# Script to generate a customized MSOS 5.0 installation tape. # # Customizations: # 1. Set system creation date to 4/19/17 # 2. Change the system name to "SIMH DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM" # 3. Reduce file manager devices to CDD0/CDD1 # 4. Remove the 1743-2 Asynch communication controller support # # Requires: # MSOS5-A.dsk and MSOS5-B.dsk Installation boot disks # sysdat.tap Modified sysdat.asm as only file on # the tape (80 char records) # Installation tape Default is MSOS5_SL136.tap which can # be copied from bitsavers.org. This can # be overridden by specifying the # installation tape on the command line: # # cdc1700 msosCustom1.simh install.tap # # Creates: # MSOS5-Install.tap New installation tape. If it already # exists, it will be overwritten # Scratch?.tap Tapes for temporary use. If they # already exist, they will be overwritten # %DATETIME%.lpt Unique LPT output file for this run # set env CDD0=MSOS5-A.dsk set env CDD1=MSOS5-B.dsk set env MT0=%1 if "%MT0%"=="" set env MT0=MSOS5_SL136.tap set env MT1A=Scratch3.tap set env MT1B=MSOS5-Install.tap set env MT2A=sysdat.tap set env MT2B=Scratch1.tap set env MT3=Scratch2.tap set cpu instr=basic set cpu mode65k,64k #set throttle 30% set mt type=1732-3 set mt3 9track set lp type=1742 att lp %DATETIME%.lpt att cdd0 %CDD0% att cdd1 %CDD1% att -r mt0 %MT0% att mt1 %MT1A% att -r mt2 %MT2A% att mt3 %MT3% set env TODAY=%DATE_MM%%DATE_DD%%DATE_19XX_YY% # # The following command will patch out unimplemented devices (1728 card # reader/punch) # expect "SET PROGRAM PROTECT" set cpu protect; d 056D 0649; d 057E 0649; d 0589 0649; c expect "DATE/TIME MMDDYYHHMM \n\r\n" send "%TODAY%%TIME_HH%%TIME_MM%\r"; c expect ":00 " send after=1000000,"\007"; c expect "MI\r\n" send "*BATCH,4\r"; c expect "J \r\n" send "*JOB\r"; c expect "J \r\n" send "*K,I17,P16\r"; c expect "J \r\n" send "*ASSEM\r"; c expect "J \r\n" send "*MTUP\r"; c expect "NEXT: \007" send "OPEN,O16,NL,U,A,SF0,BR1\r"; c expect "NEXT: \007" send "CLOSE,O16,RW\r"; c expect "NEXT: \007" send "EXIT\r"; c expect "J \r\n" send "*REW,17\r"; c # Use SKED to extract and edit the skeleton file expect "J \r\n" send "*SKED\r"; c expect "NEXT\r\n\007" send "ADF,6,1\r"; c expect "NEXT\r\n\007" send "BUILD,6\r"; c expect "ENTER LU\r\n\007" send "\r"; goto insert1 send delay=10000 autoload cdd run 0 goto end :insert1 det mt2 att -q mt2 %MT2B% expect "NEXT\r\n\007" send "INSERT,1,4\r"; c expect "\007" send "*S,SYSMON,$3034\r"; c expect "\007" send "*S,SYSDAY,$3139\r"; c expect "\007" send "*S,SYSYER,$3137\r"; c expect "\007" send "\r"; c expect "NEXT\r\n\007" send "DELETE,2,4\r"; c expect "NEXT\r\n\007" send "INSERT,8,4\r"; c expect "\007" send "*V SIMH DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM\r"; c expect "\007" send "\r"; c expect "NEXT\r\n\007" send "DELETE,9\r"; c expect "NEXT\r\n\007" send "DUMP,17\r"; c expect "NEXT\r\n\007" send "EXIT\r"; c expect "J \r\n" send "*REW,6,17\r"; c expect "J \r\n" send "*ADF,6,1\r"; goto libild continue :libild expect "J \r\n" send delay=5000,"*LIBILD\r"; c expect "CONTROL LU = \007" send "\r"; c expect "DEFS LU = \007" send "\r"; c expect "INSTALL LU = \007" send "18\r"; c expect "NEWLIB LU = \007" send "\r"; c expect "LIB 01 LU = \007" send "16\r"; c expect "LIB 02 LU = \007" send "6\r"; c expect "LIB 03 LU = \007" send "\r"; c expect "SKELETON LU = \007" send "17\r"; c expect "CR WHEN READY. \r\n\007" send "\r"; c expect "CR WHEN READY \r\n\007" send "\r"; c expect "OUTPUT LIBRARY LU'S \007" send "*Z\r"; c expect "J \r\n" send "*REW,6,16\r"; goto mtup continue :mtup det mt1 att -q mt1 %MT1B% expect "J \r\n" send "*mtup\r"; c expect "NEXT: \007" send "OPEN,O18,NL,U,A,SF0\r"; c expect "NEXT: \007" send "CLOSE,O18,RW\r"; c expect "NEXT: \007" send "OPEN,O16,NL,U,A,SF0,,LB13000\r"; c expect "NEXT: \007" send "OPEN,I6,NL,U,A,SF0,,LB13000\r"; c expect "NEXT: \007" send "COPY,FC1\r"; c expect "NEXT: \007" send "CLOSE,O16,RW\r"; c expect "NEXT: \007" send "CLOSE,I6,RW\r"; c expect "NEXT: \007" send "OPEN,O16,NL,U,A,SF1,,LB13000\r"; c expect "NEXT: \007" send "OPEN,I18,NL,U,A,SF0,,LB13000\r"; c expect "NEXT: \007" send "COPY,FC1\r"; c expect "NEXT: \007" send "CLOSE,O16,RW\r"; c expect "NEXT: \007" send "CLOSE,I18,RW\r"; c expect "NEXT: \007" send "OPEN,I6,NL,U,A,SF2,,LB13000\r"; c expect "NEXT: \007" send "OPEN,O16,NL,U,A,SF2,,LB13000\r"; c expect "NEXT: \007" send "COPY,FC1\r"; c expect "NEXT: \007" send "CLOSE,O16,RW\r"; c expect "NEXT: \007" send "CLOSE,I6,RW\r"; c expect "NEXT: \007" send "OPEN,I6,NL,U,A,SF3,,LB13000\r"; c expect "NEXT: \007" send "OPEN,O16,NL,U,A,SF3,,LB13000\r"; c expect "NEXT: \007" send "COPY,FC1\r"; c expect "NEXT: \007" send "CLOSE,O16,RW\r"; c expect "NEXT: \007" send "CLOSE,I6,RW\r"; c expect "NEXT: \007" send "OPEN,I6,NL,U,A,SF4,,LB13000\r"; c expect "NEXT: \007" send "OPEN,O16,NL,U,A,SF4,,LB13000\r"; c expect "NEXT: \007" send "COPY,FC1\r"; c expect "NEXT: \007" send "CLOSE,O16,RW\r"; c expect "NEXT: \007" send "CLOSE,I6,RW\r"; c expect "NEXT: \007" send "OPEN,I6,NL,U,A,SF5,,LB13000\r"; c expect "NEXT: \007" send "OPEN,O16,NL,U,A,SF5,,LB13000\r"; c expect "NEXT: \007" send "COPY,FC1\r"; c expect "NEXT: \007" send "CLOSE,O16,RW\r"; c expect "NEXT: \007" send "CLOSE,I6,RW\r"; c expect "NEXT: \007" send "EXIT\r"; c expect "J \r\n" send "*Z\r"; c continue :end