1 1 dsk output from 0000 1999 1 loads supersoap from dsk to drum 1 page 52 of supersoap manual 1 this routine loads tracks 00-33 from ramac 1 to drum addr 0000-1999 1 this routine is stored in disk 38, track 00 1 when track is read to core, the routine 1 uses words 9000-9039. 1 this routine starts al 9000 and is called 1 by ssoap_calling_card. 1 when called distributor should have the disk 1 addr of this loader (000 03800 0) 1 loads words 9040-9059 to drum 0000-0019 1 then read next track and stores it in drum 0020-0080 1 and so on up to track 33. then routine jumps 1 to transfer intruction 1 blr 0 1999 bla 1966 1999 rd syn 9004 j0001blr 1971 j0006 9000rau 8001 9001 9001rsa 1700 9002 9002alord 9003 9003rab 0 9005 9005sti 1965 2f 2 aup10i lod 8003 sds 9000 j0001b j0001sti 1700a 8002 rd rds 9000 axb 1 2b j0002sti 1720a sti 1750a 8002 j0003sti 1780a sti 1800a 8002 j0004sti 1840a bma 9f sti 1850a 8002 j0005sti 1900a sti 1950a 8002 j0006sti 1960a axa 300 rab 0 j0001 9 lod1f sti 1950 8001 10i 00 0 10 1 transfer instruction 1 rd1 1999 1998 end