.date 01-Jun-81 .copyright 1975-1981 .code airxb-h0 .description AIRXBH0 RX01/RX02 Data Exerciser .components ac-6585h-ma ak-6587h-ma ah-6586h-ma al-6588h-ma .problem AIRXB requires support of 278 .solution Update and release new version of AIRXB .runpass1 .runpass2 .processors 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 .environment 00 20 99 .devices RX01 RX02 VT78 .reports .kits zf008 zf013 zf220 zf014 zf010 zf016 zf238 zf239 zf240 zf243 .author J. Pittman .submittor J. Pittman 02/20/81 .maneng Davilli 03/04/81 .charge e072-02316 .maintgroup diag-mk .maintainer Misner .fse F. Faffa 02/20/81 .releaseeng T. Davies .coord MC4032