1 / RX01 Set Density 2 / This program will set the density on a disk. This will only work on a 3 / RX02 operating in RX28 mode. 4 / To run start at 0200. 5 / SR9-11 shoulb be drive number 6 / SR0 should be 1 for double density (RX02), 0 for single density (RX01) 7 / Should halt at label GDHLT (140) with AC = 0 if it worked. 8 / At normal exit hitting cont will restart the program 9 10 LCD=6751 / Load the command reg with AC 11 XDR=6752 / Load or read the transfer register 12 STR=6753 / Skip on transfer request flag 13 SER=6754 / Skip on error flag 14 SDN=6755 / Skip on done flag 15 INTR=6756 / AC = 0 interrupt off, 1 = on 16 INIT=6757 / Initialize RX8/RX01 17 18 *20 19 000020 0000 DRIVE, 0 / Drive # * 2 20 000021 0060 DRVMSK, 60 / Mask for drive bits 21 000022 0010 DENCMD, 010 / Set density command 22 000023 0000 DEN, 0 / Density bit for command 23 000024 0111 CHARI, 111 / Character I 24 000025 0200 STARTF, START 25 26 *140 27 000140 7402 GDHLT, HLT 28 000141 5425 JMP I STARTF 29 30 *200 31 000200 6201 START, CDF 0 / Init all our variables 32 000201 6007 CAF 33 000202 7704 CLA CLL OSR / Get drive 34 000203 7006 RTL 35 000204 7006 RTL 36 000205 0021 AND DRVMSK 37 000206 3020 DCA DRIVE 38 000207 7704 CLA CLL OSR / Get density 39 000210 7004 RAL 40 000211 7200 CLA 41 000212 7012 RTR 42 000213 7012 RTR 43 000214 3023 DCA DEN 44 45 000215 7300 RECAL, CLA CLL 46 000216 6757 INIT 47 000217 6755 SDN / Done? 48 000220 5217 JMP .-1 49 50 000221 0000 TYPE, 0 51 000222 1022 TAD DENCMD /Make a set density command 52 000223 1020 TAD DRIVE 53 000224 1023 TAD DEN 54 000225 6751 LCD 55 000226 6753 STR 56 000227 5226 JMP .-1 57 000230 7200 CLA 58 000231 1024 TAD CHARI 59 000232 6752 XDR /Send character I to start format 60 000233 6755 SDN 61 000234 5233 JMP .-1 62 000235 6754 SER 63 000236 5140 JMP GDHLT 64 000237 7402 HLT /Error on format command 65 $ CHARI 0024 DEN 0023 DENCMD 0022 DRIVE 0020 DRVMSK 0021 GDHLT 0140 INIT 6757 INTR 6756 unreferenced LCD 6751 RECAL 0215 unreferenced SDN 6755 SER 6754 START 0200 STARTF 0025 STR 6753 TYPE 0221 unreferenced XDR 6752