; set console -n log=log.txt ; set debug -n debug.txt ; set debug stdout ; set cpu debug=cmd;data;detail set cpu 2k set cdr1 wiring=soap ; prepare deck: SOAP (condensed deck as 7 word per card format) then SOAP source code to assemble carddeck -q join soap/soapII_condensed_card.dck soap/soap_src.txt as deck_in.dck att cdr1 -q deck_in.dck att cdp1 -n -q deck_out.dck set cdp1 echo, print, wiring=soap att cdp0 -n -q print.txt ; load soap deck (condensed soap deck autostarts) d csw 7019511951 d ar 8000 go ; deck_out.dck file contains the assembled program ; note: it is not binary equal to soapII.dck. soapII.dck reproduces original listing ; and has been manually pathced/tuned after aseembling :end