.date 10-Jan-79 .copyright 1973-1979 .code aikla-d0 .description AIKLAD0 X8 "MULTTY" KL8J/KL8K Loop Back Test .components ac-6527d-ma ak-6529d-ma ah-6528d-ma .problem The KL-8L loop back test diagnostic will not run the teletype interrogation to the control/data test; because the hardware switch register cannot be enabled due to location 21=0000. Console package and filler characters are both defined as bit 3=1. Confliction exists between IOT's and pseudo switch register under APT. .solution Location 21 was changed from 0000 to 4000 to enable the hardware switch register. Changed filler character to bit 4=1. All pseudo switch functions of bit 10 were inhibited. .runpass1 .runpass2 .processors 89 90 91 92 93 12 .environment 00 99 20 .devices KL8J KL8K .reports cc0001004 .kits zf010 zf144 zf238 zf016 .author B. Hansen .submittor H. Cziria .maneng G. Bean .charge v98-05460 .maintgroup product enhancement .maintainer Misner .fse .releaseeng S. Dumdey .coord MC2815