ШИФР 419999 ЗС5^ EEВ1А3 *NAME PRIME NUMBERS * The ^L char before *NAME is important * NO LIST Disable source listing by removing spaces between * and NO *NO LOAD LIST Enable loader listing by adding 5 spaces between * and NO * Disabling fanfold page alignment *CALL NOTLIS *ASSEM ETIME: ,NAME, c Get time of day in jiffies ,*53 , 010B c OR the integer exponent ,AOX , =6400000000000000 c F.p. divide by 50 ,A/X , =R50.0 c Return 13 ,UJ , ,END , *FTN PROGRAM MAIN PRINT 1000 1000 FORMAT(' Computing prime numbers the dumb way') TIME0 = ETIME(0) CALL PRIMES TIME1 = ETIME(0) NTIME = TIME1 - TIME0 PRINT 2000, NTIME STOP 2000 FORMAT (' Time, seconds =', i6) end SUBROUTINE PRIMES T=0 DO 10 N=1001, 100000, 2 MAXK=SQRT(N+0.0)+1 DO 20 K=3, MAXK, 2 M = (N / K) * K IF (N .EQ. M) GOTO 10 20 CONTINUE c------ Printing every 1000th prime number T=T+1 IF (T .LT. 1000) GOTO 10 PRINT 1000, N T=0 10 CONTINUE RETURN 1000 FORMAT (1X, I9) END *EXECUTE * The ^L char after *END FILE is important *END FILE ЕКОНЕЦ