmetrically Matrix FOCAL8-243 Analysis of Variance for One- Two - and Three-Treatment Designs for a PDP-8 FOCAL8-244 HANGMAN IV FOCAL8-245 Executive and Utility Routines for FOCLX, 1972 FOCAL8-246 Undefeatable FOCAL TIC-TAC-TOE FOCAL8-247 ENEWS Overlay to Use High Speed Punch with FOCAL Program FOCAL8-248 FOCTXT - Text Input-Output Patch to FOCAL-l 969 FOCAL8-249a Payroll Listings and Totals FOCAL8-250 Six Curves - GMS037 FOCAL8-251 "WORD" - Character Generation Using FOCAL's FDIS Function FOCAL8-252 12K Overlay for FOCAL FOCAL8-253 Solution to Any Equation Involving One Variable FOCAL8-254 Patch to Allow Computed Line Numbers in FOCAL, 1969 FOCAL8-255 Repeating Decimal FOCAL8-256 OPTION $ FOCAL8-257 LIMERICK GENERATOR; RANDOM SENTENCE GENERATOR; LIFE SPAN SIMULATION PROGRAM FOCAL8-258 Hearing Loss Simulation FOCAL8-259 High Speed Punch, High Speed Write, and FRAN Overlays to FOCAL 69 FOCAL8-260 Arithmetic and Geometric Progressions FOCAL8-261 Chi Square Utility Package, CHISQR FOCAL8-262 Protein Binding: PROBON 1 - Fraction Bound, PROBON 2 - Total Drug FOCAL8-263 ROOTS, A Polynomial Root Finder FOCAL8-264 MEMORY, A Children's Game FOCAL8-265 LISTAL FOCAL8-266a STATPACK, An Interactive Statistical Package FOCAL8-267 BLACKJACK for FOCAL 1969 FOCAL8-268 FX Function for Random Access Files FOCAL8-268 4K FOCAL `69 SpeedDUp Patches FOCAL8-270 MONOPOLY FOCAL8-271 Modifications of FOCL/F for Data Acquisition and Control FOCAL8-272 Punched Paper Tape Generator With Randomization Using FOCAL (1969) FOCAL8-273 The Phi Phenomenon FOCAL8-274 FOCAL 8/69 Input Buffer Patch FOCAL8-275 Teletype Histogram and Statistical Analysis of Data Set Entered and Corrected by Teletype FOCAL8-276 The Kolmogorov-Smirnov Two Sample Two-Tailed Test for Large Samples of Non-Parametric Data FOCAL8-277 Newton Binomial FOCAL8-278 A FOCAL-8 Program for Fitting the Equation C~A(lDe -Kt FOCAL8-278 MUSECL MUS16 FOCAL8-280 Improved Multiply Loop for FOCAL FOCAL8-281 French Language FOCAL, 5/69 FOCAL8-282 CONVRT - Dollars to Deutsch Marks and Deutsch Marks to Dollars FOCAL8-283 Improved EAE Routine for FOCAL FOCAL8-284 8/E EAE Routine for FOCAL FOCAL8-285 Online Graph - With Self Determining Scale Factor FOCAL8-286 Arithmetic Practice FOCAL8-287 CC-FOCAL-C FOCAL8-288 FSPACE - Space Command for FOCAL `69 FOCAL8-289 TTY PUN - FOCAL Patch to Punch Data on Paper Tape in Format Compatible With the TTY Intercom Terminal to CDC6000 Computer Series FOCAL8-290 Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test for Normality FOCAL8-291 DRANO FOCAL8-292 CHCIG8 FOCAL8-293 A Laboratory and Real Time Patch with FNEW FOCAL 5/69 FOCAL8-294 Real Time FOCAL on the PDP-8 Computer FOCAL8-295 ATTND - Monthly Attendance Reporting Module FOCAL8-296 FOCALINUS - Molecular Geometry Calculator FOCAL8-297 LUNGS - A System of Programs for the Calculation of Selected Cardiorespiratory Parameters FOCAL8-298 Critical Points of a P (x) of Degree N (Real Coefficients) FOCAL8-299 FOPAY - Weekly Payroll Deductions and Computations FOCAL8-300 Computer Bowl FOCAL8-301 U/W FOCAL (also as 12-216) FOCAL8-302 XSTOCK - Stockmarket Simulation FOCAL8-303 STKMKT - Stock Market Game FOCAL8-304 TIC-TAC-TOE FOCAL8-305 RUBEN FOCAL8-306 FOCAL Baseball FOCAL8-307 Casino, Demos, Bombing Mission, Double Hangman FOCAL8-308 Fisher's F, Student's t and Chi Squared Distributions FOCAL8-309 DBCONV - Decimal-Binary Converter FOCAL8-310 Overlay for KV8I - OMSI FOCAL 1971 FOCAL8-311 SIXPAC FOCAL8-312 CVECPTG (Centronics Vertical Format Controlled Paper Tape Generator) FOCAL8-313 EAE Patches to FOCAL FOCAL8-314 Y-Value Calculations FOCAL8-315 YORK2-Two Error Linear Regression with Correlated Errors FOCAL8-316 BANCPO - Bank Portfolio Simulation FOCAL8-317 UFO-24 - A Dynamics Simulation Game FOCAL8-318 ACTIV1 - Irradiation Time Calculation for a Desired Radioisotope Activity FOCAL8-319 FOCLAB - A Language for Computer Controlled Psychology Research FOCAL8-320 WALLIS and INTCAL FOCAL8-321 Probit Analysis FOCAL8-322 VDW - Van Der Waal's Equation of State FOCAL8-323 TDES - Transformer Design FOCAL8-324 PCOL - Pipe Column Selection FOCAL8-325 EWNO - FOCAL WRITE NULLS OVERLAY FOCAL8-326 LCRU - LC Resonance with Units FOCAL8-327 DEWP - Pressure Dewpoints FOCAL8-328 CONVM: Interconversion of Mass and Volume Units FOCAL8-329 A Program which Generates Binary Patches and Disassembles Binary Tapes FOCAL8-330 SIMPLE: The Simple Method to Fit Equations to Data FOCAL8-331 Knight's Tour FOCAL8-332 FOCAL 5/69 with Ancillary Programs FOCAL8-333 Radioisotopes Production Problems FOCAL8-334 FXU12: A Machine-Code `Executive' Function Overlay to U/W-FOCAL FOCAL8-335 TFOCAL a 4K Tape FOCAL Overlay FOCAL8-336 UWCIG a U/W FOCAL Overlay FOCAL8-342 HYFOC.P: Ap process Control Language based on FOCL.S