From: Subject: Philipp Hachtmann's PDP8 pages Date: Mon Oct 20 2008 20:10:11 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Location: Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0000_E47AD79B.64C5E733"; type="text/html" X-MAF: Produced By MAF MHT Archive Handler V0.4.1 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0000_E47AD79B.64C5E733 Content-Type: text/html Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Location: Philipp Hachtmann's PDP8 pages</ti= tle> =20 <meta content=3D"text/html; charset=3DISO-8859-1" http-equiv=3D"content-ty= pe"> <meta http-equiv=3D"Content-Style-Type" content=3D"text/css"> <link rel=3D"stylesheet" type=3D"text/css" href=3D"index_files/style.css"> <meta name=3D"date" content=3D"Saturday, 05-Apr-2008 15:54:02 CEST"> <meta name=3D"pdp8, dec, digital, digital equipment corporation, computer,= minicomputer, paper tape, core memory, computer history"> <meta name=3D"author" content=3D"Philipp Hachtmann"> <meta name=3D"description" content=3D"Philipp Hachtmann's PDP8 pages"> <meta name=3D"DC.Title" content=3D"Philipp Hachtmann's PDP8 pages - index.= html"> <meta name=3D"DC.Creator" content=3D"Philipp Hachtmann"> <meta name=3D"DC.Subject" content=3D"DEC PDP8 minicomputers"> <meta name=3D"DC.Description" content=3D"Philipp Hachtmann's PDP8 pages"> <meta name=3D"DC.Publisher" content=3D"Philipp Hachtmann"> <meta name=3D"DC.Date" content=3D"2008-04-05"> <meta name=3D"DC.Type" content=3D"Text"> <meta name=3D"DC.Format" content=3D"text/html"> <meta name=3D"DC.Identifier" content=3D"/wanted/index.html"> <meta name=3D"DC.Language" content=3D"en"> <meta name=3D"DC.Rights" content=3D"Copyright 2004-2008 Philipp Hachtmann"= ></head> <body class=3D"tbody"> <table border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0" height=3D"100%" widt= h=3D"100%"> <tbody><tr><td height=3D"*" valign=3D"top"> <h1 class=3D"scap">Wanted!</h1> <h2 class=3D"scap"><u>Urgently</u> needed:</h2> <ul> <li> OMIBUS <b>magnetic core memory</b>: Any amount, any condition, any manu= facturer! </li><li> RK05 drive </li><li> TC08 or TC01 DECtape controller </li><li> TD8E bootstrap card </li></ul> <br><br> <h2 class=3D"scap">Always very welcome:</h2> <ul> <li> PDP-8 Processors (Straight-8, 8/I, 8/L, 8/E, 8/M) </li><li> OMNIBUS peripheral controllers </li><li> Documentation </li><li> Software </li><li> Spare parts </li><li> Paper tape punch rolls </li><li> Every kind of terminal equipment </li><li> Plotters of every kind </li><li> WireWrap supplies and tools </li><li> Plotter rolls for narrow Calcomp Plotter </li><li> All kinds of old vintage computer peripherals (including tape driv= es!) </li></ul> <br><br><br> If you have some of these things and can imagine parting with them, please <a href=3D"">get in touch w= ith me</a>!<br> <br> <h2 class=3D"scap">Missing software</h2> <pre>Product Code: MAINDEC-08-DHKMC-A-D Product Name: PDP-8E Extended Memory Address Test (EA8E) Date Created: April 1975 Maintainer : Diagnostic Group Author : Vernon Frey, D.Macomber Product Code: MAINDEC-12-D8CD-D Product Name: KW12A Clock Test Date Created: December 1, 1971 Maintainer : Diagnostic Group Author : Raymond Shoop Product Code: MAINDEC-12-D8LA Product Name: A.I.P Instruction Test 1 Date Created: June 1, 1971 Maintainer : Diagnostic Group Author : Raymond Shoop Product Code: MAINDEC-08-DHRKC-E-D Product Name: RK8E Data Reliability Test Date Created: April 15, 1975 Maintainer : Diagnostic Group Author : John Vrobel Product Code: MAINDEC-8E-D8AB-D(D) Product Name: DK8E Clocks Diagnostic Date Created: June 1, 1971 Maintainer : Diagnostic Programming Group Author : John Vrobel Product Code: MAINDEC-8E-D6CA-D Product Name: VC8-E Display Diagnostic Date Created: June 21, 1971 Maintainer : Diagnostic Ggroup Author : Patrick Coyne Replaces : MAINDEC-8E-D3AB Product Name: TD8E DECTape Diagnostic Date Created: November 1, 1972 Maintainer : Diagnostic Group Author : E.Steinberger/B.Hansen Product Code: DEC-08-LHAA-D Product Name: "HELP" Loader Date Created: April 1, 1967 Maintainer : Software Services Group Product Code: Digital-8-5-U-Sym Product Name: Binary Punch (ASR33 or 75A) Date Created: March 1, 1965 Product Code: MAINDEC-08-D4A0-D Product Name: PDP-8, 8/I Memory Parity Checkerboard Date Created: May 14, 1968 Maintainer : Diagnostics Group (Date of list: April 5, 2008) </pre> </td></tr> <tr><td class=3D"footer" align=3D"right" height=3D"1" valign=3D"bottom"> <hr> <a href=3D"" target=3D"_main">Hachti's PDP8 pages</a> (<a href=3D"" target=3D"_top">Link = to this page</a>) (<a href=3D"">Admin</a>) (Last modified Saturday, 05-Apr-2008 15:54:02 CEST) </td></tr> </tbody></table> </body></html> ------=_NextPart_000_0000_E47AD79B.64C5E733 Content-Type: text/css Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Location: index_files/style.css /* Hachti macht jetzt auch neumodisches Zeug :-) */ /*Globale Einstellungen*/ body{ color: rgb(0, 0, 0);=20 background-color: rgb(230, 230, 230); 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