.date 12-Feb-80 .copyright 1978-1980 .code ajrlb-c0 .description AJRLBC0 RL8A Drive Test Part 1 .components ac-c660c-ma ak-c662c-ma ah-c661c-ma .problem Diagnostic gives the drive only 10 ms to set the ready bit after a zero difference seek. .solution Diagnostic changed from 10 ms to 20 ms to allow drive to set the ready bit after a zero seek difference. .runpass1 150 .runpass2 150 .processors 89 90 91 92 .environment 00 20 99 .devices RL8A RL01 .reports cc0000358 .kits zf233 zf238 zf016 zf239 zf240 zf015 zf017 .author Jack Rich .submittor H. Cziria .maneng D. Arsenault .charge e98-05460 .maintgroup product enhancement .maintainer Misner .fse .releaseeng S. Dumdey .coord MC3586