.date 18-Apr-79 .copyright 1975-1979 .code ahdrh-a2 .description DR8-ED Exerciser .components .problem Logic test does halt instruction, waits for operator to do "start" or "clear". "continue" in order to test logic signals. Some machines do not have these switches. .solution Install patch on machines that do not have "start" or "clear", "continue" switch. .patch Loc From To 1647 7640 7300 .runpass1 .runpass2 .processors 88 .environment 00 .devices DR8ED .kits zf013 zf223 .author Ed Badger .submittor Ed Badger .maneng J. Beike .charge v40-07921 .maintgroup product enhancement .maintainer J. Vrobel .fse .releaseeng S. Dumdey .coord MC3129