Loading TSS/8 ------------- Note: your environment must have a functioning second Teletype; that is, you cannot at present run Foreground/Background if your host system is VMS or OS/2. 1. Load the paper-tape bootstrap: sim> load tss8_init.bin 2. Enable the RF08, if it is not enabled, and disable the DF32, if it is enabled: sim> set rf enabled sim> set df disabled 3. Mount the TSS/8 disk image of the RF08: sim> attach rf tss8_rf.dsk 4. Assign a TCP/IP port to the Telnet listener for the extra terminals: sim> attach tti1 -- 4000 typically works 5. Run the bootstrap: sim> run 24200 5. TSS/8 will boot and go through its startup dialog LOAD, DUMP, START, ETC? START MONTH-DAY-YEAR: mm:dd:yy -- numeric, yy in range [74:85] HR:MIN - hh:mm -- numeric, 24 hour format (type cr to get attention) . and is now ready for login. The list of accounts and passwords: PPN Password [0,1] VH3M [0,2] LXHE [0,3] SHUG [77,77] [1,10] WBCN [20,1] DT [20,2] PT [20,3] TSS8 [20,4] EDIT [20,5] 4TH [1,50] JERK 6. Login using one of the existing accounts. The login command won't echo: .LOGIN 2 LXHE -- privileged library account TSS/8.24 JOB 01 [00,02] K00 23:23:06 SYSTEM IS DOWN, INC. 7. The system is now ready for commands. To get a directory listing: .R CAT 8. Other users can log in by connecting, from a Telnet client, to localhost on the port specified in the attach tti1 command.