.date 20-Jul-79 .copyright 1977-1979 .code akvtb-c0 .description AKVTBC0 VT78 CPU Diagnostic .components ac-a825c-ma ak-a825c-ma ah-a827c-ma .problem Diagnostic does not reliably test SLU2 and SLU3 with external jumpers. Documentation needed to define hardware configuration needed to test SLU's with external jumpers. .solution Hardware configuration setting (HW3) bit 5=1 disables the programmable SLU loopback and allows you to substitute external jumpers. Jumper pins 2 and 3 on SLU2 and jumper pins 2 and 3 on SLU3. .runpass1 20 .runpass2 20 .processors 95 .environment 00 20 99 .devices VT78 .reports cc0001010 .kits zf014 .author B. Poland .submittor H. Cziria .maneng J. Beike .charge v98-05960 .maintgroup product enhancement .maintainer J. Vrobel .fse .releaseeng S. Dumdey .coord MC3236