.date 06-Jul-77 .copyright 1977 .code md-08-dhlqa-b0 .description X8 "LQP-8" Printer Diagnostic .components .problem Program needs changes to make compatible with VT78; correct power fail and loop on test malfunctons. .solution Added code to test if running under VT78 control. If so, avoid testing of status bits 5, 8 and 9 which do not exist in VT78 printer interface. .runpass1 .runpass2 .processors 89 90 91 92 .environment 00 99 .devices VT78 .kits xf008 zf014 .author Dave Orin .submittor B. Poland .maneng .charge E89-09394 .maintgroup diagnostics .maintainer Bob Misner .fse .releaseeng T. Davies .coord MC1459