:: VT78: CPU Diagnostic echof "** VT78: CPU Diagnostic " load diags/maindec-08-dkvtb-a-pb # This will not pass unless we mimic the VT78 MMU. set cpu vt78 # # VT78 does not have a hardware switch register. # 0020 Software Switch Register: # 0 Inhibit Error Halts # 1 Loop on Error # 2 Loop on Test # 3 Halt at end of test # 4 Inhibit Error Typeout # 5 Inhibit CPU Test # 6 Inhibit Memory Extension Test # 7 Inhibit SLU Test # 8 Inhibit RX01 Test # 9 Inhibit Parallel Port Test # 10 Inhibit RTC Test # 11 Run Baud Rate Selector Test d 0020 0400 # # 0023 HCW3 Bits: # 0 Floppy Drive 0 Not Ready # 1 No RX01 Cabled # 2 No Parallel Connection # 3 Use Parallel Device 50 # 4 Peripheral Simulator Attached # 5 SLU #2, #3 Have Loopback d 0023 7000 # # Set a HLT at 7320, after "END OF PASS" message. d 7320 7402 # Get past the SR prompt expect "SR=0400 "; send "\r"; c expect "HW3=7000 "; send "\r"; c #br 3017 br 3623 br 4000 br 5000 br 5400 run 0200 #if (pc != 7321) e state; echof "MAINDEC-08-DKVTB failed."; exit 1 echof "** VT78: CPU Diagnostic passed"