Restoration comments May/2018 By Roberto Sancho Internal Translator (IT Compiler) From Bitsavers Manual CarnegieInternalTranslator.pdf The run_it.ini script uses P1 run-time package that provides floating point +,-,/,* PUNCH and READ, that's all. In particular, it does not provides power functions so using power operator in IT program will crash the object program in run-time. To allow the use of IT power operator, replace _P1 package by _P2, _P3 or _P4 (depending on what is needed) In the original listing found in manual, some opcodes has a different name of the standard SOAP II ones. They have been changed to regular SOAP names Mnemonic in Standard SOAP original listing equivalent mnemonic AAB -> AML SAB -> SML NZA -> NZE RAB -> RAM RSB -> RSM RDS -> RD1 IT compiler generates also these opcodes in object program, to be assembled by IT modified y SOAP I. As SOAP I is not available, the IT compiler has been modified to produce standard SOAP II opcodes. These modifications are done in lines 394-410, file it_compiler_listing.txt with a comment to signal it. Also all the correction to the listing stated in the manual has been applied. They are stated at the end of it_compiler_listing.txt file. Original listing in manual describes the modifications to apply to standard SOAP I deck in order to assemble IT compiler produced SOAP code (soap_patch_listing.txt). As SOAP I is not available, an equivalent set of modifications has been written to be applies to SOAP II in order to allow to assemble IT produced compiled code (soapII_patch.txt) Floating point numbers are encoded as 2300000049 = 0.23 1000000050 = 1.0 1500000052 = 150.0