My PDP-8 Stuff

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A completed w076x without handles.

A completed m452x with handle added.
Shows the suggested way to attach the handle, too.


Hi, you have found my PDP-8 pages.  This page describes the M452 and W076 replacement cards. I am making these cards available to help hobbyists with PDP-8/I and PDP-8/L computers get them interfaced to modern PCs or terminals.

Pick one of the page links (top left)to see other content.

I have no idea why the edge connector looks all warbly on the m452x. It isn't at all like that in real life, as you can see if you click on it.

Click here to download thank you and disclaimer file.

Click here to download the M452X schematic.

Click here to download M452X documentation.

Click here to download the M452x parts list.

Click here to download the W076X schematic.

Click here to download W076X documentation.

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My PDP-8 Stuff