kdate 18-Feb-77 .copyright 1972-1977 .code md-08-dhrkc-h0 .description RK8E/RK8L Data Reliability .components .problem This deco introduces the "h" revision of the program which covers all previous depos and allows the exercising of up to 8 drives with an RK8L controller. .solution Comment: The rk8e controller will run 0-3 drives with the family of 8 processors. The RK8L controller will run 0-7 drives with processors starting with the PDP8-E AND "8" processors developed after the PDP8-E. .runpass1 .runpass2 .processors 89 90 91 92 93 94 12 .environment 00 20 99 .devices RK8E RK8L RK05F RK05J .kits zf008 zk127 zf213 zf012 zf177 .author J. Vrobel .submittor W. Heavey .maneng .charge v89-08202 .maintgroup small systems .maintainer Misner .fse T. Davies .releaseeng .coord MC1199