.date 01-May-77 .copyright 1975-1977 .code md-08-dirxb-e0 .description RX8/RX01 Data Exerciser .components .problem Document indicates incorrect track and sector addresses. Diagnostic could not detect a ramp misadjustment. .solution The document was corrected to reflect the proper information. The diagnostic was updated to include a test for the ramp misadjustment. .runpass1 .runpass2 .processors 89 90 91 92 93 94 12 .environment 00 20 99 .devices RX8E RX01 .kits zf008 zf122 zf177 zf012 zf127 .author M. Sturak .submittor D. Rice .maneng T. Shallow .charge v89-08202 .maintgroup small systems .maintainer G. Johnson .fse .releaseeng T. Davies .coord MC1380