1 / Serial Port Test 2 / 3 / This program will read characters from the serial port and write them 4 / to memory starting at address 0. If you use the sendtape program with 5 / the files sertest.dat you should have the following pattern in memory 6 / Addr Value 7 / 0 1 8 / 1 2 9 / 2 3 10 / 3 4 11 / 4 10 12 / 5 20 13 / 6 40 14 / 7 100 15 / 10 200 16 / 11 0 17 / 12 377 18 / 13 376 19 / 14 375 20 / 16 367 21 / 17 16 (Address of characters received) 22 / 23 / To run start at 0200. 24 / Program will not halt 25 26 0030 INAD=030 / Address of serial input, 30 for console 27 6030 KCF2=6000 INAD 28 6031 KSF2=6001 INAD 29 6032 KCC2=6002 INAD 30 6034 KRS2=6004 INAD 31 6035 KIE2=6005 INAD 32 6036 KRB2=6006 INAD 33 34 0040 OUTAD=040 / Address of serial output, 40 for console 35 6040 TFL2=6000 OUTAD 36 6041 TSF2=6001 OUTAD 37 6042 TCF2=6002 OUTAD 38 6044 TPC2=6004 OUTAD 39 6045 TSK2=6005 OUTAD 40 6046 TLS2=6006 OUTAD 41 42 0017 *17 43 00017 7777 BUFLOC, 7777 / Address to store next word received 44 45 0200 *200 46 00200 7340 START, CLA CLL CMA / Init all our variables 47 00201 3017 DCA BUFLOC 48 49 00202 6031 READ, KSF2 / Have character waiting 50 00203 5202 JMP .-1 / No 51 00204 7200 CLA 52 00205 6036 KRB2 / Get character 53 00206 3417 DCA I BUFLOC / Save through auto increment location 54 00207 5202 JMP READ 55 $ No detected errors