.date 13-Aug-79 .copyright 1977-1979 .code ahlqa-d0 .description AHLQAD0 X8 "LQP-8" Printer Diagnostic .components ac-6315d-ma ak-6318d-ma ah-6317d-ma al-6319d-ma .problem Program does not overwrite for bits 10 and 11 in status register when ruwmn6 on a VT78. After maindec title is printed program does not come back with SR=0000 so you can have the option of using pseudo SR. .solution Program now overwrites for bits 10 and 11 in status register if running on a VT78. After maindec title is printed, comes back with SR=0000 so you can have the option of using pseudo SR. .runpass1 .runpass2 .processors 89 90 91 92 .environment 00 99 .devices VT78 LQP8 .reports .kits zf008 zf014 .author Dave Orin .submittor H. Cziria .maneng J. Beike .charge v98-05460 .maintgroup product enhancement .maintainer John Vrobel .fse .releaseeng S. Dumdey .coord MC3260