.date 01-Aug-78 .copyright 1978-1978 .code axrxc-a0 .description AXRXCA0 DEC/X8 Module "FLOPPY" .components ac-c589a-ma ak-c591a-ma ah-c590a-ma .problem New DEC/X8 module required to support RX02. .solution Modify old "FLOPPY" DEC/X8 to create new module to support rx02. .runpass1 .runpass2 .processors 12 88 89 90 91 92 .environment 50 .devices RX02 .reports .kits zf229 zf238 zk229 .author R. Irrgang .submittor R. Irrgang .prodeng .maneng Dave Brown .charge v98-05350 .maintgroup small systems .maintainer Misner .fse Carl Cline .releaseeng T. Davies .coord MC2160