.date 21-Dec-77 .copyright 1977 .code axlaa-a0 .description AXLAAA0 DEC/X8 Module "LA180" .components ac-c692a-ma ak-c694a-ma ah-c693a-ma .problem Needed Dec-X8 module to exercise the LA-180 line printer when driven by a PDP-8/A parallel I/O board #8316-D. .solution Creation of "AXLAAA0" whicH was derived from the DEC/X8 module "PRNTER". .runpass1 .runpass2 .processors 92 .environment 20 50 .devices LA180 .reports cc0000860 .kits zf008 zf014 .author A. Balamotis .submittor A. Balamotis .maneng .charge v98-05077 .maintgroup diagnostics .maintainer J. Vrobel .fse .releaseeng K. Fleming .coord MC1659