.date 27-Jun-80 .copyright 1977-1979 .code ahlqa-d1 .description AHLQAD1 X8 "LQP-8" Printer Diagnostic .components .problem Diagnostic prints out ahlqac instead of ahlqad. .solution Change rev c to a d. Install patch below. This is an unconditional patch. .patch Loc From To 6120 0340 0440 6177 0340 0440 .runpass1 .runpass2 .processors 89 90 91 92 .environment 00 99 .devices VT78 LQP8 .reports .kits zf008 zf014 zf016 .author Dave Orin .submittor H. Cziria .maneng J. Beike .charge v98-05460 .maintgroup product enhancement .maintainer John Vrobel .fse .releaseeng S. Dumdey .coord MC3725