Here's the 1130 simulator as it stands now. Status: 25Oct2012 * Added plotter and 2250 GDU support (though, we don't have the 2250 support library) * Numerous fixes, especially the error in compiling the FORTRAN sqrt() function under extended precision. Status: 22Jul2003 * Added support for APL\1130 output translations and some bug fixes uncovered by APL. Status: 13Sep2002 * Added support for 1403 printer. It's MUCH faster even in emulation. Not important for general use, but it will help the CGI version a lot. Status: 16Aug2002 * Disk Monitor System R2V12 is available including the Macro Assembler, Fortran Compiler and System Library. * There was a bug in the multiply instruction. This has been fixed, and now the single precision trig functions work correctly. * The card punch does not yet work correctly. * The card reader, punch and disk don't compute their device status word until an XIO requests it; this is probably bad as the "examine" command will show the wrong value. Doesn't affect functioning of emulated software, though. * Documentation is a work in progress, see ibm1130.doc in We hope to have it finished in October. This is a Word document. Will distribute as a PDF when it's finished. * Thanks to Oscar E Wyss ( for the DMS V12 source code listings and one card programs, to Douglas W. Jones for the DMS V10, 11 and 12 microfiche (which will end up scanned on * Thanks to Robert Alan Byer for adding the 1130 to the simh makefiles & testing the builds on several platforms. * For updated information about the 1130 and for future 1130 OS and application software developments, check periodically. Sign up for the mailing list to get updates as they occur! * Cross-assembler has been updated to handle card image input correctly. The DMS sources seems to mix up @ and ' as a leading symbol in labels, I have to find out why this is. BUILD NOTES: if you download this simulator directly from, the makefile, source, and binaries are all in the main directory. If you use the version from Bob Supnik's SIMH distribution, the makefile is in the main simh directory, and the SCP files used are Bob's. For a Windows build, use the .mak file in the IBM1130 directory, as this incorporates the GUI. Make the utilities in the utils directory if you want to actually build and load DMS from scratch. Move the executables to a common directory in your search path Brian Knittel -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some sample things to run: (it's best to hit CHECK RESET or type "reset" between program runs!) * Run a Fortran Program ibm1130 do job roots do job csort * List the monitor system disk's contents ibm1130 do job list * Look into the files "job", "roots.job" and "csort.job" and "list.job" to see the actual input files * When the jobs have run (stop at 2A with 1000 in the accumulator), detach the printer (det prt) and look at the output file: for.lst or asm.lst. The supplied "job" script displays the print output automatically on Windows builds. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents: There are several programs: ibm1130 the simulator asm1130 cross assembler bindump dumps contents of relocatable format object decks (xxx.bin) checkdisk validates DMS disk format diskview dumps contents of DMS disk directory mkboot creates IPL and Core Image Format Decks from .bin viewdeck displays contents of Hollerith-format binary decks Files in the software (sw) directory: actual 1130 software: dms.dsk disk image file containing Disk Monitor System zdcip.asm disk cartridge initialization program zcrdumpc.asm a cold-start-mode one card memory dump program dmsboot.asm source code for the DMS cold start loader contributed software: onecard/* one-card programs from Oscar Wyss -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Status of the simulator: * There is a reasonably fun console GUI available for Windows builds, as well as support for the 2250 graphical display. * The card reader emulator now supports deck files with literal cards and breakpoints. The command "attach cr @filename" tells the simulator to read data from the files named in the specified file. Input lines are of the following form: filename a -- input file to be read as ascii text filename b -- input file to be read as binary card images !xyz... -- literal text xyz..., treated as a card !break -- halts the simulator #comment -- remarks * The do command may have arguments after the filename. These may be interpolated in the script and in card reader deck files with %1, %2, etc -------------------------------------------------------------------------- sample usage -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ibm1130 starts SIMH-based simulator. Optional command line arguments: -q quiet mode, -g no GUI Enhancements: * Windows builds display a console window * CPU activity log the command "attach cpu file.log" will make the simulator write a detailed log of CPU and IO activity, good for debugging. Turn off with "detach cpu". * DO command [arg1 arg2...] reads file 'filename' for SIMH commands. Lets you write simh command files to be run from the prompt rather than just the command line. In the do command file, %1 will be replaced by the first command line argument, etc. This applies to the script run from the ibm1130 command line too. * DELETE filename deletes the named file * VIEW filename displays the named file with "notepad." (Windows only). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- asm1130 -l program.asm compiles source file, creates simulator load file (program.out) and listing file (program.lst) The cross assembler wants files either in strict column layout matching the IBM spec, or, if tabs are present in the source file, labelopcodeflagsoperand The output file is in the format used by the 1130 simulator's load command. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: the DMS disk is built with the Windows batch file "mkdms.bat". Subnote: DMS cannot be built with the 1130's native assembler. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- check for updates...