/ Dec 6 2023 Vincent Slyngstad / Disassembly of the PDP-8/S driver at location 5600 in dec-d8-sbac-pb. / This same driver is also found at location 5600 in dec-d8-sbad-pb. / This same driver is also found at location 5600 in dec-d8-sbae-pb. DCMA=6601 / Initialize controller (clear errors) DEAL=6615 / Load extended address registers DEAC=6616 / Clear extended address registers DFSC=6622 / Skip on data transfer complete DFSE=6621 / Skip if no error *5600 RELOC 7600 BUFTBL, CLA / ALSO POINTER TO 7200 MONTOR, 7400 / ALSO POINTER TO 7400/MONITOR CLA / ALSO POINTER TO 7200 7400 / ALSO POINTER TO 7400/MONITOR TAD N201 / Point to BUFTBL DCA BUFP / Set up buffer pointer pointer TAD C5 / 5 is field 0 write DCA CSFUN / Set up to write from field 0 TAD USRBLK / Write to block USRBLK JMS CSYSIO TAD USRBLK / Write to block 6 IAC JMS CSYSIO TAD C3 / 3 is field 0 read DCA CSFUN / Set up to read into field 0 IAC / Read block 1 JMS CSYSIO CLA CLL CML RTL / Set AC == 2 JMS CSYSIO / Read block 2 JMP I MONTOR / Launch the monitor CSYSIO, .-. / Entry point DCA CSBLK / Store AC as block number ISZ BUFP / Bump pointer BUFTAD, TAD I BUFP / Fetch next buffer address DCA CSBUF / Set up new buffer address JMS SYSIO / Call the driver CSFUN, .-. / Function requested CSBLK, .-. / Block Number CSBUF, .-. / Buffer Address CSLNK, .-. / Link word (reused later) HLT / Error return JMP I CSYSIO / Normal return BUFP, .-. / Pointer to next buffer pointer USRBLK, 0000 / First block to save user memory / BUGBUG: Shouldn't that be block 5 ?? / / JMS I SYSIO / WORD DESIRED FUNCTION / WORD DESIRED BLOCK / WORD DESIRED CORE ADDRESS (low 12 bits). / WORD LINK FIELD (Filled by WRITE, used by READ). / ERROR RETURN HERE / NORMAL RETURN HERE / / FUNCTION WORD / ============= / / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 / U U - Unused bits. / R - 0=Normal return. 1=Indirect return. / U U U - Unit number 0-7 (if DECtape?). / F F F - Memory field 0-7. / F F F - Function. READ=3. WRITE=5. / / The ERROR RETURN in the indirect case is a pointer to a location in memory / to return to. It will return to the pointer in the case of an ERROR or to / pointer+1 in the case of NO ERROR. / SYSIO, .-. / System Device Driver CLA CLL CMA RTL / Get 7775 (-3) DCA RETROK / Set "retry ok" TAD I SYSIO / Get function word. ISZ SYSIO / Point to block number CLL RTL / Shift indirect return bit to sign SPA / Indirect return desired? TAD C3 / Yes, add 3 so that LINK will remain set RTR / Restore function word AND C77 / Mask out indirect and unit number. DCA FUNCWD / Save field and function. TAD I SYSIO / Get the block number. ISZ SYSIO / Point to the buffer address. DCA BLKNO / Save the block number. TAD I SYSIO / Get the buffer address. DCA BUFPTR / Save it. TAD SYSIO / Get buffer pointer address SZL / Need indirect return? CLA CLL CMA RAL / Yes, replace with 7776 DCA LNKPTR / Save where to put link ISZ SYSIO / Point to link ISZ SYSIO / Point to error return TAD I SYSIO / Get error return SZL / Need indirection? DCA SYSIO / Yes, do it RETRY, CLA CLL / Come here to retry I/O. TAD BLKNO / Get the block number RAL / Align with unit bits AND C3700 / Mask for disk unit DCA DADDRH / Save it TAD BLKNO / Get the block number AND C37 / Mask for offset on disk unit CLL RTR / Multiply by 0200 RTR RTR TAD BLKNO / Make that 0201 IAC / Align block end with protection boundary DCA DADDRL / Save disk unit offset SZL / Overflow? TAD C100 / Yes, bump up TAD DADDRH / Get shifted disk unit TAD FUNCWD / Get field and function DEAL / Load field and DADDRH into conrtroller / DEAL does not clear AC. AND C7 / Get the function (3=read, 5=write) TAD C6600 / Form DMAR/DMAW instruction DCA DMARW / Set up for later. TAD N201 / Get 7577 DCA WC / Set up WC. CMA / Get -1 to form CA TAD BUFPTR / Add buffer address DCA CA / Set up CA. TAD DADDRL / Get low disk address, etc. DMARW, .-. / Either DMAR or DMAW TAD WC / Get WC CMA / Almost done? SZA CLA JMP DMARW+1 / No, keep checking ?? TAD LNKPTR / Yes, get desired link address DCA CA / Set it as new CA. DFSC / Skip on data transfer complete JMP .-1 / Loop until complete. DFSE / Skip if no error JMP BAIL / Error, go bail ISZ SYSIO / Normal return JMP WRAPUP / Go finish up BUFPTR, .-. / Pointer to user's buffer WC=7750 CA=7751 *7752 LNKPTR, .-. / Where to put the link word C37, 37 / Mask Constant RETROK, .-. / OK to retry the I/O. FUNCWD, .-. / Saved field and function bits DADDRL, .-. / Disk address (low word) DADDRH, .-. / Disk address (high word) BAIL, ISZ RETROK / Retry OK? JMP RETRY / Yes, go do it WRAPUP, DCMA / Initialize controller (clear errors) CLA CLL JMP I SYSIO C77, 0077 / Mask constant C3700, 3700 / Mask constant C5, 5 / Mask constant C7, 7 / Mask constant C6600, 6600 / DMAR, DMAW shared bits N201, -201 / Negative buffer size C100, 100 / Constant C3, 3 / Constant BLKNO, .-. / Block number for current transfer $