I use Cam's format for my tape images as well. Aaron ---- Cam's Paper Tapes These are the paper tapes which came with the Lab8/e that I received from the good people at Temple University. These were read by the high-speed reader connected to the pdp-8, sent out to the "console" where they were captured by a PC and stored on disk. There are about 164 tapes, each one in its own file, named 0001.PT through 0164.PT. The whole clump of files has been ZIPped into a file named CAMSPT.ZIP. The files are simply uncompressed byte streams and you could punch them onto paper tape directly and end up with a usable tape. The original tapes typically had the following format: Some garbage Some leader The actual data Some leader Some garbage The leading garbage was usually punches which, when looked at visually, spelled something out - typically the tape ID number and COPYRIGHT DIGITAL EQUIPMENT. Sadly, the tape ID was often as not covered up by the printed label so it could not be read electronically. I therefore took the liberty of stripping off the original leading garbage and replacing it with a header which is simply ASCII text which replicates whatever was printed on the label followed by a CTRL/Z. There are a number of concerns here: 1) If you grab one of these tape files and wander off with it, it contains an embedded "label" so you can find out at a later time or place what tape you have. 2) On a PC system if you TYPE the tape file, the TYPE utility will spit out the ASCII text showing the tape label and then stop at the CTRL/Z. 3) If you actually punch these onto real paper tape and go to use them, you will have to skip over the header, but there was garbage you would have had to skip on the original tapes as well. 4) If you go to use these on an emulator, you will probably need some way to skip over the header. If your emulator has no facility for this it is the fault of the emulator. Sorry folks, real paper tapes had crud at the front, and the paper tapes came first. 5) The file INDEX.TXT contains the headers from all the files, along with file size information. In the discussion below LEADER refers to characters with only channel 8 punched (200 octal, 80 hex). The original BIN and RIM format tapes were generally of the form: Garbage (punched letters) Blank tape (various lengths) Leader (various lengths) Data Leader (various lengths) Blank tape (various lengths) Garbage (various amounts) and these tapes have been converted to: Garbage (ASCII header) Leader (240 characters) Data Leader (240 characters) ASCII format tapes were generally of the form: Garbage (punched letters) Blank tape (various lengths) Leader (various lengths, possibly zero) Data Leader (various lengths, possibly zero) Blank tape (various lengths) Garbage (various amounts, possibly zero) and these tapes have been converted to: Garbage (ASCII header) Blank tape (240 characters) Data Blank tape (240 characters) For pdp-8 newbies, note that in pdp-8 ASCII the high order-bit of the byte is always ON. If you want to look at or work with pdp-8 ASCII data on your PC you have to strip the the high-order bit off first. In most of these tapes, the data consists of a single blast. Some, however, have two or more blasts of data seperated by leader and/or blank tape. All tapes have been checked one way or another for integrity. In the case of BIN format tapes, I computed the checksum from the PC file and compared it with the on-tape checksum. Other format tapes were read and checksummed twice; if the checksums matched we knew that at least they had read the same both times. The headers at the front of the tapes match the printed labels as closely as I could manage. I tried hard to be accurate, but make no guarantees. Any additional comments I added are enclosed in angle brackets . -------------------------- Cam Farnell cfarnell@adan.kingston.net Kingston, Ontario, Canada