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Document home site is http://www.mainecoon.com/classiccmp/, document is available from:

http://www.mainecoon.com/classiccmp/TU10/TU10 ED part-1.tif

Compressed to about half size with more efficient (G4) lossless compression. Also rotated for easier reading on screen
http://www.pdp8online.com/classiccmp/TU10/TU10 ED part-1.tif
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title:TU10 B1: Contents, Assembly, Connector Panel, Power Panel, Transport Assembly, Drawing Index
date:1972 Rev B
filename:TU10/TU10 ED part-1.tif
sort:Tape TU10
keywords:TU10A(B), 7008795(A), 7008887, TU10-0(AB), TU10-0-0(E), TU10-0-1(N)

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