MISC NOTES - Last change Nov 23 1997 12 INTERNAL OPTIONS AD12 A-D Control AG12 Pre amplifier AM12 Expanded Mulitplexer DM12 Data Break Mux for KF-12 DP12-A TTY Dataphone DP12-E TTY Dataphone, EIA-level DR12 Relays & Control KE12 EAE KF12-B Multilevel Auto Priority Interrupt KP12 Power Fail Restart KT12 Time Sharing Option KW12-A Real Time Clock KW12-B Simple Clock (limited freq range) KW12-C Simple Clock (no freq range) MC12 Memory extension control TC12 Magtape control TC12-F Extended tape control (DECTape) VC12 scope control VC14 scope control XY12 Incremental plotter control 12 EXTERNAL OPTIONS DW08-A Bus Converter Allows use of older negibus periphs on posibus machines. DM12 DMA Multiplexer Required to use more than one databreak device MM8I-A Additional 4K mem, connection to MC12 in system MM8I-B Additional 8K mem, connection to MC12 in system BA12 Periph Expander Box DM04 DMA Multiplexer Required to use more than one databreak device BM812-I 8-I/12 memory expansion box, holds MM8E (omnibus) memory DW8E-P Lets omnibus periphs run on posibus mahcines. Does not fully support data-break. Supports RK8F, DB8E, KL8E & KL8F. RK8-F RK8-E RK05 controller that works on a DW8E Sample PDP-12 configuration RK05 --- RK8-F --- DW8-E --- DM04 --- PDP12 | | | | | | | |________ |__________________ FPP-12 Options in BA12 CR12 Card reader interface DB12 DC02-E LP12 PC12 Paper tape reader/punch PP12 Paper tape punch PR12 Paper tape reader 8I OPTIONS MC8I-A Memory extension control MC8I-B Memory extension control MP8I KE8I EAE DL8I Data line interface KP8I PR8I PP8I VC8I VP8I KW8I-A real time clock KW8I-B real time clock KW8I-C real time clock KW8I-D real time clock KW8I-E real time clock KW8I-F real time clock KA8I positive bus option CR8I KT8I time sharing option OTHER STUFF TC08P posibus DECtape controller (for 8 TU55 or 4 TU56) DF32D-P posibus fixed head disk controller (a posibus DF32) FPP-12 posibus floating point processor TR02 posibus simple magnetic tape control RK08 posibus disk subsystem, 4 disk packs, 831,488 words each DM01 negibus databreak mulitplexer AF01-A negibus D/A converter and multiplier AA05 negibus D/A converter AA01 negibus D/A converter TC58 negibus mag tape controller RF08 negibus disc controller 8 INTERNAL OPTIONS 182 EAE 183 memory extension 189 low performance A/D 129 data channel mux 681 data-line interface KR01 power fail 8 OPTIONS 750 high speed paper tape reader and control 75A high speed paper tape punch and control 138 analog to digital converter 139 analog multiplexor 30N precision CRT display 34B oscilloscope display 370 high speed light pen 350 incremental (CalComp) plotter and control 451 card reader and control 451-B fast card reader and control 450 card punch control for IBM Type 523 punch 64 (later 645) Mohawk line printer and control 250 (RM08) serial magnetic drum 552 DECtape control 555 dual DECtape transport 57A magnetic tape control with IBM type 729 drive 580 magnetic tape system with one transport AA01-A three-channel digital to analog converter CR01-C card reader control TC01 DECtape control for up to 8 TU55 transports 251 drum (8-256 tracks, 8 sectors/track, 128 words/sector) 645 line printer control 680 data communications system (allows 64 teletypes) AF01 analog to digital converter and multiplexor AX08 parallel digital input port 338 Programmed Buffered Display (vector graphics) DF32 fixed head disk system (32K to 256K words) BE01 OEM version of the TC01 (no blinking lights) BE03 dual TU55 drive for the TC01 or BE01