.date 07-Jul-81 .copyright 1979-1981 .code ajrlk-b0 .description AJRLKB0 RL8/RL02 Perf. Exer. .components ac-f374b-ma ak-f375b-ma ah-f376b-ma al-f377b-ma .problem Diagnostic would not run correctly on a VT278, du to instruction set and architectural differences. .solution Modified the diagnostic to recognize instruction set and the architectural differences. .runpass1 300 .runpass2 32767 .processors 89 90 91 92 .environment 00 20 99 .devices RL8A RL02 RL278 .kits zf241 zf016 zf017 .author Hank Poulter .submittor M. Letendre .prodeng S. Carpenter .maneng A. Walker 6/29/81 .charge E720-6002 .maintgroup Diag-MK .maintainer MISNER .fse A. Tshud 6/29/81 .releaseeng T. Davies .coord MC4241