.date 29-Mar-79 .copyright 1978-1979 .code ajrla-c0 .description AJRLAC0 RL8A Diskless Controller Test .components ac-c656c-ma ak-c658c-ma ah-c657c-ma al-c659c-ma .problem Documentation does not include RL02. .solution Change documentation and text file to say that this program will test both the RL8/RL01 and RL8/RL02. .runpass1 5 .runpass2 90 .processors 89 90 91 92 .environment 00 20 99 .devices RL8A RL02 .kits zf241 .author Hank Poulter .submittor Hank Poulter .maneng Greg Bean .charge p89-08202 .maintgroup small systems .maintainer Misner .fse .releaseeng M. Hansen .coord MC2951