+ 1910678000191119116919461912191235000419131913221910191419143500021943 deck 033.02 punch drum from a to b + 1943608003191519153500041916191615194719171917101948800319182419281919 + 1919211927194519202419301921192121192919451922241932192319232119311945 this routine punches words from drum sequential from a to b on five-field format + 1924241934192519252119331945192624193619441944211935193719377119271938 to operatoe this routine + 1938111910193919394619401941194010800119421942101949800319410100000000 1. set 8000 to 70 1901 xxxx + 1945108002800319466900000000194700000100021948690000191819490000009992 2. put load-identification card in front and load deck 033.01 + 190+0100001910 3. on halt, set 8000 to 00 aaaa bbbb 4. press start