.date 07-Jul-81 .copyright 1980-1981 .code akvtf-b0 .description AKVTFB0 WPS-8 Memory Tests .components ac-s241b-ma ak-s240b-ma ah-s242b-ma ah-s239b-na .problem Required title change and did not cover entire range of memory options available. .solution Change title to WPS-8 Memory Test and enhance by expanding capabilities to include testing of all word processors. .runpass1 840 .runpass2 840 .processors 92 .environment 00 99 .devices KT8AA .kits zf016 .author B. Craft .submittor B. Craft .maneng J. Beike .charge D40-03428 .maintgroup diagnostics .maintainer Misner .fse .releaseeng T. Davies .coord MC4231