.date 19-Jun-76 .copyright 1972-1976 .code md-08-dhkeb-a0 .description KE8E (EAE) Instruction Test 1 .components dhkeb-a-pb dhkeb-a-ua dhkeb-a-d .problem The purpose of this DECO is to announce the new revision of the KE8-A Instruction Test 1 program, The program was updated to run automatically on the APT-8 test system. This replaces 8e-d0lb. .solution Replaces 8e-d0lb. .runpass1 .runpass2 .processors 88 .environment 00 20 99 .devices KE8E .kits zf011 zf139 zf013 .author D. Rice .submittor D. Rice .maneng B. Kellicker .charge v97-04518 .maintgroup diagnostics .maintainer J. Vrobel .fse .releaseeng S. Dumdey .coord MC0666