.date 07-Mar-80 .copyright 1972-1980 .code ahmib-c0 .description AHMIBC0 MI8E Bottstrap Diagnostic .components ac-b829c-ma ac-b832c-ma ak-b833c-ma ak-b834c-ma ah-b830c-ma .problem The diagnostic did not test the APT-8 version of the MI8-E bootstrap option. .solution The diagnostic was enhanced to test the APT-8 version of the MI8-E option. (Note: AN APT-8 KL8 module, connected in loop back mode, is necessary for testing). .runpass1 60 .runpass2 60 .processors 90 89 91 .environment 00 .devices MI8E .kits zf159 zf238 .author J. Vrobel .submittor H. Cziria .maneng D. Arsenault .charge v98-05460 .maintgroup product enhancement .maintainer Misner .fse .releaseeng S. Dumdey .coord MC3585